Vojislav Marinković and Italy, 1927-1932

2021, Qualestoria. Rivista di storia contemporanea, 1, L’Italia e la Jugoslavia tra le due guerre, a cura di Stefano Santoro, Anno XLIX, Giugno 2021

The paper analyses the policy of the Yugoslav Foreign Minister, and later PM, Vojislav Marinković towards Italy, during his mandates in 1927-1932. The bilateral relations are addressed in the scope of his broader concepts of foreign policy, which included closer cooperation with France and surmounting prevailing difficulties in the relations with the Great Britain. The main goal was to prove that the Yugoslav Kingdom was conducting pacifistic foreign policy in order to gain the sympathy of the Foreign Office and the international public as a counterweight to Italy’s aggressive plans towards the Balkans and the Danube region. During the course of five years, Marinković was changing attitude towards Italy according to the relations among the Great Powers.