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1989, Journal of Memory and Language
The paper investigates the expectation-violation effect, where weakly related word pairs are better remembered than strongly related pairs, and proposes that this effect arises from surprise responses that enhance associations to general contextual cues. It extends the concept to the bizarre-imagery effect, positing that bizarre sentences are remembered better due to increased contextual associations caused by surprise. Through a series of experiments, the research demonstrates the empirical regularities between these effects and suggests that the bizarre-imagery effect can occur without explicit encoding instructions, while also diminishing when the presence of bizarre sentences is acknowledged.
Reports of superior memory for novel relative to familiar material have figured prominently in recent theories of memory. However, such novelty effects are incongruous with long-standing observations that familiar items are remembered better. In 2 experiments, we explored whether this discrepancy was explained by differences in the type of familiarity under consideration or by differences in the difficulty of discriminating targets from lures, which may lead to source confusion for familiar but not novel targets. In Experiment 1, we directly tested whether previously observed novelty effects were the result of novelty, discrimination demands, or both. We used linguistic materials (proverbs) to replicate the novelty effect but found that it occurred only when familiar items were subject to source confusion. In Experiment 2, to examine better how novelty influences episodic memory, we used experimentally familiar, pre-experimentally familiar, and novel proverbs in a paradigm designed to overcome discrimination demand confounds. Memory was better for both types of familiar proverbs. These results indicate that familiarity, not novelty, leads to better episodic memory for studied items, regardless of whether familiarity is experimentally induced or based on prior semantic knowledge. We argue that proposals that state that information is encoded better if it is novel are based on over-generalizations of effects arising from the distinctiveness of novel materials.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2021
When reflecting on the past, some of our strongest memories are for experiences that took us by surprise. Extensive research has backed this intuition that we are more likely to remember surprising moments than mundane ones. But what about the moments leading up to the surprise? Are we more likely to remember those as well? While surprise is a well-established modulator of memory, it is unknown whether memory for the entire event will be enhanced, or only for the surprising occurrence itself. We developed a novel paradigm utilising stop-motion films, depicting of a sequence of narrative events, in which specific occurrences could be replaced with surprising ones, while keeping the rest of the film unaltered. Using this design, we tested whether surprise exerts retroactive effects on memory, and specifically whether any potential effect would be confined to elements in the same event as the surprising occurrence. In a large cohort of participants (n = 340), we found strong evidence t...
Memory & Cognition, 1981
Two experiments examined whether people expecting recall are, compared with people expecting recognition, more likely to form associations between semantically related words in a list of to-be-remembered words. People were induced to expect either a recall or a recognition test on a critical list that included three conditions of semantic organization. Words in the unrelated (U) condition were semantically unrelated to all other words on the list, whereas words in the two related conditions were semantically related to one other list word. In the relatedspaced (R-S) condition, the two related words appeared in input positions separated by 5-11 other items, whereas in the related-massed (R-M) condition, they appeared in adjacent input positions. Different groups received either an expected or unexpected recall (Experiment 1) or recognition (Experiment 2) test on the critical list. In both recall and recognition, (1) people expecting recall did better than those expecting recognition, (2) memory was worst for U words, next best for R-S words, and best for R-M words, and (3) the test-expectancy and semantic-organization effects were additive. A standardized (z-score] measure of category dependency in memory indicated that (1) people expecting recall were not more likely than those expecting recognition to form interitem associations between the related words and (2) recognition was category dependent, but less so than recall. Within the framework of Anderson and Bower's (1972, 1974) theory, these data indicate that, compared with people expecting recognition, those expecting recall are not more likely to form interitem associations by tagging more pathways connecting semantically related nodes but, rather, are more likely to tag the nodes themselves. The implications that semantic-organization effects in recognition have for the Anderson-Bower theory were also discussed. During the past decade, episodic memory researchers have found that certain experimental variables have differential effects upon recall and recognition performance (see Brown, 1976). Proponents of generaterecognize theories of recall originally accounted for the differential effects that experimental manipulations have upon recall and recognition performance by arguing that these manipulations differentially affect only retrieval processes (e.g., Kintsch, 1970). However, it soon became apparent that an adequate theory of recall and recognition needed to give encoding processes their Because both authors contributed equally, the order of authorship counterbalances the randomly determined order of authorship on another article (Balota & Neely, 1980) to which the authors also made equal contributions. 'This research was conducted as D. A. Balota's master's thesis at the University of South Carolina under J. H. Neely's supervision. Portions of this research were reported at the 1978 meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association in Atlanta. We thank F.
