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Ahmet T. Kuru, dalam bukunya menunjukkan beberapa data yang menyebabkan ketertinggalan negara mayoritas Muslim. Pertama, otoritarianisme yang tidak proporsional. Berdasarkan data dari Freedom House yang dirilis tahun 2013 menunjukkan bahwa tidak sampai satu per lima dari 49 negara myaoritas Muslim yang menganut demokrasi elektoral. Kedua, ketertinggalan sosio-ekonomi. Negara-negara mayoritas Muslim mencatat pencapaian yang lebih rendah dari rata-rata dunia dalam bidang melek huruf, lama masa sekolah, pendapatan nasional bruto, dan tingkat harapan hidup.
Abstraksi On the historical stage, discourses struggle about the gender movement, feminism, and equality between men and women are part of emancipation, democratization and cultural humanism. Day after day, indictment and claims are discriminated, suppression of, and violence to, women are more and more increasing. Speaking about gender, we usually find more discrimination in social context. The social context is actually influenced by religious view point dominating in the area. Therefore, gender problems cannot be separated from both factors–religion and social context. The Problem of equality between men and women has been much discussed in this field, but study about women's authority and existence in religious ritual practice as a leader, is still rare. For that reason, this paper will discuss women's access to religious authority, by comparing two religious traditions in Islam and Buddhism. In order to be systematic of discussion, at first, we would like to describe of how religious tradition gives an access to women in ritual practices such to be Imam of Shalat in Islam (Prayer) or Nuns in Buddhism.
Kegawatdaruratan adalah kejadian yang tidak diduga atau terjadi secara tiba-tiba, seringkali merupakan kejadian yang berrbahaya (Dorlan, 2011).
Jurnal Mutawatir, 2017
This article lies on the basic assumption of the heavy influence of power relation in interpreting religious texts. That is because the meaning of religious texts is often determined by the framework of interpretation and the model used by the exegetes. The discursive relations between the exegete and his tendency of political interest in the dialectical discourse of texts (al-nas} s}) and power (al-sult} ah), are likely potential to produce a rhythm of meaning that is non-humanitarian (al-lâ insânîyah). As a result, religious texts that should be interpreted in egalitarian sense are of marginalized. This study attempts to trace the basic paradigm of the interpretation of the khilâfah as an aqidah to the power as political ideology until the emergence of the movement of takfîrî. These three terms are a series of interpretive concepts in the framework of naz} arîyat al-tafwîd} al-ilâhî which are translated into the theory of divine authority. At this point, the enigma of politicizing religious texts comes into two models of interpretation: authoritarian and egalitarian. Abstrak: Artikel ini menganalisis relasi kuasa dapat mempengaruhi penafsir dalam memaknai teks-teks keagamaan, sebab keberlangsungan inklusivitas pemaknaan teks-teks keagamaan itu ditentukan oleh kerangka penafsiran dan model interpretasi yang digunakan. Relasi diskursif antara penafsir dan kecenderungan minat politiknya dalam dialektika teks dan kekuasaan berpotensi memproduksi ritme pemaknaan yang tidak humanitarian (al-lâ insânîyah). Akibatnya, teks-teks keagamaan yang semestinya ditafsirkan dengan egalitarian tidak dapat dientitaskan, namun justru termarjinalkan. Artikel ini berupaya untuk melacak estafet paradigma penafsiran dari khilâfah sebagai akidah ke kekuasaan sebagai ideologi politik hingga munculnya gerakan pengkafiran. Ketiga terma tersebut merupakan rangkaian konsep penafsiran dalam naz} arîyat al-tafwîd} al-ilâhî yang diterjemahkan dengan teori otoritas ilahi. Pada titik ini, enigma politisasi teks-teks keagamaan hadir sebagai ruang diskusi dua model penafsiran: otoritarian dan egalitarian.
QOF Vol. 2, No. 1, 2018
This article specifically studied about Khaled Abou el Fadl's thought about the authority and authoritarianism in the interpretation. The Qur'an, divine Kalam, has the ultimate authority in human life, where it's part of God's manifestation in realizing the intent and purpose. The effort to understand the Qur'an has been done since the verse was revealed and even developed in accordance with the times and has produced many exegetical products, such as Sufi interpretation, fiqh, philosophy, etc. The Divine Message neatly arranged in the Qur'an has been shaped a text. The text as a sign represents the Divine purpose in conveying its meaning. Therefore, the reader must be wise and careful in understanding the text of the Qur'an. If the reader is careless in understanding al Qur'an though only slightly, they will be authoritarian people.
Perdarahan yang mengancam nyawa selama kehamilan dan dekat cukup bulan meliputi perdarahan yang terjadi pada minggu awal kehamilan (abortus, mola hidatidosa, kista vasikuler, kehamilan ekstrauteri/ ektopik) dan perdarahan pada minggu akhir kehamilan dan mendekati cukup bulan (plasenta previa, solusio plasenta, ruptur uteri, perdarahan persalinan per vagina setelah seksio sesarea, retensio plasentae/ plasenta inkomplet), perdarahan pasca persalinan, hematoma, dan koagulopati obstetri.
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan adalah lembaga negara yang dibentuk berdasarkan pada Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 2011 yang berfungsi menyelenggarakan sistem pengaturan dan pengawasan yang terintegrasi terhadap keseluruhan kegiatan di dalam sektor jasa keuangan.
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M. Hengky Angguna Almansyah
Jurnal Adhikari, 2022
Tinjauan Yuridis dan Teoritis Kerjasama Luar Negeri