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The paper discusses the effectiveness of aid in facilitating development, highlighting that the proper distribution of aid based on an assessment of recipient countries' needs is crucial. It differentiates between humanitarian and development aid while addressing donor motivations that often skew the intended developmental outcomes. The introduction of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) aims to refocus aid effectiveness away from donor interests towards genuine developmental objectives, emphasizing that the impact of aid is contingent on donor attitudes, not merely the volume of aid provided.
Paul A. Haslam, Jessica Schafer and Pierre Beaudet, eds. Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors, Issues, and Practice. Third Edition. Oxford University Press, pp. 141-160, 2017
Official Development Assistance is a significant global enterprise. Organsiations engaged in funding and implementing ODA (the bilateral donors, multilateral organsiations such as the World Bank and IMF) have unprecedented political and economic influence over a large number of sovereign developing countries. This paper analyses if, and how financialisation impacts on development aid, and implications for effective aid policy agendas, drawing on and linking critical debate on finacialisation, and ODA. Subsequent to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the persistence of the European Monitory Crisis (EMC), specific needs of developing countries became increasingly sub-ordinated to political and ideological power relations between ‘real’ economics and financial economics otherwise known as financialisation. The paper finds ‘financialisation’ as the ideological, political and economic catalyst for economic growth potentially confusing long-term development to combat poverty, and a short term need to overcome the lack of financial capacity in developing recipient countries. Sustainable economic development requires developing countries to forsake the pursuit of financialisation and to re-delineate their national finance, trade and investment regimes, and re-state it in a balanced manner as to take into account their unique economic development needs rather that the donor agencies’ demands and to advance their own ‘real’ economies.
ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law, 1995
Negotiations are currently being held at the United Nations for the formation of an Agenda for Development. In the center of these negotiations lies the role of the international community and, in particular, the role of developed countries in providing adequate Official Development Assistance (ODA) for the economic growth and sustainable development of developing countries. The idea of establishing a specific target for the amount of ODA was originally proposed in 1958, at a meeting of the World Council of Churches, and was then circulated to various United Nations delegations. The proposal stated the following: If contributing countries could devote one percent of their respective national
Whereas 22 developed countries have pledged to contribute a paltry 0.7% of their GDP in form of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to developing countries, after 40 years of the commitment, only five countries have come close to that target. This paper argues that even then, the assistance is provided inefficiently since most of it is spent as unsolicited expensive Technical Assistance or repatriated in form of input purchase conditionalities. The paper also argues that ODA figures are artificially inflated by donors including forgiven debts as new assistance. It traces the recent history of development assistance from the Marshall Plan to the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. It singles out aid conditionalities as "master-student arrogance". It also criticises endless postponement of deadlines for achieving human development goals as tantamount to goal-shifting. Finally, it concludes that external aid cannot deliver a country from poverty, since the amounts commi...
Economics Bulletin, 2012
We must tie greater aid to political and legal and economic reforms. A USD5 billion annual increase…will be devoted to projects in nations that govern justly, invest in their people and encourage economic freedom." President George W. Bush, Monterrey, 22 March 2002 i President Bush's address to the United Nations Conference on Financing for Development with its startling announcement of a 50% increase in United States Official Development Assistance (ODA) has put the issue of aid conditionality at the forefront of the development debate. To understand and evaluate the impact of the announcement, it is worthwhile examining the concept of ODA and the role of conditionality in that concept. The paper will then consider to what extent, and to what effect, has democratic governance become one of the conditions for the granting of ODA. Situating ODA The starting point might be to situate ODA in comparison to other major financial flows. Using OECD figures 2 , ODA by OECD members in 2000 amounted to USD53 billion which was .22% of donor countries' combined Gross National Income (GNI). The United States contribution was USD10 billion which was .1% of GNI. Accordingly, to raise US ODA to USD15 billion would take it to .15% of GNI, still well below the OECD average and, of course, well below the .7% target set by the Brandt Commission. For the purpose of comparison Australia provided USD987 million or .27% of GNI. It is interesting to compare the USD53 billion to other flows. The flow of private capital to developing countries in 2000 was approximately USD120 billion. The figure has still not recovered from the 1997 East Asian financial crisis. In that year the flow of private capital was USD270 billion, more than five times the ODA flow. The total flow of government domestic agricultural subsidies in Europe, Japan and the United States is estimated at USD310 billion or nearly six times the ODA flow. This means that the average European cow receives USD2.50 a day in subsidies while 75% of people in sub-Saharan Africa live on less than USD2 a day. 3 And we should also note that global military expenditure is around USD700 billion. 4 ODA is therefore not nearly as significant a sum as many people imagine. 5 Its value is in part compromised by the reverse flow from developing countries to donors in the form of debt servicing. Total debt in 2000 has been estimated at USD2 trillion 6 and one of the startling facts which generated the outcry that resulted in the IMF-led debt relief strategy was that in 1996 sub-Saharan Africa paid $2.5 billion more in debt servicing than it received in new long-term loans and credits. In September 1996, the IMF and the World Bank launched a program to address this situation. The Initiative for the "Heavily Indebted Poor Countries" (HIPC Initiative) is designed to provide exceptional assistance to eligible countries following sound economic policies to help them reduce their external debt burden to sustainable levels. The total cost of providing assistance to 34 countries under the enhanced HIPC Initiative is estimated to be over $30 billion, freeing countries from over $50 billion in payments. 8 Another important qualification is that about half of all bilateral aid is tied to the procurement of goods and services from the donor country. 9 While tied aid may be an understandable political constraint it has been estimated that it raises the cost of goods and services by between 15-30% thus lessening the value of ODA. The Rationale for ODA The donor states give three principal motivations for ODA. 10
Applied Economics, 2022
According to the World Bank 2017 statistics, the inequalities between rich and poor countries have increased despite an 80% increase in the official development assistance volume. This persisted, even under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) regime (2000-2015), a period during which developing countries' needs were assumed to be at the centre of the international community's actions. Thus, one may question the effectiveness of aid and the real motivations of donor countries. This article aims to examine the factors that determine the bilateral official development assistance (BODA) allocation by using more recent data, and with an emphasis on whether donor countries have put into place a wish from the MDGs to largely take into account the needs of recipient countries in their ODA allocation decisions. Among other results, we show that the needs of recipient countries are taken into account by only small donors (in terms of volume) in their aid decisions. The major ODA providers do not follow the trend. Thus, rowing in line with the MDGs, putting the needs of recipient countries at the centre of BODA allocation was mainly limited to small ODA donors. Donor interest was is put forward by most of the donor countries.
