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This paper proposes an Identity Based Encryption (IBE) scheme that has numerous advantages over previous such systems. Particularly in terms of computational performance and shorter public parameters. The main advantage of the proposed scheme is that it is pairing free. The construction is remarkably simple and the scheme is efficient in terms of both time and space.
Boneh, Gentry and Hamburg presented an encryption system known as BasicIBE without incorporating pairings. This system has short ciphertext size but this comes at the cost of less time-efficient encryption / decryption algorithms in which their processing time increases drastically with the message length. Moreover, the private key size is l elements in ZN , where N is a Blum integer and l is the message length. In this paper, we optimize this system in two steps. First, we decrease the private key length from l elements in ZN to only one element. Second, we present two efficient variants of the BasicIBE in terms of ciphertext length and encryption / decryption speed. The ciphertext is as short as the BasicIBE, but with more time-efficient algorithms which do not depend on the message length. The proposed system is very time efficient compared to other IBE systems and it is as secure as the BasicIBE system.
We implemented four of the most common IBE schemes: Cocks IBE, Boneh-Franklin IBE, Authenticated IBE, Hierarchical IBE. For each algorithm in an IBE scheme, we recorded the execution time and space cost with different lengths of key. Then, we made a comparison among these IBE schemes and analyzed their characteristics.
In today's world, protection of information is a very sensitive issue. Information may be in storage form or during transmission, cryptography is a powerful building block to secure the information and provide confidentiality. It consists of two broader classifications; symmetric and asymmetric. In symmetric systems single key is used to encrypt and decrypt while in asymmetric systems, two keys are used for encryption and decryption. Identity Based Encryption is a form of asymmetric cryptography. It encrypts the message with an arbitrary string to simplify the certificate management. The objective of this paper is to review the literature and to provide a critical evaluation of various communication domains where IBE has been applied to provide all the well known services of security. We analyze and identify the strengths and limitations of various (wireless, web service discovery, network authentication, vehicle network and distributed systems) security domains applications of IBE. At the end summary charts will show the clear idea of usefulness of identity based encryption applied for information security.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
This paper presents a first example of secure identity based encryption scheme (IBE) without redundancy in the sense of Phan and Pointcheval. This modification of the Boneh-Franklin IBE is an hybrid construction that is proved to be secure (using proof techniques borrowed from those for KEM-DEM constructions) in the random oracle model under a slightly stronger assumption than the original IBE and turns out to be more efficient at decryption than the latter. A second contribution of this work is to show how to shorten ciphertexts in a recently proposed multiple-recipient IBE scheme. Our modification of the latter scheme spares about 1180 bits from a bandwidth point of view as, somewhat surprisingly, redundancies are not needed although all elements of the ciphertext space are not reachable by the encryption mapping. This shows that in public key encryption schemes, redundancies may be useless even when the encryption mapping is not a surjection.
In this paper, we show how to construct an Identity Based Signcryption Scheme (IBSC) using an Identity Based Encryption (IBE) and an Identity Based Signature (IBS) schemes. This we obtain by first extending the An-Dodis-Rabin construction to the Identity Based setting and then instantiating. We then further modify the construction to obtain an efficient construction. We show that the security of the IBSC scheme–indistinguishability as well as unforgeablity–is derived from the security of the underlying IBE and IBS schemes. Moreover, we show that under mild (reasonable) assumptions, the scheme is both space and time efficient compared to the Sign-then-Encrypt approach.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2000
We present a new identity based scheme based on pairings over elliptic curves. It combines the functionalities of signature and encryption and is provably secure in the random oracle model. We compare it with Malone-Lee's one from security and eciency points of view. We give a formal proof of semantical security under the Decisional Bilinear Die-Hellman assumption for this new
In this chapter, we introduce the Boneh-Franklin IBE scheme [24] under the H-Type, the Boneh-Boyen RO IBE scheme [20] and the Park-Lee IBE scheme [86] under the C-Type, and the Sakai-Kasahara IBE scheme [91, 30] under the I-Type. The given schemes and/or proofs may be different from the original ones. 9.1 Boneh-Franklin Scheme Setup: The setup algorithm takes as input a security parameter λ. It selects a pairing group PG = (G, G T , g, p, e), selects two cryptographic hash functions H 1 : {0, 1} * → G, H 2 : {0, 1} * → {0, 1} n , randomly chooses α ∈ Z p , computes g 1 = g α , and returns a master public/secret key pair (mpk, msk) as follows:
Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2009
a b s t r a c t ID-based ring signcryption schemes (IDRSC) are usually derived from bilinear parings, a powerful but computationally expensive primitive. The number of paring computations of all existing ID-based ring signcryption schemes from bilinear pairings grows linearly with group size, which makes the efficiency of IDbased schemes over traditional schemes questionable. This paper presents a new identity-based ring signcryption scheme, which only takes four pairing operations for any group size and the scheme is proven to be indistinguishable against adaptive chosen ciphertext ring attacks (IND-IDRSC-CCA2) and existentially unforgeable against adaptive chosen message and identity attacks (EUF-IDRSC-ACMA) under the random oracle model.
