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Film about the formation of the newest European standard language, Montenegrin, one of the four standard languages based on the Štokavian dialect: Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Serbian (BCMS). Emitovano jula 2021. na RTCG Urednica emisije: Anka Radović Stručni konsultant: Novica Vujović Tekst čitala: Ljiljana Blagojević
The paper presents some observations on the first post-Yugoslav handbook of dialectology focusing on Montenegrin (Čirgić 2017), which sets criteria for identifying the diacritic features of Montenegrin Štokavian. In contrast to Yugoslav-era treatments of the Štokavian dialect (e.g. Ivić 1958, Peco 1985), the new handbook individuates Montenegrin and presents it as an organic whole, rather than examining its relationship to the broader South Slavic dialectological context. The task is challenging, given that there are two distinct dialect areas of Montenegrin. The trend towards describing former-Yugoslav dialect areas in alignment with the new state formations has been noted for Lisac’s handbook (Lisac 2003; Greenberg 2004).
The Serbo-Croatian language was but one of the casualties of the wars of the Yugoslav secession, as it was discursively forcefully split into first two, then three, and recently four allegedly separate languages. The first line of division was promoted by Serbian and Croatian nationalist linguists during the early nineties, soon to be followed by the invention of a standalone Bosnian language, even though contemporary linguistics agrees that Serbo-Croatian, with its regional varieties (as a standardized polycentric language), is a single language. Coming late into the fray, nationally-minded linguists from Montenegro achieved the state-driven proclamation of Montenegrin as a separate language to be in official use within the state only in 2007. Backed by the state, a coterie of nationalist literary theorists and linguists started discursively promoting Montenegrin in academic and public spaces, mostly via the dubious quasi-academic journal titled Lingua Montenegrina. This article explores the manners in which Montenegrin nationalist linguists discursively created what they dub to be a language entirely separate from all variants of Serbo-Croatian, which are mostly contained in encomiastic texts about key nationalists, attempts to classify several allophones and phonemes as well as to assert the purported primordial character of the language .
Südosteuropäische Hefte, 2015
In the paper, I argue the political process of standardization of Montenegrin Language and its effect to ethnic differentiation in post-Yugoslav Montenegro. The standardization of Montenegrin Language was started as a project of few linguists, and became national project after the independence of Montenegro. This process didn’t bring drastic change of the language, however formed and expanded ethnic cleavage in Montenegro.
Филолог – часопис за језик, књижевност и културу, 2012
Ricerche Slavistiche - Nuova Serie, Vol. 3 (LXIII), 2020
Iscrizione Registro Operatori Comunicazione n. 11420 La traduzione, l'adattamento totale o parziale, la riproduzione con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi microfilm, film, fotocopie), nonché la memorizzazione elettronica, sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. L'editore è a disposizione degli aventi diritto con i quali non è stato possibile comunicare, per eventuali involontarie omissioni o inesattezze nella citazione delle fonti e/o delle foto. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. All eligible parties, if not previously approached, can ask directly the publisher in case of unintentional omissions or incorrect quotes of sources and/or photos.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2006
The author addresses Slovene-English language contact, both in the immigrant context and in Slovenia. The direct contact of Slovene and English in the case of Slovene Americans and Canadians is examined from two perspectives: social and cultural on the one hand and linguistic on the other. In the fi rst part, I present the general linguistic situation in Cleveland (and to a minor extent in Washington, D.C. and Toronto), with emphasis on language maintenance and shift, the relationship between mother tongue preservation and ethnic awareness, and the impact of extralinguistic factors on selected aspects of the linguistic behavior of the participants in the study. I then compare the use of second