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2005, Computers & Fluids
The results of large eddy simulations (LES) of turbulent bubbly wake flows are presented. The LES technique was applied together with the Lagrangian particle dynamics method and a random flow generation (RFG) technique to the cases of a two-phase bubbly mixing layer and the high-Reynolds number bubbly ship-wake flows. The validation was performed on the experimental data for the bubbly mixing layer. Instantaneous distributions and probability density functions of bubbles in the wake were obtained using a joint LES/RFG approach. Separate estimates of bubble decay due to dissolution and buoyancy effects were obtained. The analysis of bubble agglomeration effects was done on the basis of experimental data for a turbulent vortex to satisfy one-way coupling that is used in this study.
The presence of air bubbles in ship wakes and their dynamic interaction with the turbulent vortical flows create security problems by modifying the hydro-acoustic properties of ship navigation. This study concerns understanding and controlling the mechanisms, which may lead to selective concentration of bubbles to form clusters or clouds and to predict their size distribution and motion. Numerical simulations were conducted using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique in conjunction with a Lagrangian particle tracking (LPT) technique appropriate for dispersed two-phase turbulent flows. In order to cut down on the execution time of LES, the simulation for the flow around the ship model are not considered, instead the simulations started just after the ship where the inlet conditions are prescribed with the help of a newly developed Random Flow Generation (RFG) procedure, and to compute bubble distributions. Moreover, to improve turnaround time of the computations and allow LES of the developing wake in a larger domain, parallel simulation tools are developed and adopted in this study. The turbulence characteristics of ship wakes on a straight tract and a circular tract are investigated using the above mentioned techniques, and processes (e.g. free surface effects, anisotropy, etc.) contributing to turbulence generation are identified, and appropriate sub-grid scale (SGS) models are developed and applied. For the first time, a relatively long developing near wake of three ship lengths was simulated using LES on parallel computers with more than six million nodes.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) provide a description of turbulent flow fields at every point in space and time. Since every statistical quantity can be computed, this data should be useful for the development of closure models. In this paper, models for bubbly turbulent flows, in a two-fluid framework, are investigated using DNS data. A
In bubbly flow, bubbles and the surrounding fluid interact through both force and turbulence coupling. The effects of flow turbulence on bubble trajectory are reflected in turbulent dispersion. Bubbles will introduce extra turbulence into the fluid through wake effects (so-called pseudo turbulence). The single phase k-epsilon model does not incorporate the bubble-induced turbulence [1]. This study aimed to develop and implement a model to account for these effects. The gas-stirred-ladle experiments of [10] and [1] were employed for validation. The model framework combines a volume of fluid (VOF) and discrete phase model (DPM). VOF is used to capture the fountain shape formed by the bubble plume reaching the surface, while DPM is a parcel-based Lagrangian approach to track bubbles.
In this paper we present detailed Euler-Euler Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of dispersed bubbly flow in a rectangular bubble column. The motivation of this study is to investigate the potential of this approach for the prediction of bubbly flows, in terms of mean quantities. The physical models describing the momentum exchange between the phases including drag, lift and wall force were chosen according to previous experiences of the authors. Experimental data, Euler-Lagrange LES and unsteady Euler-Euler Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes results are used for comparison. It is found that the present model combination provides good agreement with experimental data for the mean flow and liquid velocity fluctuations. The energy spectrum obtained from the resolved velocity of the Euler-Euler LES is presented as well.
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018
An experimental study was conducted to investigate the 2D bubbly flow downstream of a cylinder. Sparsely distributed bubbles were produced using the ventilation method. The carrier flow was measured using the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. The shadow imaging technique was used to capture instantaneous bubbly flow images. An image-processing code was compiled to identify bubbles in acquired image, calculate the bubble equivalent diameter and the bubble velocity. The effects of Reynolds number and the flow rate of the injected air were considered. The result indicates that the carrier flow is featured by distinct flow structures and the wake region is suppressed as the upstream velocity increases. Regarding the bubbles trapped in the wake flow, the number of small bubbles increases with the upstream velocity. On the whole, the bubble velocity is slightly lower than that of the carrier flow. The consistency between small bubbles and the carrier flow is high in terms of velocity magnitude, which is justified near the wake edge. The difference between the bubble velocity and the carrier flow velocity is remarkable near the wake centerline. For certain Reynolds number, with the increase in the air flow rate, the bubble equivalent diameter increases and the bubble void fraction is elevated.
Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of multi-fluid and multiphase flows have progressed enormously over the last decade or two. It is, in particular, now possible to simulate the evolution of hundreds of bubbles in laminar and turbulent flows for a long enough time so that meaningful statistical quantities can be collected. For bubbly flow in vertical channels DNS have provided considerable new insight into the structure of the flow and how it can be modeled. The flow structure depends sensitively on the sign of the lift force on the bubbles. For nearly spherical bubbles in both upflow and downflow the lateral migration of bubbles results in a core region where the weight of the mixture exactly balances the imposed pressure gradient. For upflow bubbles accumulate at the wall but for downflow the region next to the wall is free of bubbles. The results lead to a very simple model of the void fraction distribution and, for downflow the velocity and the flow rate can be predicted relatively accurately. Deformable bubbles result in a very different flow structure, with no bubbles accumulating at the wall. Simulations of the transient motion show that it takes a long time for the flow to reach a steady state and that the evolution is complex, with bubbles moving in and out of the wall-layer. The availability of DNS results calls for more intense efforts to use the data for developing closure terms for models of the average and large-scale flows, as well as the development of efficient and accurate methods for more complex flows, such as those undergoing topology changes and involving additional physical effects like surfactants and heat and mass transfer.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1994
Using Auton's force law for the unsteady motion of a spherical bubble in inhomogeneous unsteady flow, two key dimensionless groups are deduced which determine whether isolated vortices or shear-layer vortices can trap bubbles. These groups represent the ratio of inertial to buoyancy forces as a relaxation parameter 17 = AU2/2gx and a trapping parameter r = AUI VT where AUis the velocity difference across the vortex or the shear layer, x is streamwise distance measured from the effective origin of the mixing layer and VT is the terminal slip speed of the bubble or particle. It is shown here that whilst buoyancy and drag forces can lead to bubbles moving in closed orbits in the vortex flows (either free or forced), only inertial forces result in convergent trajectories. Bubbles converge on the downflow side of the vortex at a location that depends on the inertial and lift forces. It is important to note that the latter have been omitted from many earlier studies.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2001
A two-¯uid model of turbulent, adiabatic bubbly¯ow was implemented in the computational¯uid dynamics (CFD) CFX4.2 program and validated. Turbulence in the dispersed (bubble) phase was neglected. Liquid turbulence was modeled through a two-phase extension of the single-phase standard k±e model. Conservation equations of turbulent scales contain single-phase and interfacial terms. A closure for the interfacial turbulence terms was proposed based on the assumption of low-bubble inertia and neglecting surface tension. The interfacial turbulence terms account for additional pseudoturbulence in liquid created by bubble-induced mixing. The proposed turbulence model contained the single empirical constant in the modeled dissipation rate balance. The model was implemented in the CFX4.2 commercial CFD solver. Comparing numerical predictions to the experimental data the value of the model constant was estimated. Model predictions were compared to other bubbly¯ows to prove the universality of the model constant. The comparison showed that the constant has a certain generality. A new, two-phase logarithmic wall law was also implemented and validated. The derivation of the new law was based on an assumption of the additional eddy diusivity due to the bubble-induced stirring in the boundary layer. An improved wall friction prediction was achieved with the new wall law over conventional single-phase law. The improvement was especially noticeable for the low-liquid¯ow rates when bubble-induced pseudoturbulence plays a signi®cant role. The ability of the model to account for bubble size eect was also studied. Ó
The production and entrainment of bubbles in ship wakes is not completely understood despite the fact that it has many practical applications. For example, bubbles trapped in the large vortical structures in the ship wake can form clusters that are able to persist for large distances leaving a long trail of bubbles, which increases the ship's signature; an important consideration in the defence
Multiphase Science and Technology, 2005
An experimental approach is developed to carry out PIV measurements and to perform digital processing of the recorded PIV images to measure simultaneously the instantaneous turbulent velocity field and the void fraction distribution in the wake region of a Taylor bubble. Advanced methods of data processing, such as ensemble averaging and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), are applied. Results of measurements performed in our newly constructed experimental facility are presented. Two liquid flow rates were employed, corresponding to Reynolds numbers of 820 for laminar background flow and 7500 for turbulent flow. The mean characteristics of the velocity field in the wake region are calculated by ensemble-averaging the instantaneous velocity fields measured around 200 different bubbles. An algorithm to estimate the void fraction distribution in the axial pipe crosssection from the recorded PIV images is developed.
