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2010, 2010 7th International Multi- Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices
The use of computer networks to transmit medical information is faced to data security problems. Hence it is necessary to make these data unreadable and indecipherable during their transfer. The encryption and decryption of medical images are performed either by software or hardware. A software implementation has the advantage of being portable and low cost but its drawback is the slowness decryption of a huge volume of data, compared to the hardware implementation and its inability to protect private keys. This is the reason that incited us to software implement the RSA protocol to encrypt and decrypt medical images by combining MATLAB and Maple tools. This software implementation has served as a basis comparison to the hardware implementation of the same protocol on an FPGA circuit. Some strategies have been adopted to make this software implementation the fastest in order to permit to the user generating keys, encrypting and decrypting medical images of different sizes with different keys sizes in a reasonable time based on the influence of the RSA parameters on the delays of the encryption/decryption operations.
This work is interested in securing transmission of digital images on the Internet, in public or local networks such as medical images, military or biometrics (authentication retina or fingerprint). We will implement three famous algorithms which are the RSA, DES and AES. The first one uses an asymmetric method for generating the keys (public and private) hence the second and the third algorithms are symmetric cipher block and use only private key for ciphering and deciphering. The simulation results will be presented and discussed in function of two main security parameters which are the length of the information blocks and the key length. Finally, a comparative study between the three techniques is conducted in order to classify everyone by the best performances of robustness especially with the presence of different kinds of attacks.
Scientific Programming
Securing medical images is a great challenge to protect medical privacy. An image encryption model founded on a complex chaos-based Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG) and Modified Advanced Encryption Standard (MAES) is put forward in this paper. Our work consists of the following three main points. First, we propose the use of a complex PRNG based on two different chaotic systems which are the 2D Logistic map in a complex set and Henon’s system in the key generation procedure. Second, in the MAES 128 bits, the subbytes’ operation is performed using four different S-boxes for more complexity. Third, both shift-rows’ and mix-columns’ transformations are eliminated and replaced with a random permutation method which increases the complexity. More importantly, only four rounds of encryption are performed in a loop that reduces significantly the execution time. The overall system is implemented on the Altera Cyclone III board, which is completed with an SD card interface for medical im...
Frontiers in Health Informatics, 2019
In this paper, an encryption algorithm for the security of medical images is presented, which has extraordinary security. Given that the confidentiality of patient data is one of the priorities of medical informatics, the algorithm can be used to store and send medical image.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2022
Digital images are crucial in many areas, including online communication, multimedia systems, medical imaging, and military communications. Color images are being stored and transmitted over the internet and wireless networks in large amounts and thus it is necessary to protect them from any unauthorized user access. Cryptography is the art of codifying messages, so that the messages become unreadable, this way it plays a vital role in the field of security of data. There are several Cryptographic Algorithms to encrypt and decrypt Images. This paper aims to Encrypt and Decrypt Images based on RSA Algorithm providing Authentication and using Image Hash functions for additional Security and Integrity of images. This project also makes sure the Image retains its quality and is not corrupted even after decryption.
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2007
Recently a new system for the secure transmission and efficient storage of medical images interleaved with patient information has been proposed in 2003 by Rajendra Acharya et al. In this paper we analyse the security of this system, showing how to improve it to obtain a truly secure system.
2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AICAI)
Computer aided diagnostic is one of the most active research area and has huge impact on the health care industry. With the advent of intelligent methods, biomedical data processing becomes easier and less error prone. Moreover, remote health care is also possible using the IoT infrastructure. However, data security over the network is always considered as a challenge. Biomedical data are generally sensitive to external disturbances and small manipulation in the data may cause huge difference in the ultimate result. Wrong diagnosis can be life threatening in some scenarios or can be severe in almost every instance. Therefore, biomedical data security is one of the major challenge and necessary for remote health care. In this work, some application of cryptographic methods have been discussed which are used to protect biomedical images from unwanted modifications and access. This work can be highly beneficial in future research in the field of biomedical image protection as well as multimedia data security.
Since the existing RSA Algorithm needs long key sizes, requires big memory spaces and also a long execution time, it seems necessary to make some changes or taking some necessary precautions during the implementation of RSA in order to provide maximum security level. In this paper, three experiments were developed in order to examine the execution time of the processes of encryption and decryption and comparing the results together to elicit the improved points and discussing them. Moreover, some programming techniques will be used in order to speed up the process of encryption or decryption. The results indicate that the execution time of encryption process was improved by 14% in experiment 3 by using some techniques to speed up the process, the decryption process was improved as well by 22%.
