Is Aid an Effective Tool for Development



The paper discusses the effectiveness of aid in facilitating development, highlighting that the proper distribution of aid based on an assessment of recipient countries' needs is crucial. It differentiates between humanitarian and development aid while addressing donor motivations that often skew the intended developmental outcomes. The introduction of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) aims to refocus aid effectiveness away from donor interests towards genuine developmental objectives, emphasizing that the impact of aid is contingent on donor attitudes, not merely the volume of aid provided.

Key takeaways

  • A discussion of the relationship between aid and development may be best understood by first exploring the meaning of the concepts of aid and development.
  • The definition offered by OECD does not include types of assistance that have historically been considered as aid, such as military aid or aid provided by new donor countries such as China.
  • However, in contrast with traditional donors, China provides aid through its own banking system rather than aid agencies.
  • Unfortunately amongst the biggest aid donors, the primary motivation for aid giving is commercial, political, military and strategic interests.
  • For example, aid provided to Israel by the US is highly unlikely to have a positive impact on global poverty and development, simply because the latter objectives are not the primary target of aid in this case.