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2021, Cancer, A Reading of Health Metaphysics by Valcapelli
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Reading of Health Metaphysics by Valcapelli Health Metaphysics searches present the psycho-emotional causes of diseases that affects the body. This study was published in a series of 5 volumes entitled "Health Metaphysics". Book Publisher Vida e Consciência, with approximately 200.000 exemplars sold. The goal of this work is to make people aware that they are more than just a body; they are a mind, an emotion, a feeling and the essence of Being (denominated soul or spirit), those internal components are operating in all moments of life.
Journal of Religion & Health, 1988
Whitehead's philosophy of organism provides the most comprehensive and adequate basis for the transformation of contemporary health care. In contrast to the reductionist and fragmentary medical models supported by Cartesian dualism, materialism, and idealism, Whitehead's metaphysics serves as the foundation for a holistic health care system, inclusive of the dimensions of spirituality, emotions, physical existence, and environment as they relate to health and illness. Whitehead's understanding of the relationship of mind and body and the role of the divine in the creative process encourages the inclusion of pastoral care, imaging, and meditation in responding to illness.
what contribution can psychoanalysis give to people suffering from cancer? I believe that the founding nucleus of any psychopathological form is the impact and the elaboration of death anxiety. Thus is comprehensible why in a subject affected by a neoplastic malignant disease, a massive activation of psychic mechanisms of defence occurs, above all the ones near to psychosis: the denial and the negation. Denial of desease is always a serious problem, most of all in a pathological form as cancer, in which early diagnosis and the beginning of appropriate therapies, are very important for the possibilities of stopping the process. Therefore the psychotherapist who follows oncologic patients should be free from omnipotence desires and remind himself that he can do very much for the patients (to reduce and calm their death anxiety), but the organic illness does not concern his interest. First of all the intervention must be directed in facing and trying to resolve, as soon as possible, the opposition of the patients into recognition of their own state and the refusal of offered treatments, although not yet perfect and surely still painful and disabling.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022
I argue in this paperopposite to the thinking of some philosopher that there is a direct link exist between philosophers and medicines. From the conventionaltime to the modern era, the basis of medicine is philosophy. This is true especially in case of modern medicine which totally based on the philosophies of two great philosopher, Descartes and Bacon. These two disciplines such as philosophy and science seemto obey the Descartes goals,according to which, philosophy is the quest for truth whereas medicine implies the quest for health. They both try to enhance the human wellbeing in complimentary ways.In one side, where medicines attemptto fight with the diseases of the body that are caused by bacteria and viruses and all other somatic diseases, philosophy on the other side, try to fightagainst diseases of the mind such as half-truth, prejudices, wooly judgement and uncritical conceptof the world health and disease, which may have their direct effect on health and healthy delivery. While using an essential example, I try to explain that there are many questions that raises while during the practice of medicines and these questions are beyond the scope of medicines. These are thequestion to which only philosophy cangive answer because they are under its scope. Physician are daily challenged with question in such philosophical areas such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and logic. Moreover,I argue that over-dependence on cartesian ontology is one of the debilities of western medicines, which considers that human bodies are like machines which can be studied by using scientific logic, and the physician is like technician whose job is to repair the function of the body. The result of this modern metaphysical outlooks is that they neglect to consider the patient as a subjective being, and without reviewing the cartesian reductionist world view,this deficiency cannot be overcome. At the end, if medicines achieve happiness by healthy body then metaphysics achieve happiness by healing the soul, and together they both work for human wellbeing. Both disciplines therefore have therapeutic end.
CANCER HUMAN APPROACH, The Body Subordinated of the Mind and the Brain, 2019
ABSTRACT.- Cancer is a subject of considerable complexity, which until now has resisted the attempts of science to understand its causes, its mechanism and its treatment, which is due to the prevailing mentality in humanity that extends to medical Science, that consists of being governed only by the logic of the conscious level of the mind, which prevents humanity from knowing itself, a situation of capital gravity that it concerns not only medical science, but all other human activities. Working with innovative method I have called New Scientific Clinical Applied Research, allowed us to understand that every change that is observed in the body, is a message from the unconscious level of the mind, which triggers the brain to express that message in the body. The brain has divergent and convergent connections to introduce qualitative changes in the information it delivers to tissues to change their behavior, which is aimed at producing embryonic cells that infiltrate the tissues and constitute the tumor. Using mental information, neurochemistry and NLP we have generated a cancer treatment of a very high effectiveness never seen before. No undesirable side effects and reinforcing the patient's Vitality.
European Legacy, 2013
European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2003
The study described in this article addressed the phenomena of living with a diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Rationale for undertaking the research was that a need had been identi-f|ed to describe the experience of living with a diagnosis of colorectal cancer and what this means to an individual.To explore the lived experience of colorectal cancer, a phenomenological study was undertaken based on Heidegger's philosophy as presented in his seminal work 'Being and Time'. Seven patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer were interviewed over a time-span of 13 months. Patients participating in the study were recruited from three Swiss hospitals. Data were analysed by following Colaizzi's eight-step process as cited in Haase (1987, p 66-67). Analysis identif|ed one main category: 'The Omnipresence of Cancer' and two sub-categories: 'Towards Authentic Dasein' (Towards Authentic Being) and 'Mapping out the Future' .The research demonstrated that having received a diagnosis of cancer means an individual is faced with the potential of lifelong illness and death, feels stigmatised by the diagnosis and is classif|ed as belonging to an illness group. Individuals who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer need to talk with health-care professionals about their experiences and concerns. It is important that in-depth discussions occur between patients and health-care professionals so that the patient's questions and uncertainties may be addressed.
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 2010
eds): Establishing medical reality: essays in the metaphysics and epistemology of biomedical science Springer, Dordrecht, 2007, 240 pp., $135.00 (hardcover), Kirstin Borgerson
Revista de Medicina, 2021
É considerado sobrevivente de câncer o paciente com história de convivência com neoplasia, do diagnóstico da mesma até o fim de sua vida, não incluindo somente aqueles que se submeteram à realização de tratamentos oncológicos e sobreviveram. A vida após o câncer se converte numa experiência disruptiva que demanda resiliência do indivíduo, no sentido de transformar a experiência ameaçadora à integridade da vida em uma fonte de sentido. Este relato descreve a vivência de uma idosa sobrevivente enfrentando complicação do tratamento oncológico em internamento hospitalar, no qual apresentou experiência anômala. A relação da paciente descrita no relato com seu deus foi a característica preponderante de sua experiência, sendo este deus bondoso e misericordioso, uma fonte de amparo e segurança. Estudos recentes reforçam a importância da vinculação positiva com a divindade nesse contexto, demonstrando que tais relações são catalisadoras de paz, calma e esperança nesses pacientes. Evidências ...
History, philosophy and theory of the life sciences, 2016
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