The "Eastern" or Communist Philosophy



Translation of J. Witt-Hansen's 1961 introduction to Communist Philosophy. The text was originally published in Danish and has never before been translated. From the translator's introduction: The reason for translating Witt-Hansen’s first public introduction to the development of Marx’s thoughts and the later developments of Communist philosophy, and thus introducing a contemporary international audience to this text, is two-fold. On the one hand, this text is interesting for its early critique of ‘Soviet philosophy’, which questions the feasibility of guiding scientific development from the single (ideal) perspective of Historical Materialism. On the other hand, the translator hopes to awaken scholarly interest in Witt-Hansen’s various works, particularly the unfinished (planned) publication Historical Materialism volumes 1-3. How to cite: Witt-Hansen, J. 2021. ‘The “Eastern” or Communist Philosophy’. In Vor Tids Filosofi, ed. E. Graham, trans P. Højme. Danmarks Radios Grundbøger. København: Danmarks Radio.