Physics of Fluids, 1998
Direct numerical simulations ͑DNS͒ of bubble-laden isotropic decaying turbulence are performed using the two-fluid approach ͑TF͒ instead of the Eulerian-Lagrangian approach ͑EL͒. The motivation for the study is that EL requires considerable computational resources, especially for the case of two-way coupling, where the instantaneous trajectories of a large number of individual bubbles need to be computed. The TF formulation is developed by spatially averaging the instantaneous equations of the carrier flow and bubble phase over a scale of the order of the Kolmogorov length scale, which, in our case, is much larger than the bubble diameter. On that scale, the bubbles are treated as a continuum ͑without molecular diffusivity͒ characterized by the bubble phase velocity field and concentration ͑volume fraction͒. The bubble concentration, C, is assumed small enough (Cр10 Ϫ3) to neglect the bubble-bubble interactions. As a test case, direct simulation of a bubble-laden Taylor-Green vortex with one-way coupling is performed with a bubble response time of the order of the flow time scale ͑inverse of the mean vorticity͒. This simple flow allows a direct examination of the effects of the preferential accumulation of bubbles in the high-enstrophy regions of the flow on the accuracy of the two-fluid formulation. The temporal development of the maximum bubble concentration obtained from DNS agrees well with the analytical solution. DNS of the bubble-laden decaying turbulence are also performed for both cases of one-way and two-way coupling. Here, the bubble diameter and response time are much smaller than the Kolmogorov length and time scales, respectively. In this case, as expected, the effects of the preferential accumulation of the bubbles are not pronounced. The results also show that the bubble-laden flow is analogous to a stratified flow with an effective density ϭ(1ϪC) f. Thus, due to the two-way interaction between the bubbles and carrier flow, the turbulence decay is enhanced with stable stratification, and reduced with unstable stratification.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2002
Direct numerical simulations of the motion of up to 216 three-dimensional buoyant bubbles in periodic domains are presented. The full Navier-Stokes equations are solved by a parallelized finite-difference/front-tracking method that allows a deformable interface between the bubbles and the suspending fluid and the inclusion of surface tension. The governing parameters are selected such that the average rise Reynolds number is about 12-30, depending on the void fraction; deformations of the bubbles are small. Although the motion of the individual bubbles is unsteady, the simulations are carried out for a sufficient time that the average behaviour of the system is well defined. Simulations with different numbers of bubbles are used to explore the dependence of the statistical quantities on the size of the system. Examination of the microstructure of the bubbles reveals that the bubbles are dispersed approximately homogeneously through the flow field and that pairs of bubbles tend to align horizontally. The dependence of the statistical properties of the flow on the void fraction is analysed. The dispersion of the bubbles and the fluctuation characteristics, or 'pseudo-turbulence', of the liquid phase are examined in Part 2.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2003
Microbubble-laden homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow is investigated by using direct numerical simulation of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations and computing the bubble trajectories with Lagrangian tracking. The bubble motion is calculated by taking into account the effect of fluid acceleration plus added mass, drag, gravity, and in particular the lift force, which had been neglected in many previous simulations. By comparing the results from simulations with and without lift, we find the effect of the lift force to be crucial: for passive bubbles, i.e. bubbles without backreaction on the flow (one-way coupling), the lift enhances the accumulation of bubbles on the downward flow side of vortices, resulting in a considerably reduced rise velocity of bubbles in turbulent flow, compared to still water. This also has consequences for the active bubble case, i.e. for bubbles with backreaction on the flow (two-way coupling): the energy spectrum of the turbulence is modified non-uniformly. Because of the combined effect of preferential bubble clustering in downflow zones and the local buoyant transfer, which reduces the vertical fluid velocity fluctuations, large-scale motions (small wavenumbers k) are suppressed. In contrast, small-scale motions (large wavenumbers k) are enhanced due to the local bubble forcing. The net effect turns out to be a reduction of the energy dissipation rate.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2016
An experimental investigation is reported for the flow structures in the wake of an air bubble sliding under an inclined surface in quiescent water. Time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) is used to study the wakes of sliding bubbles for a range of measurement planes, bubble diameters and surface inclination angles. Additionally, key aspects of the bubble's motion are measured simultaneously using a novel method that accounts for the motion of the bubble's interface. Thus, vortex shedding may be linked to changes in the bubble shape and path. Analysis of the measured velocity and vorticity fields reveals a wake structure consisting of a near wake that moves in close proximity to the bubble, shedding vorticity at the inversion points of the bubble path. Downstream of the bubble in the far wake, these structures evolve into asymmetrical, oppositelyoriented hairpin vortices that are generated in the near wake. These hairpin vortices bear similarities to those observed behind freely rising bubbles and near-wall bluff bodies and are found to cause significant motion of the bulk fluid. This bulk fluid motion has the potential to offer significant convective cooling of adjacent heated surfaces, such as submerged electronics components.
