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In the recent decades, Urbanization tremendously. At the same phase there is an increase in waste production. Waste management has been a crucial issue to be considered. This review paper is a way to achieve this good cause. In this review paper, smart bin is built on a microcontroller based platform. Microcontroller would be programmed in such a way that it could control the operations of servo doors. This microcontroller would control all three components of our project. The basic idea of our project is the van could move around area given to it. The van is basically a line following robot which would stop at certain intervals below the container, the container would drop off the garbage into the van. The van would go to next station and drop the garbage into the dumping pit. Once these smart bins are implemented on a large scale, by replacing our traditional bins present today, waste can be managed efficiently as it avoids unnecessary lumping of wastes on roadside .Foul smell from these rotten wastes that remain untreated for a long time, due to negligence of authorities and carelessness of public may lead to long term problems. Breeding of insects and mosquitoes can create nuisance around promoting unclean environment. This may even cause dreadful diseases.
Now-a-days, management of waste from its collection to dumping and disruption has become one of the greatest challenging and arduous chore for municipal corporations, all around the globe. To make this tedious job facile, a new concept of Smart Dustbin has been taken into consideration for Smart buildings, hospitals, schools and railway stations. The Smart garbage collector thought is an advancement of traditional garbage collector by levitating it to become smart inculcating sensors and some form of logics. This smart collector is a revolutionary idea of application of line following garbage car and pole fixed garbage part on predesigned locomotive path. The fixed bin makes use of ultrasonic sensors for level of garbage detection and updates the coeval level of the bin to the garbage car, using RF Module. This is thereby a fully automated system, making small contribution towards the theme of Clean India Green India.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews
Garbage collection is one of the most hazardous jobs in our country, and workers should avoid direct contact with hazardous trash. This paper is devoted to the design of a garbage collection vehicle that can be operated automatically. The creation of cutting-edge deep learning-based data processing technologies in recent years has sped up this rise. Furthermore, major automakers produce cars capable of partially or completely autonomous driving on public roadways. Contrarily, self-driving vehicles are now only permitted on multi-lane highways, such as interstates, and are not yet ready for urban areas or residential complexes. Because the autonomous garbage collection vehicle is battery-powered, the quantity of pollution it emits is insignificant in nature.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2021
To understand the principle of our proposed system, we must first find out the current state of our country's garbage collection and treatment system. The garbage bins are improperly maintained, or sometimes due to the lack of proper trash, people throw their trash on the side of the road. During the current Covid-19 pandemic, this is a major challenge. Therefore, our goal is to provide an efficient and economical garbage collection and disposal system that provides a clean, healthy, and environmental-friendly society. Technically, we will use technologies like GSM and GPS. So, the proposed system aspires to create a better system that will help meet the needs of the target audience. In short, we are helping the community for a cleaner environment. We have few technologies around us right now that can be used in this way for a better tomorrow.
Now-a-days, Collecting and segregating of waste has become one among the greatest challenging task for municipal corporations, all around the globe. An exponential rise in population, there's an increased production of waste, and also an enormous amount of litter consisting of plastic, paper, and other such products carelessly thrown about and scattered publicly. No one is paying attention to surrounding environmental problems. One of the major issues is garbage collection. To deal with this problem we come up with a "Robotic Vehicle for Garbage Collection". Robot is able to perform human tasks of collecting garbage. In this project, we are designing a robot which is capable of collecting the waste products from various places like footpaths, parks, schools & colleges etc. This robot is capable for detection of objects in random movement. The main controller of this project is Raspberry Pi 3B. The robot is built on a wooden base of size 50x40 cm which is powered by battery of 12V. The movement of robotic vehicle is controlled by programming the Arduino. After detecting the objects, the robot senses by webcam & followed by Image processing, the object gets collected with the robotic arm and place into the container. The robot keeps collecting the waste until it reaches certain height within the bin. Once the bin is full then it is notified to the operator. This robotic vehicle is working automatically and saves the human power.
