An Efficient Smart Garbage Disposal System - A Review


In the recent decades, Urbanization tremendously. At the same phase there is an increase in waste production. Waste management has been a crucial issue to be considered. This review paper is a way to achieve this good cause. In this review paper, smart bin is built on a microcontroller based platform. Microcontroller would be programmed in such a way that it could control the operations of servo doors. This microcontroller would control all three components of our project. The basic idea of our project is the van could move around area given to it. The van is basically a line following robot which would stop at certain intervals below the container, the container would drop off the garbage into the van. The van would go to next station and drop the garbage into the dumping pit. Once these smart bins are implemented on a large scale, by replacing our traditional bins present today, waste can be managed efficiently as it avoids unnecessary lumping of wastes on roadside .Foul smell from these rotten wastes that remain untreated for a long time, due to negligence of authorities and carelessness of public may lead to long term problems. Breeding of insects and mosquitoes can create nuisance around promoting unclean environment. This may even cause dreadful diseases.