Physical Review Fluids
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2013
Prediction of the bubble size distribution in the wake of a ship is important to analyze its acoustic signature. To achieve CFD simulation of dynamic ships with moving control surfaces and rotating propellers in waves, a robust implementation is paramount. In this work a mass conserving multigroup discretization strategy of the Boltzmann transport equation for polydispersed bubbly flows is presented, as well as an analysis of available breakup and coalescence models. Modifications of the discrete equations for the fixed pivot method at the boundaries are introduced that guarantee exact bubble mass conservation. The role of the time stepping scheme in the conservation of mass and number of bubbles is discussed. Though the conservation properties of the discrete system of equations are satisfied provided they are solved exactly, in practice an iterative procedure must be used since the ODE's are non-linear. Three iterative schemes are proposed and they are analyzed in terms of robustness and efficiency. Breakup, coalescence and dissolution models are analyzed from the numerical point of view. Available models of breakup and coalescence are studied finding appropriate choices for ship applications. Other models are appropriate as well, but are more costly numerically. As appropriate for ship applications, an extension to the model of Prince and Blanch for salt water is proposed and analyzed. The final model is tested against experimental data and computations by other researchers, and convergence properties in bubble size discretization is studied. It is found that for salt water the final steady state is dependent on the initial condition since there is a range of sizes for which coalescence and breakup are both negligible.
Chemical Engineering Science, 2021
h i g h l i g h t s An enhanced turbulence model has been developed and validated, which is generally applicable to bubble plumes. The model accounts for the extra turbulence agitation introduced by bubble wakes. The model also considers the turbulence modulations due to bubble-induced stratification and free surface damping effects. The implications of each physical process in turbulence modelling are investigated.
Two-phase bubbly flows are widely applied in engineering and environmental processes. The interaction of the dispersed phase with the continuous phase has a great effect on transfer processes between the phases. The interstitial relative velocities between the phases and the interfacial area and the shape of the dispersed phase are the key dependent parameters in the drag, heat and mass transfer between the phases. Although the physical understanding of bubbles rise in a liquid is a significant practical importance in many areas of engineering, neither the interactions between bubbles in clusters nor the bubble-induced pseudo-turbulence (i.e., the generation of velocity fluctuations by bubbles and their wakes in a laminar flow) are fully understood. The modeling of bubbly flows with the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes requires detailed information about the full field velocity close to the bubble and its wake. Such information is not widely available. Experimental data exis...
Chemical Engineering Science, 2008
Gas-liquid bubbly flow in a flat bubble column ("Becker" case with a gas flow rate of 1.6 l/min) is studied by means of large-eddy simulation (LES) combined with Lagrangian particle tracking with two-way coupling. The unsteady two-phase flow considered is relatively dilute in a global sense, but has higher gas clustering locally. The bubble size, of the order of millimeter, is relatively large compared to the smallest liquid fluctuation scales. It is demonstrated that, in such a setting, a single-phase LES along with the point-volume treatment of the dispersed phase can serve as a viable closure model, even though its application assumptions are not fully met. For the backward momentum coupling we used a "particle-source-in-ball" (PSI-ball) concept, which in essence is a generalization of the conventional particle-source-in-cell (PSI-cell) method as well as template-function based treatment. A high prediction accuracy is achieved in an extensive comparison with classical experimental data, covering not only the mean feature of the flow and transient bubble dispersion patterns, but also the second-order statistics of the liquid which is vital in assessing a closure model and has not been enough addressed in the past RANS-based studies. ᭧
Physics of Fluids, 2007
The dynamics and dispersion of small air bubbles in isotropic turbulence are analyzed computationally. The flow field is simulated using a pseudo-spectral code, while the bubble dynamics are analyzed by integration of a Lagrangian equation of motion that accounts for buoyancy, added mass, pressure, drag, and lift forces. Probability density functions (pdfs) of bubble velocities, lift and drag forces, and of field velocities and vorticities along bubble trajectories are used to analyze bubble dynamics. Lagrangian bubble trajectories are also employed to determine dispersion characteristics, following the theoretical development of Cushman and Moroni . Consistent with available experimental data, bubble rise velocities are increasingly suppressed with increasing turbulence intensity. The analysis also reveals that the vertical bubble velocities are characterized by asymmetric pdfs that are positive or negative-skewed dependent upon the non-dimensional turbulence intensity and the Taylor length scale. The role of the lift force in moving the bubbles to the down-flow side of turbulent eddies, and consequently retarding their rise, is consistently observed in all analysis. The dispersion of 40 µm bubbles and transition to Fickian behavior is shown to be weakly affected by the turbulence level. Larger, 400 µm bubbles are shown to be more sensitive to turbulence level with transition to Fickian behavior delayed in low turbulence fields.
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