person pronouns as terms of address and the use of speech acts such as compliments to determine the role of different cultural backgrounds in the speakers' linguistic choices. The linguistic part of the analysis focuses on borrowing and code switching, as well as on the infl uence of English on seemingly monolingual Slovene discourse, where the Slovene infl ectional system in particular is being increasingly generalized, simplifi ed and reduced, and Slovene word order is beginning to resemble that of English. Finally, the rapidly growing impact of English on Slovene in Slovenia on various linguistic levels from vocabulary to syntax and intercultural communication is discussed. Avtorica obravnava slovensko-angle{ki jezikovni stik v izseljenstvu in v Sloveniji. Neposred ni stik med sloven{~ino in angle{~ino pri ameri{kih in kanadskih Slovencih prika`e z dveh vidikov: dru`benega oz. kulturnega in jezikoslovnega. V prvem delu predstavi splo{no jezi kovno stanje v Clevelandu (in delno v Washingtonu, D. C. in Torontu), pri ~emer jo posebej zanimajo vpra{anja jezikovnega ohranjanja in opu{~anja, odnosa med stopnjo ohranitve materin{~ine in zavestjo o etni~ni pripadnosti ter vpliva izbranih zunajjezikovnih dejavnikov na jezikovno vedenje sodelujo~ih v raziskavi. Sledi primerjava rabe osebnih zaimkov za 2. osebo pri ogovarjanju sogovornika in govornih dejanj, kakr{ni so npr. komplimenti, da bi ugotovila, v kolik{ni meri so jezikovne izbire govorcev odvisne od razli~nih kulturnih okolij, iz katerih le-ti prihajajo. Jezikoslovni del analize se osredoto~a na sposojanje in kodno preklapljanje, pa tudi na vpliv angle{~ine v na videz enojezi~nem diskurzu izseljencev. Ta se ka`e predvsem na oblikoslovni ravnini, kjer se poenostavljajo, posplo{ujejo in celo opu{~ajo slovenski sklanjatveni vzorci, prisoten pa je tudi v skladnji, kjer se slovenski besedni red ponekod pribli`uje angle{kemu. Zadnji del je posve~en vedno mo~nej{emu vplivu angle{~ine na sloven{~ino v Sloveniji. Govora je o angle{kem vplivu na leksikalni, sintakti~ni in medkulturni ravni.
Dr. sci. Borivoj Čović , Sarajevo Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine Bronzano doba sjeverne Bosne u svjetlu novih istraživanja Originalni naučni rad UDK 903.4/.5(497.6-17 Bosna)"6373/6375" Autor sumira rezultate projekta "Bronzano doba sjeverne Bosne" kojim su dijelom popunjene praznine u poznavanju problematike pitanja ranog i srednjeg Bronzanog doba na tom teritoriju. Kao najvažniji rezultat istraživanja ističe se definiranje kulturne grupe Barice -Gređani koju karakteriziraju otvorena naselja ravničarskog tipa, bez tragova fortifikacija. Istaknut je, kao dominantan, ritus spaljivanja pokojnika, sa pokapanjem izgorenih kostiju i priloga u plitku jamu koja se poklapala keramičkom posudom. U geografskom smislu grupa se prostirala većim dijelom sjeverne Bosne, od Potkozarja i Lijevče polja na zapadu, Semberije na istoku odnosno Slavonije na sjeveru, dok njena južna granica nije definirana. Ključne riječi: sjeverna Bosna, rano bronzano doba, srednje bronzano doba. Izradio / by: Slobodan Kudra NASELJA / SETTLEMENTS NEKROPOLE / NECROPOLISES GRADINE / HILL FORTS LEGENDA / LEGENDS Program BRONZANO DOBA SJEVERNE BOSNE Lokaliteti istraženi 1986-1991.
We are grateful to many teachers, colleagues, friends and other speakers who helped us over the years; particularly to the late Prof. Rudolf Filipović who brought us into contact with most of these valued people. He organized the contrastive grammar projects, which we both worked on in Zagreb, and directed W. Browne’s thesis. We further thank Milka Ivić and the late Pavle Ivić, professors under whom W. Browne earlier studied in Novi Sad.
Трећи филм настаје шездесетих година двадесетог века као опозиција мејнстрим кинематографији која суптилно обликује периферне културе у складу са вредностима такозваног првог света. Иако је испрва реч о милитантној пракси чија је естетика предмет полемике, ова група филмова опстаје, прилагођена новим културним и политичким околностима. Тема политичке и економске маргинализације; проблеми хибридизације и производње нових идентитета; поделе у некадашњим колонијама, данас су кључне теме трећег филма. Сагледавајући трећи филм као својеврсни, нематеријални облик трећег простора издвајам тачке подударности између „балканског филма“, и трећег филма као неестетског културног производа који, уместо да опонира доминантним вредностима, тематизује проблем идентитета у раздобљу „транзиције.“
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