The Bees Algorithm and Its Applications

2015, Handbook of Research on Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Algorithms


The Bees Algorithm (BA) is a swarm-based optimization algorithm inspired by the food foraging behavior of honeybees. The aim of this chapter is to describe a swarm-based optimization algorithm called the Bees Algorithm and its applications to real world problems. After an explanation of the natural foraging behavior of honeybees, the basic Bees Algorithm and its enhanced version based on Adaptive Neighborhood Search and Site Abandonment (ANSSA) strategy are described and two applications are discussed in detail. The first application deals with the optimization of several benchmark functions and the results obtained by the ANSSA-based BA is compared with the basic BA and other optimization algorithms. The second application deals with the multi-objective optimization problem in finding the best supply chain configuration.

Key takeaways

  • Several types of optimization techniques have been proposed in the literature.
  • The Bees Algorithm (Pham et al., 2005;Pham et al., 2007;Yuce et al, 2013), Artificial Bees Algorithms (Karaboga, 2005;Karaboga & Basturk, 2007;Karaboga & Basturk, 2008;Tsai et al., 2009).
  • The Bees Algorithm belongs to the family of swarm-based optimization algorithms which derives its intelligence based on the collective problem solving capabilities of social animals such as birds, fish and ants (Bornabeau et al., 1999).
  • The Bees Algorithm has some features in common with other swarm-based optimization algorithms.
  • This chapter focuses on one of the famous Bee inspired algorithms, the Bees Algorithm (BA) and its applications.