PLURALIST FLEXI-ONTOLOGY Deleuze, Lyotard, Serres, Feyerabend



In 1980 after spending six months in Paris attending Gilles Deleuze's and Michel Foucault's seminars, and after interviewing Michel Serres and Jean-François Lyotard, I returned to Sydney and gave a paper synthesising my impressions. It was published in THE FOREIGN BODIES PAPERS, 1981. The title of the published version was not mine, but was inserted in place of my original title, which was PLURALIST FLEXI-ONTOLOGY. This title conveys my impression that these thinkers were, each in their own way, were working in the domain of ontology to elaborate not a new ontology, but a pluralist « flexi »-ontology. There was some discussion after it was given, but it was mostly disappointing. I reproduce here my appended response, but I have blanked out the names of those I respond to, as they have no doubt evolved a little since then (as have I). Note: I now prefer to talk of a pluralist meta-ontology.