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1989, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Rapid advances in transmission technology and networking have resulted in development of hardware implementations of several communication protocols, called protocol controllers. Such controllers have been developed for several standard protocols such as X.25 and LAPD. Controllers for some transport layer protocols are also under development. Several controllers for the IEEE 802 local area networks have been developed. In this paper, these controllers are surveyed and some characteristics for classifying them are given. Some case studies from these controllers are given as illustrations. In addition, two new developments-the Protocol Engine and the Programmable Protocol Engine-are also described. The Protocol Engine, currently under development, will implement a new protocol called XTP which performs the functions of both the network and transport layers. The Programmable Protocol Engine will be able to implement several connection-oriented protocols by changing contents of a programmable RAM.
Sigplan Notices, 1995
Writing software to control networks is important and di cult. It must be e cient, reliable, and exible. Conduits+ is a framework for network software that has been used to implement the signalling system of a multi-protocol ATM 1 access switch. An earlier version was used to implement TCP/IP. It reduces the complexity of network software, makes it easier to extend or modify network protocols, and is su ciently efcient. Conduits+ shows the power of a componentized object-oriented framework and of common object-oriented design patterns.
1 The work presented in this paper is carried out in the Protocol Processor Project (PRO 3 ) that is co-funded by the European Community under the IST Programme [6]. The PRO 3 project started on January 2000 and is currently on the detailed specifications and architecture phase. The project will deliver the PRO 3 chip, applications demonstrating it as well as a tool suite for programming, compilation and debugging.
IEEE Communications Magazine, 1998
This article discusses the need for standard software interfaces B STRACT for programming of networks, specifically for service and signaling control, through programming interfaces. The objective is t o enable the development of open signaling, control, and management applications as well as higher-level multimedia services o n networks. The scope of this effort includes ATM switches, circuit switches, IP routers, and hybrid switches such as those that provide for fast switching of IP packets over an ATM backbone. The basic ideas represented herein are in the process of development as a standard for application programming interfaces for networks under IEEE Standards Project IEEE PI 520.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1991
Abshurct--This paper describes a new operating system kernel, called the x-kernel, that provides an explicit architecture for constructing and composing network protocols. Our experience implementing and evaluating several protocols in the x-kernel shows that this architecture is both general enough to accommodate a wide range of protocols, yet efficient enough to perform competitively with less structured operating systems.
The design and implementation of a multiprocessor-based communication subsystem - the Parallel Protocol Engine (PPE) - for the parallel and pipelined execution of protocols are described. As an example, an implementation of the ISO 8802-2.2 Logical Link Control on a four-processor version of the PPE is presented and analyzed. The performance of the implementation is more than 16000 Type 2 Information Protocol Data Units per second, commensurate with emerging high-speed networks that operate in the 100 Mb/s range. The overall end-to-end performance of an integrated system, where two workstations, each equipped with a PPE, communicate via a high-speed link, is then analyzed and the problems concerning the soft- and hardware interface to the PPE are presented. 1.0 INTRODUCTION With the advent of high-speed networking technologies such as fiber optics, a traditional bottleneck in communication has disappeared, namely the limited bandwidth of the physical transmission media. Now it is th...
Proceedings of the June 7-10, 1976, national computer conference and exposition on - AFIPS '76, 1976
Public packet switching networks are at various stages of development around the world, notably in the U.S., Canada, France, the United Kingdom and Japan. The success of these networks is highly dependent on the use of an agreed-upon standard device-independent interface between the packet networks and the user devices operating in the packet-mode. This interface consists of far more than the data link control procedure (Le., HDLC), which administers the physical transmission medium between the data terminal equipment (DTE) and the network. The specification of the packet-mode interface defines a set of conventions governing the manner in which DTEs establish, maintain and clear calls, format control information and data into packets and manage the flow of data for many calls over a single circuit to and from the packet network. This paper describes the International Packet-Mode Interface, developed jointly by Telenet Communications Corp., the Trans-Canada Telephone System (TCTS), the United Kingdom Post Office and the French PTT. This interface has been designed to enable DTEs such as computers, programmable terminal controllers and intelligent terminals to gain access to public packet networks throughout the world. The present status of international standardization of this interface within the CCITT is also covered. Standardization of the International Packet-Mode Interface is to the advantage of teleprocessing users, 477 manufacturers of data processing and terminal equipment and common carriers.
