Religious Identity and Curriculum Design Prerequisites

2021, Journal of National Studies


The present study was conducted with the aim of introducing human religious identity and explaining the prerequisites for designing a specific curriculum. The Method of Analytical-Inferential Research and its Main Source was the Interpretation of Al-Mizan, Although the Specific Opinions of the Authors were also Used. The Results Showed that man has a Divine and Monotheistic Identity and the true Manifestation of its Knowledge, Development and Transcendence is Worship. Worthy Worship is also Accompanied by Humility and Purity and Submission to the will of God and His Pleasure. The Application of this View was able to Show three Prerequisites: Cognitive, Emotional and Functional, for Designing a Specific Curriculum. Accordingly, the Curriculum Should try to get the student to know God in Various Ways, to know the evil soul and its growing paths, to know Satan and his Deception, to think about God's Creation and Signs, to know the Day of Resurrection, to Meet God far away, Becoming from Ungodly Affairs, Loving God, Supplicating to God, Submitting to God's Commands, Remembering God, Giving thanks, Offering Prayers and Inviting, Attracting and Lasting and in this way wait for the Transcendence of his Individual and Social Behaviors.