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“There are three processes for attaining freedom from the bondage of action: (1) relinquishing any desire for the fruits of action, or Phalákáḿkśá Tyága, (2) Abandoning the vanity of performing an act, or Kartrtvábhimána Tyága, and (3) surrendering all actions unto Brahma (the Supreme Consciousness). All of these have to be followed in the individual life, but it must be kept in mind that they all have to be strictly observed. To be more explicit, these rules are the different aspects of one and the same process,” explains Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. “It is invariably true that the separate identity of the soul is completely dissolved by totally submitting the mind to Brahma. As a consequence of this, human beings qualify for the attainment of liberation (Mukti) or salvation (Mokśa). Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti (1921-1990) was a Tantric guru in the tradition of Shiva and Krishna. He introduced the empowered universal spiritual mantra “Baba Nam Kevalam”, composed a collection of 5018 spiritual songs called Prabháta Saḿgiita, and founded the socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“the Path of Bliss”). – Richard Gauthier, Department of Chemistry and Physics, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California, USA, August 22, 2021.
“There are four dimensions of Yoga psychology – from the múládhára cakra to the mańipura cakra; from the mańipura cakra to the vishuddha cakra; from the vishuddha cakra to the ájiṋá cakra; and above the ájiṋá cakra. These dimensions of psychology correspond to the four phases of meditation,” explains Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. “If one is unable to attain salvation in a particular life, one gets a human body in the next life and is guided by parapsychology.” “When the Guru is pleased with the disciples’ efforts, the Guru graces them by encouraging and enhancing their good propensities and by reducing their bad ones by microvita. The good propensities are enhanced by positive microvita and the bad propensities are reduced by positive microvita. Through microvita the Guru does the needful to increase or decrease the secretion of the glands.” Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti (1921-1990) was a Tantric guru in the tradition of Shiva and Krishna. He introduced the empowered universal spiritual mantra “Baba Nam Kevalam”, composed a collection of 5018 spiritual songs called Prabháta Saḿgiita, and founded the socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“the Path of Bliss”). – Richard Gauthier, Department of Chemistry and Physics, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California, USA, August 15, 2021.
"It is the empirical knowledge of previous animal life that leads human beings to material enjoyments on the one hand, while the more developed inspiration of their soul seeks to lead them to consciousness; and thus a constant clash is going on in the human mind between crudeness and consciousness". "Those who take the crude as their objective, have to come again and again into this material world in crude forms to enjoy and endure the crude. Trudging along a dark path they are gradually transformed into matter," explains Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. "Those who seek final beatitude and eternal shelter, should strive for the achievement of spiritual perfection, then the urge for self-existence or happiness will find the ultimate consummation. They will live eternally; they alone will be truly immortal; they alone will establish themselves in deathlessness. The rhythmic peculiarities of the crude and subtle causes, the recurrence of birth and death--none of these will be any longer of importance to them. They will attain final emancipation and become established in the Infinite Entity of Supreme Shreya or Bliss." Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (1921-1990) was a Tantric guru in the tradition of Shiva and Krishna. He introduced the empowered universal spiritual mantra "Baba Nam Kevalam", composed a collection of 5018 spiritual songs called Prabháta Saḿgiita, and founded the socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga ("the Path of Bliss").
“Samádhi becomes a natural phenomenon as a result of continuous spiritual practice [dhyána sádhaná and other lessons],” explains Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. “To attain supreme spiritual salvation, it is not necessary for a sádhaka to experience any samádhi at all. For example, passengers traveling on a Kolkata-bound train may or may not be able to see the sights of Jamalpur or Bhagalpur towns if the doors and window-shutters are closed. Although the passengers are unaware of the towns they are passing through, they still reach their destinations. In the spiritual world also, the sádhaka, while ideating on the Supreme, will certainly pass through the different stages of realization without necessarily being aware of it. When the all-merciful Táraka Brahma (Supreme Guru) physically comes to Earth in the form of a sadguru, He helps deserving sádhakas to attain this type of samádhi. Even when He is physically absent from this world, He helps deserving persons to attain this samádhi through other gurus.” Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, (1921-1990), was a spiritual master and guru in the tradition of Shiva and Krishna, and founded the international socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“the Path of Bliss”).