Now a day's data security is one of key issue in information security whether it is image, audio, text etc. We are sharing image files for many causes like identity information, medical diagnosis, and study on space related issues so while we do transfer images there should be some defensive security mechanism in order to stand against vulnerably attacks on image data. There exists various techniques in cryptography for encryption of images. In this paper we studied various image encryption methods and proposed a more secured Encryption with incorporating RSA algorithm in Password key generation and we have passed same key in consecutive steps of bit rotation, extended hill cipher, modified vernam cipher, modified MSA algorithm in order to improve security of password key as well as Image encryption method.
Providing security for Medical data such as X-Ray, ECG, MRI, etc. has gained immense importance due to their sensitive nature. The penetration of Internet in all walks of life has made data sharing a necessity amongst hospital networks all over the globe which are in need of security system for their online data exchange. The usage of geometrical objects for encryption is a young area. The present research work explores one such option; the use of Pythagoras’s theorem for right- angled triangle to encrypt medical images. The work proposes a crypto-system with considerable security with one requirement– the use of a secure channel for key exchange.
Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2019
With the rise in medical imaging tools and telemedicine technology, the distance barriers in providing health care have been reduced by communicating patients data over the internet. To provide patients with privacy, the data are encrypted while transmitting over the insecure network. The paper proposes an encryption scheme for multiple medical images using a new finding in elliptic curve analogue ElGamal cryptosystem and Mersenne Twister pseudo-random number generator. The new finding quickens the encryption time as well as solve the problem of data expansion associated with ElGamal cryptosystem. Results from simulation, security and statistical analyses show that the proposed encryption algorithm can be used for multiple medical images encryption.
Engineering Review, 2012
Modern day hospital management systems rely heavily on electronic data processing to maintain patient records. These electronic medical records (EMRs) must be maintained in an unaltered form by the creator. The need for a secure data handling method for the transmission and storage of text and digital media, comprising patient's diagnostic history, imaging, scans, etc., is indispensible. This paper presents a novel method of text encryption by means of symmetric key encryption technique, using variable length key derived from the encrypted text itself.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014
This paper presents two methods for encryption and decryption of images using XOR operation. In the first method the original image is encrypted by the key image using XOR operation and decryption process also uses the same key image with XOR operation. In the second method one of the bit planes of the key image is used for encrypting the bit planes of the original image and shuffling is done for getting the encrypted image. This method also uses XOR operation. Both the methods use a binary image of the same size as key for encrypting the original image. Experiments have shown that both algorithms are suitable for 2D as well as 3D images. These algorithms are implemented in MATLAB environment and tested on various medical images which have shown good results. These methods can be used for encrypting other images also.
Most biomedical data are strictly confidential, hence the need to protect them from an unauthorized party. We had earlier developed and implemented a hybrid cryptography technique that uses a combination of Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) Algorithms. The DES algorithm was used to encrypt the data while the RSA algorithm was used to transfer DES secret key securely. This paper presents the development of a graphical user interface (GUI) for the developed hybrid technique. The interface was implemented in C#. The developed hybrid technique provides higher throughput, better encryption speed, and CPU power consumption usage.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2023
Among the most sensitive and important data in telemedicine systems are medical images. It is necessary to use a robust encryption method that is resistant to cryptographic assaults while transferring medical images over the internet. Confidentiality is the most crucial of the three security goals for protecting information systems, along with availability, integrity, and compliance. Encryption and watermarking of medical images address problems with confidentiality and integrity in telemedicine applications. The need to prioritize security issues in telemedicine applications makes the choice of a trustworthy and efficient strategy or framework all the more crucial. The paper examines various security issues and cutting-edge methods to secure medical images for use with telemedicine systems.
