Terminology of the Article as a Scientific Text


UDC 81'42 liakh oksana, nepran anna DSEE "Donbas state teachers' training university" TerminologY oF The arTicle as a scienTiFic TexT summary. The authors investigate such form of the scientific text as an article. Scientific article is a type of scientific text that aims at presenting some new result, explaining its significance, and placing it coherently within the existing knowledge. Writing an article scholars should follow some compulsory rules to create a piece of the scientific text. The signs of the article are analysed from the point of view of Lexicology. In the scientific style the most valued attributes are accuracy, precision, clarity, concision, and grace, which is achieved with the help of use of the terminology. There exist a lot of classifications of terms. Authors analyzed several articles of the scientific periodical from the point of view of their vocabulary. The research proved that the amount of terms in the article is about 40%.