“The true devotees love the world, the society and everything around because they perceive each and every manifestation of the artful Prakrti (Supreme Creative Power) with one universal spirit. They also love the finite, since it is also a portion of the Universal. They perceive worldly pleasures as divine bliss varied by time, place and person. They keep their mind-stuff absorbed in the eternal currents of the divine flow. Such devoted aspirants are the only true enjoyers or rasika and their object of enjoyment is the Supreme Brahma (God).” Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti (1921-1990) was a Tantric guru in the tradition of Shiva and Krishna. He introduced the empowered universal spiritual mantra “Baba Nam Kevalam”, composed a collection of 5018 spiritual songs called Prabháta Saḿgiita, and founded the socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“the Path of Bliss”). – Richard Gauthier, Department of Chemistry and Physics, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California, USA, August 18, 2021.
“Shivashaktyátmakaḿ Brahma” -- The Cosmic Entity is the composite of Shiva (Consciousness) and Shakti (Operative Principle). Thus begins Ánanda Sútram, meaning “aphorisms leading to ánanda, divine bliss.” The eighty-five sútras of this book serve, with breathtaking conciseness, as a framework for a new Cosmic ideology. In this book, the author has in a few vivid strokes presented humanity with original concepts of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and macro-history. He has also set out for the first time a socio-economic approach conceived in the light of spiritual philosophy, blending subjective approach with objective adjustment, that offers the world a progressive social system based on economic justice. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (1921-1990), or Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, was a spiritual guru and social philosopher who propounded PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory) and founded the socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“the Path of Bliss”). Richard Gauthier, Department of Chemistry and Physics, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California, USA, April 22, 2021.
“If spiritual aspirants learn the proper techniques of sádhaná from a competent master,” explains Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, “and practice the same regularly and with utmost sincerity and devotion, they will move towards Parama Puruśa (Supreme Consciousness) with firm steps. Their entire existence becomes illuminated with the effulgence of Supreme veracity, of divine realization.” “You may have noticed that some people become extremely sad or extremely happy after being initiated. This is a good sign because it shows that the saḿskáras (karmic reactions) are being exhausted very quickly, but this sort of reaction does not occur merely by hearing the mantra or repeating it parrot-like. One must be initiated according to the prescribed system. Only then will the mantra be effective. This will be clear to those practicing Ananda Marga meditation.” Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, (1921-1990), was a spiritual master and guru in the tradition of Shiva and Krishna, and founded the international socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“the Path of Bliss”).
“You are spiritual aspirants. Hence you are yogis, and you should know that the only interpretation of yoga is Saḿyogo yoga ityukto jiivátma-Paramátmanah. (The unification of jiivátmá, that is, unit consciousness, with Paramátmá, the Supreme Consciousnes, is yoga.) All other explanations are baseless” explains Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. “And you should also remember that your movement towards your Iśt́a (one whom you love most, whom you want most) is your yogic practice, and your unification with your Iśt́a is your yogic goal, is the final desideratum of all the flows of all your psychic propensities. The question of suspension of psychic propensities does not arise.” Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, (1921-1990), was a spiritual master in the tradition of Shiva and Krishna, who founded the international socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“the Path of Bliss”). – Richard Gauthier, St. George Utah, February 16, 2023.
"Shivashaktyátmakaḿ Brahma"--The Cosmic Entity is the composite of Shiva (Consciousness) and Shakti (Operative Principle). Thus begins Ánanda Sútram, meaning "aphorisms leading to ánanda, divine bliss." The eighty-five sútras of this book serve, with breathtaking conciseness, as a framework for a new Cosmic ideology. In this book, the author has in a few vivid strokes presented humanity with original concepts of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and macrohistory. He has also set out for the first time a socioeconomic approach conceived in the light of spiritual philosophy, blending subjective approach with objective adjustment, that offers the world a progressive social system based on economic justice. This is Chapter 1 of his 5-chapter book Ananda Sutram. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (1921-1990), or Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, was a spiritual guru and social philosopher who propounded PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory) and founded the socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“the Path of Bliss”).