Memory & Cognition, 1998
Unusual information is generally recalled better than common information (the distinctiveness effect). Differential processing accounts propose that the effect occurs because unusual material elicits encoding processes that are different from those elicited by common material, and strong versions of these accounts predict distinctiveness effects in between-list as well as within-list designs. Experiment 1 employed a between-list design and manipulated presentation rate. Contrary to differential processing predictions, no distinctiveness effect emerged, nor did recall patterns for atypical versus common sentences differ as a function of presentation rate. Experiment 2 further tested differential processing accounts as well as representation accounts via a within-list manipulation and conditions that included experimenter-provided elaborations. Distinctiveness effects emerged in all conditions and, contrary to differential processing predictions, the pattern of recall in the elaborated conditions did not differ from that in the unelaborated conditions. Taken together, the results of this study lend more support to a representation view that suggests mechanisms related to the representation and subsequent retrievability of elements in the memory record playa major role in the distinctiveness effect. One of the more robust findings reported in the memory literature is that stimuli that are in some way unusual are generally remembered better than stimuli that are not
Memory, 2003
Frequency of exposure to very low-and high-frequency words was manipulated in a 3-phase (familiarization, study, and test) design. During familiarization, words were presented with their definition (once, four times, or not presented). One week (Experiment 1) or one day (Experiment 2) later, participants studied a list of homogenous pairs (i.e., pair members were matched on background and familiarization frequency). Item and associative recognition of high-and very low-frequency words presented in intact, rearranged, old-new, or new-new pairs were tested in Experiment 1. Associative recognition of very low-frequency words was tested in Experiment 2. Results showed that prior familiarization improved associative recognition of very low-frequency pairs, but had no effect on high-frequency pairs. The role of meaning in the formation of item-to-item and item-to-context associations and the implications for current models of memory are discussed.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2004
We examined the effect of item-specific and relational encoding instructions on false recognition in two experiments in which the DRM paradigm was used (Deese, 1959; Roediger & McDermott, 1995). Type of encoding (item-specific or relational) was manipulated between subjects in Experiment 1 and within subjects in Experiment 2. Decision-based explanations (e.g., the distinctiveness heuristic) predict reductions in false recognition in between-subjects designs, but not in within-subjects designs, because they are conceptualized as global shifts in decision criteria. Memory-based explanations predict reductions in false recognition in both designs, resulting from enhanced recollection of item-specific details. False recognition was reduced following item-specific encoding instructions in both experiments, favoring a memory-based explanation. These results suggest that providing unique cues for the retrieval of individual studied items results in enhanced discrimination between those studied items and critical lures. Conversely, enhancing the similarity of studied items results in poor discrimination among items within a particular list theme. These results are discussed in terms of the item-specific/ relational framework (Hunt & McDaniel, 1993).
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
One aspect of successful cognition is the efficient use of prior relevant knowledge in novel situations. Remindings-stimulus-guided retrievals of prior events-allow us to link prior knowledge to current problems by prompting us to retrieve relevant knowledge from events that are distant from the present. Theorizing in research on higher cognition makes much use of the concept of remindings, yet many basic mnemonic consequences of remindings are untested.
Enhanced memory for oddball items has been long established, but the basis for these effects is not well understood. The present work offers a novel way to think about novelty that clarifies the roles of isolation and differentiation in establishing new memories. According to the isolation account, items that are highly dissimilar to other items are better remembered. In contrast, recent category learning studies suggest that oddball items are better remembered because they must be differentiated from other similar items. The current work pits the isolation and differentiation accounts against each other. The results suggest that differentiation, not isolation, leads to more accurate memory for deviant items. In contrast, gains for isolated items are attributable to reduced confusion with other items, as opposed to preferential storage.