I VII country level. The overall results suggest that the ODA in general, and grants in particular, have a trade distorting effect, and were felt to justify comparable investigations for the five other case study countries.
IMF Policy Discussion Papers
The views expressed in this Policy Discussion Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Policy Discussion Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to further debate. This paper highlights the macro and microeconomic challenges associated with success of the effort to mobilize 0.7 percent of GNP for official development assistance (ODA). To promote achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, enhanced ODA must be as productive as possible. In weighing the distribution of enhanced ODA among countries, the paper emphasizes the need to limit potentially adverse "real transfer effects." It recommends a multi-pronged approach to ODA that includes, inter alia, in addition to direct bilateral transfers, enhanced use of trust funds and the financing of global public goods.
OECD Development Co-operation Working Papers, 2013
The definition of Official Development Assistance (ODA) has for 40 years been the global standard for measuring donor efforts in supporting development cooperation objectives. It has provided the yardstick for documenting the volume and the terms of the concessional resources provided, assessing donor performance against their aid pledges and enabling partner countries, civil society and others to hold donors to account. Yet for all its value, the ODA definition has always reflected a compromise between political expediency and statistical reality. It is based on interpretation and consensus and therefore allows for flexibility. It has evolved over the decades, while preserving the original concepts of a definition based on principal developmental motivation, official character and a degree of concessionality. While agreement on the ODA concept was a major achievement, discussion of the appropriateness of this measure has never ended. The paper documents the evolution of the ODA concept and proposes a possible new approach to measuring aid effort.
Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs, 2015
Interpreted through the realist lenses, aid programmes of donor countries are assumed to be driven by donors' national-interest motivations, which are both political and economic [5,6]. The basic reason for this is that so long as states fear and suspect each other
Cultural Sociology of the Middle east, Asia & Africa, 2012
IIIS Discussion Paper 437
The definition of Official Development Assistance (ODA) has for 40 years been the global standard for measuring donor efforts in supporting development co-operation objectives. It has provided the yardstick for documenting the volume and the terms of the concessional resources provided, assessing donor performance against their aid pledges and enabling partner countries, civil society and others to hold donors to account. Yet for all its value, the ODA definition has always reflected a compromise between political expediency and statistical reality. As such it is based on interpretation and consensus and therefore allows for flexibility. It has evolved over the decades, while preserving the original concepts of a definition based on principal developmental motivation, official character and a degree of concessionality. While agreement on a consensus definition was a major achievement, discussion of the appropriateness of this measure has never ended, with a growing debate about whether ODA covers either too many activities or too few. We agree that the ODA concept has limitations. But the essence of it deserves to be retained, albeit in an amended state. To address prevailing concerns and to inform the debate, we propose an alternative measure of Official Development Effort (ODE). Furthermore, given that aid will continue to be an important part of development finance for some time to come, we argue that ODE could be useful in framing the post-2015 development agenda.
Indian Journal of Public Administration, 2017
Good governance emphasises upon efficient and effective institutional mechanism, greater transparency, people’s participation, citizen-centric services and accountability. These reforms are not only limited to national governance practices but also applicable to distribution, disbursement and effectiveness of development assistance. The objective of development assistance is to provide opportunities to needy, deprived and disadvantageous sections of the society. The available data on development assistance clearly demonstrate that rich countries, Development Assistance Countries (DACs) provide financial assistance to poor countries and it has reached US$100 billion in recent years. Non-DAC bilateral assistance (NDBA) is more than US$8 billion in Office of Disaster Assistance (ODA) and US$5 billion annually in country programmable aid (CPA). Private aid (PrA) from DAC members contribute between US$58 billion and 68 billion per year. Total aid flows to developing countries currently a...
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