Role of Mass Media on Mankind: Time to Rethink

Pondicherry Journal of Nursing

In the era of 21st century, mass media is important part of everyone's life which includes e-mails, online marketing, education sites, etc. Media and computer facilitated new skills that enable the formation and discussion of ideas, problems, data, and views and in another way of presence via network and communities. This review covers all features of mass media with its positive as well as negative aspects. With the emphasis of media on areas such as education, community, children, adolescent, obesity, sexuality, and business, etc., therefore, this research review describes how mass media will comprehensively affect all aspects. Since 2000, mass media has blossomed to prospect and is still growing limitlessly sideways with media sharing, and several other entries that offered real-time updates were announced by the example of Twitter, Facebook, etc. It has become the vital part of everyone's life. Search strategy: Articles were extracted using MESH keywords, such as children, adolescents, human, electronic mail, mass media, marketing, and health education, etc., from Embase, PubMed, and Google Scholar search engine. For additional information, we also used literature to obtain information on mass media impact in several fields. Mass media use has grown up exponentially over the past era, and this growth is expected to continue. It has a drastic impact on lives of all age-groups. Mass media is an essential or significant force in this modern civilization which has an impact on several aspects of human life. Overall, mass media has both positive effects and negative effects, but overuse of mass media may lead to a tendency of antisocial behavior.