Intellectual Slavery


Intellectual slavery is the condition bound to philosophical bondage by somebody controlling the information generally dependent on scholastic pursuit. Intellectual slavery is focused on the scholarly world generally in underdeveloped nations. Intellectual slavery is unique about the slavery endured by our predecessors hundreds of years prior in the name of financial or government decisions. It is riskier because it transforms us, citizens, into self-repeating robots making more slaves without anyone else. Intellectual slavery didn't start today. It has its foundations in the old provincial outlook. It will probably absolutely control what is comprehensible by an individual or a gathering of individuals using power dimensions. It is quite clear that no one sees it. Intellectual Slavery was encoded in the pilgrim model of schooling to restrict what the citizens can know, and how to know it. Western instruction was made to inculcate the personalities of colonized citizens to think with a certain goal in mind. This paper discusses some of the nuances of intellectual slavery in the modern context.