Insān Kāmil: Antara Mitos Dan Realitas



Islam as a religion delivered by Muhammad saw. bin Abdullah (w.632) is based on the revelations he received from God. At the end of his age, the religion is stated as a perfect religion because it contains a description of all aspects of life (tibyanan likulli syai'). To become the most religionist in Islam, every Moslem should follow the religious way he was because he is a good example (uswatun hasanah), especially the religious rituals dimension. The implication is clear that looking for other models of religious practices except him are certainly would not be the best because there is no guarantee of truth. Over time, many factors occur in the dynamics of the history of Moslem. The values of Islam built by the Messenger have changed a lot in the society. Muhammad position as the top model has shifted into the lower one. The concept of insān kāmil (perfect man) pops out then. They are also the 'loyal followers' of the Messenger of Allah, introducing the idea of speculative-philosophical-mystical religious rituals and a very extreme and radical practice of religious rituals if measured from his norm and religious practices. Nevertheless, the mass movement of Moslem under the shadow of the perfect man considered as something between a myth and reality refer to the texts of the Quran and al-sunnah. Abstrak: Islam sebagai agama disampaikankan oleh Muhammad saw. bin Abdullah (w.632) atas dasar wahyu yang ia terima dari Tuhan. Pada usia akhir-akhir hayatnya, agama ini dinyatakan sebagai agama yang sempurna karena memang mengandung penjelasan semua aspek kehidupan (tibyanan likulli syai'). Untuk menjadi agamawan yang paling baik di dalam Islam, setiap muslim supaya mengikuti cara ia beragama karena ia adalah contoh yang baik (uswatun hasanah), khususnya dimensi ritual keagamaan. Implikasinya mencari model praktik-praktik keberagamaan selain beliau tentu tidak akan menjadi yang paling baik karena tidak ada jaminan kebenarannya. Seiring perjalanan waktu, banyak faktor terjadi dalam dinamika sejarah umat Islam.Nilai-nilai yang dibangun