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing
E-healthcare systems (EHSD), medical communications, digital imaging (DICOM) things have gained popularity over the past decade as they have become the top contenders for interoperability and adoption as a global standard for transmitting and communicating medical data. Security is a growing issue as EHSD and DICOM have grown more usable on any-to-any devices. The goal of this research is to create a privacy-preserving encryption technique for EHSD rapid communication with minimal storage. A new 2D logistic-sine chaotic map (2DLSCM) is used to design the proposed encryption method, which has been developed specifically for peer-to-peer communications via unique keys. Through the 3D Lorenz map which feeds the initial values to it, the 2DLSCM is able to provide a unique keyspace of 2 544 bits (2^544bits) in each go of peer-to-peer paired transmission. Permutation-diffusion design is used in the encryption process, and 2DLSCM with 3DLorenz system are used to generate unique initial values for the keys. Without interfering with real-time medical transmission, the approach can quickly encrypt any EHSD image and DICOM objects. To assess the method, five distinct EHSD images of different kinds, sizes, and quality are selected. The findings indicate strong protection, speed, and scalability when compared to existing similar methods in literature.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2019
The transmission of medical data by mobile telephony is an innovation that constitutes the m-health or more generally e-health. This telemedicine handles personal data of patients who deserve to be protected when they are transmitted via the operator or private network, so that malicious people do not have access to them. This is where cryptography comes in to secure the medical data transmitted, while preserving their confidentiality, integrity and authenticity. In this field of personal data security, public key cryptography or asymmetric cryptography is becoming increasingly prevalent, as it provides a public key to encrypt the transmitted message and a second private key, linked to the first by formal mathematics, that only the final recipient has to decrypt the message. The RSA algorithm of River and Shamir provides this asymmetric cryptography based on a public key and a private key, on two prime numbers. However, the factorization of these two prime numbers to give the variable N of RSA can be discovered by a hacker and thus make the security of medical data vulnerable. In this article, we propose a more secured RSA algorithm with n primes and offline storage of the essential parameters of the RSA algorithm. We performed a triple encryption-decryption with these n prime numbers, which made it more difficult to break the factorization of the variable N. Thus, the key generation time is longer than that of traditional RSA.
In this paper, we discuss the secure of transfering of medical images. We propose two cryptosystems, the first one is a very fast algorithm by block, the TEA (Tiny Encryption Algorithm) and the second is a stream cipher based on Vigenere's ciphering. We show differences existing between them, especially concerning the combination of the image encryption and the compression. Results applied to medical images are given to illustrate the two methods.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014
Medical image security can be enhanced using the reversible watermarking technique, it allows us to embed the relevant information with the image, which provides confidentiality, integrity and authentication by embedding RSA encrypted digital signature with the image. Protection of Medical Image content is very much important for tele-diagnosis and telesurgery. Our work proposes a novel algorithms AHF (Additive Hash Function) and RSA for the production of DS (Digital Signature) to achieve high confidentiality and Authentication. An image is compressed using JPEG2000 (DWT) algorithm and EPR (Electronic Patient Record) is embedded in RONI (Region of Non Interest) of compressed image using Lossless Watermarking Technique then shared through the open network. The PSNR (peak Signal to Noise ratio) value is up to 72dBs for 512×512 US(Ultrasonic) images. Increase in Authentication can be achieved when medical expert's access secured medical images from the web servers using Kerberos technique.
The advancements happening in the domain of information technology resulted in growing stature of rapid communication across the world. Telemedicine is one such arena which is benefitted largely because of such revolution. DICOM images are one of the important medical information carriers shared mostly through an unsecured network across the hospitals and health centers. Protection of such significant medical records against unauthorized access needs an important attention. In this work, the medical image is stored in on-chip memory of FPGA and upon authentication through an unique key received through the keyboard, the image will be displayed in a VGA monitor. In the event of detecting wrong password / key, the encryption of medical image has been carried out using Cellular Automata (CA). Authentication has been improved by hardware triggered password. The proposed multiplexed image authentication was implemented on reconfigurable hardware platform Cyclone II FPGA. Hardware utility and power dissipation have been analysed as a part of this work.
IET Information Security, 2015
Booming telemedicine applications makes it deemed necessary to provide security services for such applications. The algorithms proposed in this field can be grouped into three classes: watermarking-based algorithms, crypto-based algorithms and hybrid algorithms. In this study, the authors propose two crypto-based algorithms capable of providing confidentiality, authenticity and integrity services to medical images exchanged in telemedicine applications. Strong cryptographic functions with internally generated symmetric keys and hash codes are used. The advanced encryption standard-Galois counter mode is used with the whirlpool hash function to provide confidentiality and authenticity, and the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm is used to provide authenticity and integrity. The proposed algorithms are based on the digital imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM) standard; however, unlike the standard, the algorithms provide confidentiality, authenticity and integrity for the header data, as well as for the pixel data of the DICOM images. Effectiveness of the proposed algorithms is evaluated and demonstrated through extensive experimentation using a benchmark set of DICOM images.
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