The universe originates from non-qualified infinite Supreme Consciousness, which evolves an infinite Cosmic Mind and then evolves the universe within this Cosmic Mind. Protozoic minds and bodies evolve over many lifetimes through plants and animals to human beings, whose minds finally merge into non-qualified Supreme Consciousness. This Cosmic Cycle is unending. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti answers questions about his Ananda Marga (“Path of Bliss”) philosophy that is the ideological basis of the international Ananda Marga socio-spiritual movement. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar) (1921-1990) was a spiritual guru in the tradition of Shiva and Krishna. – Richard Gauthier, St. George, Utah, USA. April 3, 2022.
“Ananda Marga (‘the Path of Bliss’) is not a change merely due to the cycle of time, but a revolution – a radical change – in the true sense,” explains Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. “Never before in the entire history of this world, or the universe, if that could be known to mortals, has a system of life embracing the economic, social, mental and spiritual spheres been correlated in a closely- knit society, as it has in Ananda Marga.” P. R. Sarkar explains how the basis for creating a universal society has been laid through the social, economic, metaphysical and spiritual approach of Ananda Marga. Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (1921-1990) was the Dharma guru of the socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga that he founded in 1955 and which became a global movement for a new society based on spirituality and neohumanism.
This introductory article presents an intellectual property of Moksha Society ‘Mokshatit’ as supreme law and a technique to achieve an inner peace as well as height of liberty through yoga. ‘Mokshatit’ is such height where enlightenment is unalienable to a yogi. Anyone, conscious mind and evoked soul within a body can practice it easily. After Lord Krishna expressed His thought in Vagbat Geeta so many achieved Moksha. Later Lord Buddha made it more comfortable and various souls enjoyed the liberation. Jesus the Christ spread His love and forgiveness to liberate all. Now, after hundreds of years a complete technique is ready. You are known now. You liberate yourself from all kind of existential attachments. You are now freeing forever, neither active nor passive. Even not in wheel between those two. You’ve attained beyond. Enlightened, liberated and after this MOKSHATIT! Since 2008 AD this spiritual property belongs to Moksha Society (MS) Nepal.
“What a miserable and helpless condition people are in when they have to lower their heads in fear before sinners, and adharma triumphs over dharma! They can do nothing under such circumstances. Under such awful circumstances, Parama Puruśa (the Supreme Consciousness personified) Himself has to come and take stern measures. In order to save humankind from such an extreme situation, Parama Puruśa will certainly have to do something,” explains Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar. “Hence in order to annihilate evil-doers and restore dharma, Parama Puruśa showers His special grace and compassion. This special effort is necessary because the place of dharma is above all else; its importance is greater than that of anything else.” “So you must under all circumstances give first priority and primary importance to dharma. Victory is assured to those who put dharma above everything else. Under no circumstances can they be defeated. Never have they been, nor are they now, nor will they be in future.” P. R. Sarkar (1921-1990) was a dharma guru in the tradition of Shiva and Krishna. Among many other contributions, he introduced the empowered universal spiritual mantra “Baba Nam Kevalam”, composed a collection of 5018 spiritual songs called Prabháta Saḿgiita, and founded the socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“the Path of Bliss”).
Dharana is more truthfully described as: 'Awareness, manifesting as the sense of self, focusing through the medium of mind and any of the other six senses 2 , upon the appearance of a separate sense object in order to finally perceive both sense of self, mind, senses and object as one continuum of sentience and space.'
“The human body is a biological machine”, explains Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. “No body deviates from this rule – all physical bodies are biological machines. The different types of lessons in Ananda Marga sádhaná [spiritual practices] are designed to strengthen the different cakras and control the propensities. Guru dhyána [meditation on the guru] strengthens the sahasrára cakra. If there is control over the sahasrára cakra, then the body and mind can be controlled completely. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, (1921-1990), was a spiritual master in the tradition of Shiva and Krishna, who founded the international socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“the Path of Bliss”).