The identity-based encryption (IBE) is one of the most important primitives in cryptography, and various security notions of IBE (e.g., IND-ID-CCA2, NM-ID-CCA2, IND-sID-CPA etc.) have been introduced and the relations among them have been clarified recently. This paper, for the first time, investigate the security of IBE in the universally composable (UC) framework. This paper first defines the UC-security of IBE, i.e., we define the ideal functionality of IBE, F IBE . We then show that UC-secure IBE is equivalent to conventionally-secure (IND-ID-CCA2-secure) IBE. This paper also introduces the UC-security of weaker security notions of IBE, which correspond to IND-ID-CPA IBE and IND-sID-CCA2. We finally prove that Boneh-Franklin's suggestion on the construction of a secure signatures from an IND-ID-CPA IBE scheme is true in the UC framework.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2011
Generalized signcryption is a new cryptographic primitive, which provides separate or joint encryption and signature as per need. It is more suitable for some storage constrained environments, e.g. smart card, WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) etc. In this paper, we propose an efficient identity based generalized signcryption scheme. We also simplify the security notions for identity based generalized signcryption and prove the security of the proposed scheme under the new security model.
In public key encryption every user must have a pair of keys, public key and private key, for encrypting and decrypting messages. An Identity-based encryption (IBE) eliminates the need for a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). IBE uses the human intelligible identities (e.g., unique name, email address, IP address, etc) as public keys. The sender using IBE encrypts message with the receivers' identity rather than looking for receivers' public key and corresponding certificate. Accordingly, receiver decrypts ciphertext using private key associated with the corresponding identity. The private keys of users are obtained from a trusted third party called as Private Key Generator (PKG). The motivation of this paper is to study and review an efficient and secure Identity based encryption scheme with outsourced revocation for cloud computing. .
... Definition1 We say that an identity based signcryption scheme (IDSC) has the indistinguishability against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks property (I-IDSC-CCA) if no polynomially bounded adversary has a non-negligible advan-tage in the following game. ...
In a famous paper of Crypto'01, Boneh and Franklin proposed the first identity-based encryption scheme (IBE), around fifteen years after the concept was introduced by Shamir. Their scheme security (more precisely, the notion of resistance against an IND-ID-CCA attacker) relies in the random oracle model. However, the reduction is far from being tight, and notably depends on the number of extractions queries. In this paper, we present an efficient modification to the Boneh-Franklin scheme that provides a tight reduction. Our scheme is basically an IBE under two keys, one of which is (randomly) detained by the recipient. It can be viewed as a continuation of an idea introduced by Katz and Wang; we will however show how our construction improves this last scheme. Our scheme features a tight reduction to the list bilinear Diffie-Hellman (LBDH) problem, which can be itself reduced tightly either to the gap bilinear Diffie-Hellman (GBDH) or the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) problems. Furthermore, for a relaxed notion of tightness (called weak-tightness) that we introduce and discuss in our paper, we show that there is a weakly tight reduction from our scheme to the computational bilinear Diffie-Hellman (CBDH) problem. Our scheme is very efficient, as one can precompute most of the quantity involved in the encryption process. Furthermore, the ciphertext size is very short: for proposed parameters, they are |M | + 330 bits long. keywords: ID-based encryption, tight security reduction ¶ A simple recounting of the reduction with Galindo's strategy [7] is adopted here, while the original reduction given in is O(1/q 3 h ).
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2003
An Identity-based cryptosystem is a Public Key cryptosystem in which the public keys of the entities are their identities, or strings derived from their identities. Signcryption combines digital signatures and encryption with a cost significantly smaller than that required for signature-thenencryption. This paper proposes an ID-based signcryption scheme based on bilinear pairings on elliptic curves. It is shown that the new scheme is an improved version of the existing signcryption scheme [10] by comparing the computations in both the schemes.
