Copyright Under COVID-19 in Film and Media Studies

2021, Copyright under COVID-19. Special Teaching Media Dossier, coed. with Brendan Kredell, Journal for Cinema and Media Studies (JCMS), March 2021

A world wide pandemic and the abrupt shift to online teaching in March 2020 for many higher education institutions have made visible wider legal and copyright issues that have been emerging with the accelerating expansion of digital subscription platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and Peacock. Catalyzed by COVID-19, the increasingly digital-only sites for distributing media have prompted new questions and problems of access for many faculty and students: What happens when faculty's libraries or institutions cannot license titles on Kanopy or Swank? What are the issues of equity and access raised when these titles are only available through commercial streamers like Amazon or Disney+ that require students to subscribe to multiple providers? And what happens when some films and television programs are only available in physical form on DVD? COVID has forced us all to consider how we move a pedagogical practice built around in-person learning into the online arena. For film and media faculty in particular, this also raises important questions about the legal scaffolding that our teaching is built upon. Programs already rip short film clips for teaching purposes, a practice expressly protected in the United States under an exemption by the Library of Congress to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Now many of us are considering the fair use arguments articulated by Patricia Aufderheide and the Center for Media and Social Impact for making entire feature films available online. In the United States, how have faculty approached the legal issues of copyright and compliance with federal statutes including the DMCA and the TEACH Act? What has been the institutional approach across other national and legal contexts to these legal and risk management issues? For Special Issue Copyright under COVID-19. Special Teaching Media Dossier