Optimum design of steel structures with web openings

2008, Engineering Structures


The objective of this work is to perform optimum design of 3D steel structures having perforated I-section beams. The optimization problem is formulated as a combined sizing, shape and topology optimization problem. The cross-sectional dimensions of the columns and beams constitute the sizing design variables, while the number and size of the web openings of the beams constitute the topology and shape design variables, respectively. Two distinctive formulations of the optimization problem are considered depending on the finite element discretization implemented for simulating the structural elements. The two formulations, corresponding to beam and shell discretization, are compared in terms of the optimum designs achieved. A characteristic test example considered, showed that a quantifiable reduction in the weight of the structure is accomplished by allowing web openings in the beams of the structure without reducing structural strength or serviceability requirements.

Key takeaways

  • The shape design variables are referred to the size of the web openings, while the number of the web openings along the beams constitutes the topology design variables.
  • The optimum positions for web openings along the span of the beam depend on the relative proportion of bending moment and shear force.
  • In the current study, the task of topology optimization is associated with the number of web openings in each group of the beams of the structure.
  • The advantages of considering perforated beams in association with the shell element discretization are demonstrated in the optimization part of this work by comparing the optimum designs achieved with and without web openings and with beam or shell element discretizations.
  • The improvement achieved with shell discretization is found to be up to 20% when web openings are considered in the beams of the structure.