Offloading protocol processing will become an important tool in supporting our efforts to deliver increasing bandwidth to applications. In this paper we describe our experience in offloading protocol processing to a programmable gigabit Ethernet network interface card. For our experiments, we selected a simple RTS/CTS (request to send/clear to send) protocol called RMPP (Reliable Message Passing Protocol). This protocol provides endto-end flow control and full message retransmit in the case of a lost or corrupt packet. By carefully selecting parts of the protocol for offloading, we were able to improve the bandwidth delivered to MPI applications from approximately 280 Mb/s to approximately 700 Mb/s using standard, 1500 byte, Ethernet frames. Using "jumbo", 9000 byte, frames the bandwidth improves from approximately 425 Mb/s to 840 Mb/s. Moreover, we were able to show a significant increase in the availability of the host processor. ¡ A. B. Maccabe and W.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2000
The ability to configure transport protocols from collections of smaller software modules allows the characteristics of the protocol to be customized for a specific application or network technology. This paper describes a configurable transport protocol system called CTP in which microprotocols implementing individual attributes of transport can be combined into a composite protocol that realizes the desired overall functionality. In addition to describing the overall architecture of CTP and its microprotocols, this paper also presents experiments on both local area and wide area platforms that illustrate the flexibility of CTP and how its ability to match more closely application needs can result in better application performance. The prototype implementation of CTP has been built using the C version of the Cactus microprotocol composition framework running on Linux.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 1995
Implementation platforms for integrated service communication subsystems providing high performance capabilities are increasingly required. In order to provide high performance, dedicated VLSI components can be used for time-critical processing tasks such as retransmission support or memory management. A modular VLSI implementation architecture designed with specialized components allows for service flexibility. The components can be parametrized and may be selected individually dependent on the service required by the application. The implementation architecture is not limited to a certain protocol and allows the implementation of high-speed protocols with fixed size packet headers. The paper describes the architecture in general and dedicated parts in more detail. Preliminary performance values are presented and compared with measurements of typical software implementations.
Software: Practice and Experience, 1993
A traditional protocol implementation typically consists of at least two distinct parts, a sender and a receiver. Each part runs on a distinct machine, with the implementation provided by a local expert. At best, the two machines are of the same type and the protocol implementations are provided by the same person. More likely, however, the machines are not of the same type and the implementations of the two halves of the protocol are provided by two different people, working from an often loosely defined protocol specification. It seems almost unavoidable that the two implementations are not quite compatible.
Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part I: Communications), 2005
In this paper, we propose and discuss a method for achieving expandability and portability through the protocol specifications and implementation of a virtual network. Technologies based on graph abstractions such as link-state routing and broadcast techniques do not fundamentally depend on specific network technologies. Today, in order for these technologies to directly use the identifiers and communication protocols defined by a specific network technology, portability to other network technologies and adaptability to a heterogeneous network environment are degraded. The portability and adaptability to a heterogeneous network environment are improved by designing and implementing these technologies for a virtual network and emulating the virtual network on various networks. In this paper, to construct a virtual network, we explain a method for emulating the virtual datalink ANCIF proposing the same media access control protocol and protocol development using ANCIF. In practice, we applied and implemented ANCIF on various real networks, and measured the protocol overhead resulting from the virtual implementation. The result was extremely small overhead and almost no effect on performance. Finally, we discuss the portability to other network technologies and the adaptability to a heterogeneous network environment which are obtained by applying ANCIF.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1991
A description is given of L.0, an executable specification language designed for describing communications protocols and similar reactive systems. L.0 is synchronous and rule-based. The rules are either cause-effect rules or constraints. Rules can be activated and deactivated dynamically, and several can be fired simultaneously. L.0 has modern notions of encapsulation and data sharing. Indirection, quantification, and recursive definition of
Software: Practice and Experience, 1991
LANSF is a software package that was originally designed as a tool to investigate the behaviour of medium access control (MAC) level protocols. These protocols form an interesting class of distributed computations: timing of events is the key factor in them. The protocol definition language of LANSF is based on C, and protocols are specified (programmed) as collections of communicating, interrupt-driven processes. These specifications are executable: an event-driven emulator of MAC-level communication phenomena forms the foundation of the implementation. Some tools for debugging, testing, and validation of protocol specifications are provided. We present key features of LANSF at the syntactic level, comment informally on the semantics of these features, and highlight some implementation issues. A complete example of a LANSF application is discussed in the Appendix.