Memory & Cognition, 2009
People falsely endorse semantic associates and morpheme rearrangements of studied words at high rates in recognition testing. The coexistence of these results is paradoxical: Models of reading that presume automatic extraction of meaning cannot account for elevated false memory for foils that are related to studied stimuli only by their visual form; models without such a process cannot account for false memory for semantic foils. Here we show how sentence and list study contexts encourage different encoding modes and consequently lead to different patterns of memory errors. Participants studied compound words, such as tailspin and floodgate, as single words or embedded in sentences. We show that sentence contexts led subjects to be better able to discriminate conjunction lures (e.g., tailgate) from old words than did list contexts. Conversely, list contexts led to superior discrimination of semantic lures (e.g., nosedive) from old words than did sentence contexts.
Previous work has shown that semantic similarity results in a memory bias in which related words are more likely than unrelated words to be labeled as studied in recognition memory. I explored the relationship between semantic similarity memory bias and memory for unrelated words. I varied the strength of the related word memory bias by manipulating the proportion of related to unrelated words, and the type of related word used. I showed that as the bias for related words increases, the unrelated false alarm rate decreases. To further characterize the relationship between related and unrelated words, I examined how the related and unrelated words affect memory decisions when they are experienced separately at test. This manipulation diminished the related word memory bias, but the decrease in unrelated word false alarms remained. These findings suggest a compelling relationship between semantic similarity and unrelated items that warrants further investigation. Characterizing the Re...
Journal of Memory and Language, 1996
Three experiments tested the hypothesis that easy generation of nonstudied words in response to word-fragment recall cues can cause illusions of familiarity. Participants read a list of words and were then given a mixture of easy and difficult word fragments as ''recall cues.'' Unbeknownst to participants, some fragments could be completed only with nonstudied words. After generating each completion word, participants made subjective memory reports as in the remember/know paradigm. We compared results obtained when ''knowing'' and ''remembering'' are assumed to be mutually exclusive versus when they are assumed to reflect two independent memory processes. A manipulation that caused nonstudied words to come easily to mind at test created illusions of familiarity. Our results also indicate that remembering and knowing reflect independent memory processes. ᭧
Topics in Cognitive Science, 2018
Surprise has been explored as a cognitive-emotional phenomenon that impacts many aspects of mental life from creativity to learning to decision making. In this paper, we specifically address the role of surprise in learning and memory. Although surprise has been cast as a basic emotion since Darwin's (1872) The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, recently more emphasis has been placed on its cognitive aspects. One such view casts surprise as a process of "sense making" or "explanation finding": Metacognitive Explanation Based (MEB) theory proposes that people's perception of surprise is a metacognitive assessment of the cognitive work done to explain a surprising outcome. Or, to put it more simply, surprise increases with the explanatory work required to resolve it. This theory predicts that some surprises should be more surprising than others because they are harder to explain. In the current paper, this theory is extended to consider the role of surprise in learning as evidenced by memorability. This theory is tested to determine how scenarios with differentially-surprising outcomes impact the memorability of those outcomes. The results show that surprising outcomes (less-known outcomes), that are more difficult to explain, are recalled more accurately than less-surprising outcomes that require little (known outcomes) or no explanation (normal).
Memory & Cognition, 2018
Is there a learning mechanism triggered by mere expectation violation? Is there some form of memory enhancement inherent to an event mismatching our predictions? Across seven experiments, we explore this issue by means of a validity paradigm. Although our manipulation clearly succeeded in generating an expectation and breaking it, the memory consequences of that expectation mismatch are not so obvious. We report here evidence of a null effect of expectation on memory formation. Our results (1) show that enhanced memory for unexpected events is not easily achieved and (2) call for a reevaluation of previous accounts of memory enhancements based on prediction error or difficulty of processing. Limitations of this study and possible implications for the field are discussed in detail.
PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2000
People falsely endorse semantic associates and morpheme rearrangements of studied words at high rates in recognition testing. The coexistence of these results is paradoxical: Models of reading that presume automatic extraction of meaning cannot account for elevated false memory for foils that are related to studied stimuli only by their visual form; models without such a process cannot account for false memory for semantic foils. Here we show how sentence and list study contexts encourage different encoding modes and consequently lead to different patterns of memory errors. Participants studied compound words, such as tailspin and floodgate, as single words or embedded in sentences. We show that sentence contexts led subjects to be better able to discriminate conjunction lures (e.g., tailgate) from old words than did list contexts. Conversely, list contexts led to superior discrimination of semantic lures (e.g., nosedive) from old words than did sentence contexts.
Memory & Cognition, 2013
People show better memory for bizarre sentences relative to common sentences, a finding referred to as the bizarrness effect. Interestingly, this effect is typically only obtained using a mixed-list design, in which participants study common and bizarre sentences in the same list. This bizarreness effect in mixed-list designs has been explained as the result of both enhanced encoding processes and efficient retrieval processes. The present experiment was designed to isolate the unique contributions of the retrieval context to the bizarreness effect. Participants studied common sentences in one room under one set of instructions, and bizarre sentences in another room under another set of instructions. At test, participants recalled the common and bizarre sentences either together or separately. The results showed that the bizarreness effect was only obtained when participants recalled the common and bizarre items together; no bizarreness advantage emerged when participants were required to recall the common and bizarre items separately. These results suggest that differential encoding processes are not necessary for explaining the bizarreness effect in memory. Rather, retrieval of the mixed-list context appears to be critical for obtaining the effect.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2006
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A, 2005
Journal of Memory and Language, 1998
Roediger and McDermott (1995) showed that presentation of associated words can induce false recognition of a related, but nonpresented, associate. In three experiments, we placed this related associate in half of the study lists (but not in the other half) in an attempt to determine whether (and under what conditions) subjects could distinguish between cases in which the critical associate was and was not presented. Results suggest that subjects are quite poor at performing this straightforward task, even when explicitly informed of the false recognition phenomenon, instructed to pay careful attention to whether or not the critical linking associate was presented in the list, and given a 1-item recognition test immediately following each 15-word list. Although subjects were not able to perform accurately under these conditions, the warning instruction did attenuate the false recognition effect (relative to an uninformed condition). This illusion of memory appears to be remarkably robust and little affected by the instructional manipulations.
Journal of Memory and Language, 2002
Associative lists created by the same means are remarkably different in their propensity to elicit false memories in the DRM (Deese, 1959; Roediger & McDermott, 1995) paradigm. We confirmed this variability in Experiment 1 by constructing lists in the typical fashion but with words that were weakly associated to their critical words. Low levels of false recall occurred. In Experiment 2 these results were replicated at three presentation rates (.5, 1, and 3 s per word). Also, slower presentation rates yielded lower false recall for both strong and weak lists. Experiment 3 showed that false recognition rates also varied across lists, as did subjective ratings accompanying false recognition. We interpret these findings as supporting an activation/monitoring framework. Lists vary in a principled way in their tendency to activate the critical item, and slowing the presentation rate permits greater accrual of item-specific information that makes monitoring of retrieval more accurate.
Neuroscience Letters, 2008
False memories arise when people 'remember' experiences that have never occurred. Using the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm, researchers have demonstrated that participants tend to falsely recognize non-studied words (lures) that are associated to previously studied words. Several questions, however, remain regarding the neurocognitive basis of false memory formation. Various encoding manipulations have been shown to affect the behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of false memories, but little is known about whether false memory formation and its neurophysiological correlates are influenced by different test contexts. We recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) during the DRM paradigm, wherein the test included lures that were either preceded by semantically related words or not. Results indicated more false recognitions for lures preceded by related words than for lures that were not preceded by related words at test. Furthermore, the former elicited more positive parietal potentials at 300-600 ms relative to the latter. These findings suggest that test context critically affects behavioral and neurophysiological responses for false memory, providing further insight into the neurocognitive basis of human memory.
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