Using Methods of Declarative Logic Programming for Intelligent



At present, the search for specific information on the World Wide Web is faced with several problems, which arise on the one hand from the vast number of information sources available, and on the other hand from their intrinsic heterogeneity, since standards are missing. A promising approach for solving the complex problems emerging in this context is the use of multi-agent systems of information agents, which cooperatively solve advanced information-retrieval problems. This requires advanced capabilities to address complex tasks, such as search and assessment of information sources, query planning, information merging and fusion, dealing with incomplete information, and handling of inconsistency. In this paper, our interest lies in the role which some methods from the field of declarative logic programming can play in the realization of reasoning capabilities for information agents. In particular, we are interested to see in how they can be used, extended, and further developed for the specific needs of this application domain. We review some existing systems and current projects, which typically address information-integration problems. We then focus on declarative knowledge-representation methods, and review and evaluate approaches and methods from logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning for information agents. We discuss advantages and drawbacks, and point out the possible extensions and open issues. Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Intelligent Information Agents 4 3 Problems and Challenges 8 4 Systems and Frameworks 9 4.1 Cohen's Information System for Structured Collections of Text 10 4.2 Information Manifold 11 4.3 Carnot 11 4.4 InfoSleuth 12 4.5 Infomaster 12 4.6 COIN 13 7 Revision and Update 7.1 Revision Programs by Marek and Truszczyński 7.2 Update Rules as Logic Programs by Pereira et al. 7.3 Abductive Updates by Inoue and Sakama 7.4 Updates by Means of PLPs by Foo and Zhang 7.5 Dynamic Logic Programming by Alferes et al. 7.6 Updates and Preferences by Alferes and Pereira 7.7 Inheritance Programs and Updates 7.8 Revision of Preference Default Theories by Brewka 7.9 Arbitration 8 Quantitative Information 8.1 Disjunctive Programs with Weak Constraints by Buccafurri et al. 8.2 Weight Constraint Rules by Niemelä et al. 8.3 Weighted Logic Programming by Marek and Truszczyński 8.4 Probabilistic Programs by Subrahmanian et al. 9 Temporal Reasoning 9.1 Reasoning about Actions 9.2 Temporal Logics for BDI agents 9.3 LUPS, a Language for Specifying Updates 10 Evaluation 10.1 Preference Handling 10.2 Logic Programs with Quantitative Information 10.3 Revision and Update 10.4 Temporal Reasoning 11 Conclusion References