“In Ananda Marga sádhaná,” explains Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, “the method of withdrawing the mind from degrading tendencies and absorbing oneself in the color of the Great, is called pratyáhára yoga [the yoga of withdrawal] or varńárghyadána [the offering of colors].” “If you want to attain the bliss of Brahma (Supreme Consciousness), you must offer your own self. If you want to have the Great “I”, you must give away your own little “I”. You have to give the full sixteen annas (the full rupee). Giving fifteen annas and holding back one anna will not do.” Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, (1921-1990), was a spiritual master and guru in the tradition of Shiva and Krishna, and founded the international socio-spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“the Path of Bliss”).
ABSTRACT The paper discusses the issue of psychophysical agency in the context of Indian philosophy, focusing on the oldest preserved texts of the classical tradition of Sāṃkhya-Yoga. the author raises three major questions: What is action in terms of Sāṃkhyakārikā (ca. fifth century CE) and Yogasūtra (ca. third century CE)? Whose action is it, or what makes one an agent? What is a right and morally good action? the first part of the paper reconsiders a general idea of action — including actions that are deliberately done and those that 'merely' happen — identified by Patañjali and Ῑśvarakṛṣṇa as a permanent change or transformation (pariṇāma) determined by the universal principle of causation (satkārya). then, a threefold categorization of actions according to their causes is presented, i.e. internal agency (ādhyātmika), external agency (ādhi bhautika) and 'divine' agency (ādhidaivika). the second part of the paper undertakes the prob lem of the agent's autonomy and the doer' s psychophysical integrity. the main issues that are exposed in this context include the relationship between an agent and the agent's capacity for perception and cognition, as well as the crucial Sāṃkhya-Yoga distinction between 'a doer' and 'the self '. the agent's self-awareness and his or her moral self-esteem are also briefly examined. moreover, the efficiency of action in present and future is discussed (i.e. karman, karmāśaya, saṃskāra, vāsanā), along with the criteria of a right act accomplished through meditative in sight (samādhi) and moral discipline (yama).
True happiness of an everlasting nature is the happiness of the spirit which is the true essence of human beings. Indian religions teach that achieving Super Consciousness is the goal of human life. A desirable lifestyle for a human being would be achieving the two goals: (1) leading the life of a common householder, discharging all the duties and obligations towards one " s family and society; and (2) actively involved in the pursuit of ParamPurushartha, i.e. Super Consciousness. The lifestyle that enables one to pursue these twin goals effectively can, therefore, be aptly called the " Optimal Trajectory of Life " .Radhasoami Faith offers to its followers the Optimal Trajectory of Life while continuing to be an active member of society and fulfilling all obligations towards fellow man.This paper presents the formulation of spiritual scenarios based on the Karma Theory of Radhasoami Faith that will assist an earnest seeker in defining an Optimal Trajectory to reorient his life for staying on Niviritti Marg, and attain Super Consciousness. The generated spiritual scenarios demonstrate that a devotee can easily, though gradually, overcome or reduce the effect of the karmas(Adi Karma, Sanchit Karma, Prarabdh Karma and Kriyamana Karma) and achieve the ultimate Goal of the life bypractising the following:-A devotee must perform spiritual practice and have love and trust in the Mercy of the Supreme Father;-A devotee should resign himself wholly to the Will and Pleasure of the Supreme Being.
IJMRAP, 2021
Yoga is a way to connect oneself to God. The term 'yoga' can be found in various sruti and smerti texts. Specifically, yoga is described in Indian philosophy (darsana), otherwise known as the yoga sutras composed by Maharsi Patanjali. Patanjali's teachings emphasize devotion to God (Isvara). Only by Bhakti can Yogis (one who practice the discipline of yoga) attain eternal happiness free from any disease or suffering (klesa). Patanjali systematically compiles the discipline that must be carried out by Yogis, namely by implementing the Astanga Yoga discipline which emphasizes Bhakti to God by reciting the holy script OM as a symbol of God in the form of Nirguna Brahman. This can be achieved through Raja yoga which is divided into two parts. First, bahiranga includes Yama, niyama, Asana, Pranayama and pratyahara. This is called indirect or external help. Second, antaranga includes Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi, namely direct help from within.
Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism, vol. 2, 2010
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