Pathalgadi : A Critical Way to Empower the Gram Sabha

2019, Sodh Sanchar Bulletin

Gram Sabha is the lowest functionary of grassroots democracy in India. An empowered Gram Sabha is considered as the base for establishing a sound democratic system. The paper highlights the Pathalgadi movement as a critical way of empowering Gram Sabha through the case of Burugulikera village. The village witnessed the murder of seven people who opposed the decision of Pathalgadi supporters for abandoning the use of government issued identification cards to show their dissent to the government and unacceptance of their policies. This is basically a review paper which builds on previous research work. The paper elaborates the historical background of the Gram Sabha, empowerment of Gram Sabha in scheduled areas and its present status, analyses how Panchayat Extension Scheduled Areas Act, 1996 and Forest Rights Act, 2006 have enabled democratic decision making in Gram Sabha and the validity of Pathalgadi movement as a critical way of empowering Gram Sabha. The paper concludes that government must not intervene with the rights of the indigenous tribes but the Pathalgadi supporters must also understand that they cannot be violent and cruel with those who disagree with their way of showing dissent.