Research Newsletter (2010, No:1)


Derya Oktay, Dizem Arifler, and Bahar Taneri, as well as all the associate editors and editorial assistants, without whose hard work, effort, and time, the EMU Research Newsletter would not have developed to this professional level. Special thanks go to Fatih Parlak, who has continued to help us with the photography although he is no longer a member of the editorial team. I should also thank all the faculty members and students who have contributed to the newsletter since 2005. Their contributions mean a lot. In line with the mission of the Research Advisory Board, the aim of the Research Newsletter is to promote and advance the research culture at EMU. With this aim in mind, we hope to keep you informed about the research activities EMU faculty members and students are involved in, hopefully enhance new research collaborations, and acknowledge and appreciate the abundance of research carried out at our university. Needless to say, the fulfillment of these aims relies on your invaluable contributions. In this first issue, two new sections are introduced to the Research Newsletter. The first of these is a feature where we interview a graduate student and the supervisor simultaneously. With this new feature, we hope to bring together the perspectives of the two main research stakeholders. The second addition is a section entitled 'Upcoming conferences in North Cyprus'. Through this section, we intend to keep EMU researchers informed about upcoming conferences at