IJARIIT-Volume 5 issue 3, 2019
Cryptography is an art which provides confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, and authentication to the parties involve in communication. Identity-based systems allow any party to generate a public key from a known identity value such as an ASCII string. A trusted third party, called the Private Key Generator (PKG), generates the corresponding private keys. PKG uses user's credentials to publish the public key and after authentication of the user, it grants it is a master private key. Security of IBE depends on the trust of issuing authority. The purpose of this paper is to review the technological aspects in cryptography under Identity-based scheme. Section I provide an introduction of the scheme illustrating its background and procedure: Section II throw light on few schemes of IBC with their proofing algorithms while Section III mention the pros and cons of this scheme and finally the conclusion. Section IV summarises the content as the conclusion of the paper. Section V list the references that were sighted in the writing of this paper.
IJSRD, 2014
Cloud computing has become the important platform to provide the infrastructure for computation, data storage, software services using the virtualization concept. These services are provided over internet, so security issue of data must be taken into consideration. Intruder can attack to access data or interrupt the communication. To prevent the attacks like man-in-the-middle attack, chosen plaintext, chosen cipher text, denial of services, need to implement number of techniques. The encryption through Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) using private key and public key is most known technique but the computational process, storage and certificate management effort to high and difficult for the Certificate Authority (CA). To reduce this effort and difficulties, the other technique is Identity Based Encryption (IBE) which reduces the overhead of Certificate Management and all other difficulties. IBE does the task easy to prevent communication against above attacks. In this paper, different schemes will be analyzed used against different attacks under the different strategies. To provide better key management, IBE uses the Private Key Generator (PKG), instead of CA, generates Private Key from the Identity of user. It uses the Hash Functions to provide better security.
1330 Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Retrieval Number: F12700486S419/19©BEIESP DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.F1270.0486S419 Abstract— In computer based system, key for the problem of identification, authentication and secrecy can be found in the field of cryptography. Dependence on public key infrastructure and to receive certificates signed by Certificate Authority (CA) to authenticate oneself for exchange of encrypted messages is one of the most significant limitation for the widespread adoption of Public Key Cryptography (PKC) as this process is time engrossing and error prone. Identity based cryptography (IBC) aspires to reduce the certificate and key management overhead of PKC. IBC’s important primordial is Identity-based Encryption (IBE). IBE provided emergent for perception of Identity based signature (IBS) schemes. In this paper, overview of IBE and IBS schemes has been given. Also, a survey on various IBE and IBS schemes has been performed to ...
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2016
BasicIBE and AnonIBE are two space-efficient identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes based on quadratic residues, proposed by Boneh, Gentry, and Hamburg, and closely related to Cocks' IBE scheme. BasicIBE is secure in the random oracle model under the quadratic residuosity assumption, while AnonIBE is secure in the standard model under the interactive quadratic residuosity assumption. In this paper we revise the BasicIBE scheme and we show that if the requirements for the deterministic algorithms used to output encryption and decryption polynomials are slightly changed, then the scheme's security margin can be slightly improved.
… of the 15th ACM conference on …, 2008
Identity-based encryption (IBE) is an exciting alternative to public-key encryption, as IBE eliminates the need for a Pub-lic Key Infrastructure (PKI). The senders using an IBE do not need to look up the public keys and the corresponding certificates of the ...
The ISC International Journal of Information Security, 2023
In the last two decades bilinear pairings have found many applications in cryptography. Meanwhile identity-based cryptosystems based on bilinear pairings have received particular attention. The IEEE, IETF, and ISO organizations have been working on standardization of pairing-based cryptographic schemes. The Boneh-Franklin identity-based encryption and Sakai-Kasahara identity-based signature are the most well-known identity-based schemes that have been standardized. So far, various schemes have been proposed to reduce the computational overhead of pairing operations. All these schemes are trying to outsource pairing operations in a secure manner. But besides pairing operations, there are other basic and costly operations in pairing-based cryptography and identity-based schemes, including scalar multiplication on elliptic curves. In this research, we outsource the Boneh-Franklin encryption in a more secure and efficient (in terms of computational and communication complexity) way than existing schemes. Also we outsource the BLMQ signature (based on Sakai-Kasahara) scheme for the first time. The proposed schemes are secure in the OMTUP model. Also, unlike previous schemes, we considered communication channels insecure. Moreover, compared with the trivial solution which outsources every single operation (such as pairing, scalar multiplication and modular exponentiation) as a separate subroutine, our schemes offer less complexity by seamlessly outsourcing the whole encryption scheme for the first time.
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