O integralności terminu „teoria przekładu”

Między Oryginałem a Przekładem

On the integrity of the term „theory of translation” The article is an attempt to explain why there arise doubts as to the use of the term “theory of translation” and as to the coherence of its object of study. It has been concluded that the ambiguity of the term stems from the two meanings of the word “teoria” (theory). Using the term “theory of translation” in the sense of “translation studies” is incorrect as such use disregards the fact that translation studies encompasses not only theoretical considerations but also other aspects of dealing with its object. The second cause of the term’s ambiguity is the existence of marked differences between various types of translation. The author believes that the very presence of the word “przekład” (translation) in the Polish language proves that the object it desribes is perceived as an integral phenomenon despite its internal differentiation. Claiming that each type of translation requires a separate theory is contradictory to the meani...