Taş Atan Çocuklar: Mersin Örneği



horoughly held among more than ninety women, children, men, local politicians and members of parliament. It was known as children throwing stones is a significant problem of our country. The purpose of this study is the sociological analysis of children throwing stones which is not sufficiently researched in the media. The study has not been finished and the findings will be presented in the symposium. Mersin takes many immigrants from Eastern provinces of Turkey. Therefore, it is one of the most Kurdish populated provinces. Kurdish people live in shanties and they work in the informal jobs without insurance. They have on average 5-6 children. The children spend half of their time at school, then, they have to work at industry as apprentice and shoeblack at remaining time. After a while, most of the children drop out. Most of these children who are addicted to drugs and involve in crime such as extortion are registered in juvenile courts. In addition to these developments, one of the most important problems of our country, Kurdish problem with all violence, can be seen in these districts. Most of these realities, which are mentioned above, are ignored, while children throwing stones problem is handling. These children are growing with economic and cultural depression. Moreover, the state view against to these children is to develop few SODES project and security precaution with police. In this study, children throwing stones will be handled with all dimensions from the sociological aspects.