
The analysis in this paper began as a response to Paul Kiparsky's persistent and incisive questioning, Joan Bresnan and K, P, Mohanan made enormous contributions to the paper during various stages of its growth. Comments from N. S. Prabhu, Carol Georgopoulos, and three anonymous reviewers have resulted in substantial improvements, I thank them all, The paper has also benefited from presentations at the Stanford Linguistics Colloquium in May 1990, and at the panel on Agreement at the 20th Annual Conference on South Asia held at the Univers/ty of Wisconsin, Madison in November 1991. This study was done in part with support from the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford. The judgements reported in this paper are largely my own. I am grateful to Akhil Gupta, Purnima Mankekar, Ravi Oswal, Rajeshwari Pandharipande, and Alka Warrier, who have generously offered their own judgements, increasing my confidence in my own judgements. I thank Rajendra Singh for making me aware of the extent to which speaker judgements can differ.