Laboratory of Advanced …, 2003
This paper focuses on two questions: (1) how do properties of next-generation network services affect programmable router architectures and (2) how do properties of programmable router architectures affect the design of next-generation network services. We address these questions in the ...
Wireless Personal Communications - WIREL PERS COMMUN, 2007
The society of telecommunication and computer networks encompasses a wide variety of organizations, forums and industry companies that specify, standardize, evaluate, implement and deploy network infrastructures. These infrastructures are well defined and deployed in order to offer high quality end-user services and meet the need for interconnectivity, expandability and upgradeability. What users see and experience is the tip of the iceberg. Great amount of time and money is spent in specification, standardization, design, debugging, testing (both conformance and stress) and finally evaluating network components or subsystems before the deployment takes place. The framework, proposed in the current paper and implemented in open source software library, provides an object oriented methodology for the implementation of network protocols and the software realization of network components. The method is formed in respect to: (a) operating system architecture (b) network architecture and (c) Object Oriented (OO) methodology.
international journal of engineering trends and technology, 2014
Data Link Layer is the protocol layer which transfers data between connected networks. It provides the functional and procedural means to transfer data between network and its nodes. It also provide the means to rectify the errors and usually correct it that may occur in the Physical Layer. Study and simulate protocol to analyse and find the advantages and disadvantages to improve the quality of protocol such that it handles the network data transmission in proper way. The protocol is studied so that the details of the protocols are revealed and the limitations of the protocol can be overcome later. In this research paper we give a brief introduction about Data Link Layer Protocols and introduced a new protocol (Protocol 7) to overcome the problem of previous protocols on the basis of priority of the frame.
Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2009
This work presents the development of an IEEE 1451.2 protocol controller based on a low-cost FPGA that is directly connected to the parallel port of a conventional personal computer. In this manner it is possible to implement a Network Capable Application Processor (NCAP) based on a personal computer, without parallel port modifications. This approach allows supporting the ten signal lines of the 10-wire IEEE 1451.2 Transducer Independent Interface (TII), that connects the network processor to the Smart Transducer Interface Module (STIM) also defined in the IEEE 1451.2 standard. The protocol controller is connected to the STIM through the TII's physical interface, enabling the portability of the application at the transducer and network processor level. The protocol controller architecture was fully developed in VHDL language and we have projected a special prototype configured in a general-purpose programmable logic device. We have implemented two versions of the protocol controller, which is based on IEEE 1451 standard, and we have obtained results using simulation and experimental tests.
The paper presents the design and implementation of a UDP-based protocol for Distributed Automation Systems. It is based on client/server interactions. Protocol specification is given together with its syntax, grammar and semantics. Message formats, protocol vocabulary and communication rules are described. The possible applications of the protocol are discussed and a sample implementation of the server and client are shown in the paper. Initial tests of the effectiveness of the protocol are made. The experiments are test-bed, carried out in the experimental network in "Distributed Systems and Computer Networks Lab" in Technical University of Sofia, branch Plovdiv ( They include evaluation of the communication capacity of the protocol. The minimum, maximum and average response times are calculated from the experimental results. . Over the recent years there is a trend for adaptation of enterprise technologies in Distributed Automation Systems. The vendor specific standards are replaced with popular open standards of communication between automation nodes in plants, and between plants themselves. Most automation standards are limited in distance, number of devices or speed. This leads to implementations of automation protocols based on standard TCP/IP communication over standard links (Ethernet, WiFi, ATM) [1, 5, 6].
Software: Practice and Experience, 1989
This paper describes two software tools-a message manager and a map manager-used to implement network protocols. The tools are provided as part of the x-kernel, an operating system kernel designed to support the construction and composition of protocols. For each tool, we briefly motivate the network task that needs to be done, give a high-level specification of the tool, outline the algorithms and data structures used to implement the tool and give concrete examples of how the tool is used to implement real protocols. We also demonstrate how the tools, even though they are designed for general use, perform efficiently.
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