For years, waste bin has been part of our lives; this has necessitated many inventions and innovations to make it automated. In this light, much research was channeled towards the opening and closing of the bin when the presence of human is sensed. However, this ma y be considered less smart since the bin will operate when the presence of human is sensed even though there is no intention to use it. To avert this ill, this paper presents the design and development of a smart waste bin. The objective of this paper is to develop a smart waste bin that detects the presence of man at a particular distance (1 meter for usage so as not to spill the dirt) and obeys voice command to open or close the lid. This is achieved by the use of PIR, ultrasonic module, voice recognition module, Arduino and servo motor. Results gotten after testing the developed system shows that the performance of the waste bin attains a better level of smartness compared to existing waste bin.
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2020
Aim/Objectives: The primary aim is to introduce a way in which garbage could be collected and disposed efficiently; To analyze the problem of garbage disposal at a school, restaurant, office, hotel, production plant or any other suitable location; To design and develop a system for solving the problem; To test and maintain the implemented system. Method: Our project is divided into two main parts. We are designing a system that collects garbage automatically through line. For which we are designing an arena so that the machine will follow the specific path and also manually by using Arduino and Bluetooth module. The machine can be controlled by software which will give command to the robotic jaw to collect the stationary waste. It also has the characteristic to get controlled by voice command which makes the robot to collect the garbage according to the given command. Findings: We have designed a semi-autonomous garbage collector robot which can do multiple functions. This robot has one robotic arm in which it can pick the garbage and dispense it in main basket attached to the robot. The camera placed on robot helps the administrator to remotely monitor the robot while collecting garbage. The prototype has an electronic mechanism by which the robot can dispense it collected garbage to the dispensing point. This robot has installed batteries in which there is no fuel or electricity required to complete the operation.
Approximately 36.5 million tons of garbage is produced by the country annually. If dustbin is not maintained then these can cause an unhealthy environment and can cause pollution that affects our health. The main objective of the project is to design a smart dustbin which will help in keeping our environment clean and reduce human interaction. This smart garbage bin is built using IoT and Robotics. It consists of hardware such as microcontroller, motor driver IC, Wi-fi module, servo motor, battery, etc. which is controlled by remote. The arms of the dustbin move with the help of the servo motors. This project aims to be a better and updated version of the current technologies by adding the robotic arms and mobile nature. For society it will help toward health and hygiene and can be used in smart city projects. This project will be made available for all sections of the society as well as all the possible places.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2021
Growing urbanisation in developing countries, population growth, and changes in human activities and consumption patterns have resulted in significant amounts of trash that must be appropriately disposed of, treated, and managed to provide a sustainable environment and a reasonable standard of life for the growing population. The aim of the paper is to design a smart dustbin for proper disposal of waste without any human intervention by providing a smart technology for waste system monitoring, reducing human time, effort, and intervention. This paper presents a smart waste bin integrated with a microcontroller-based Arduino board which is interfaced with ultrasonic sensors, MQ-2 sensor, servo motor, LCD and GSM modem. The Arduino microcontroller is programmed using Arduino C which measures the height of the dust bin using the ultrasonic sensor. Once the waste gets to the pre-set level, the microcontroller activates the GSM modem to send a message to a designated number. The status o...
IRJET, 2020
Waste Management has got the highest importance in this era globally but the practices of way on waste disposal are often neglected. Most communities around the world are aware of the serious consequences of improper solid waste management practices but the negative attitude of implementation gives rise to chaotic situations. Domestic solid waste is the most visible consequence of this economic development. However, considerable amounts of this waste could be recycled and reutilized if separated. Efficient Solid waste management is one of the key factors in the development of a nation. But still, in many countries, it is not considered that into the subject of development. A reliable waste collection service is must needed and the waste collection vehicles need to be appropriate to the local situation, while more vehicles are required to cope with the ever-increasing volumes of wastes generated in each area. Rapid growth in population and urbanization, industrialization process and rural to urban migration, the waste management is becoming more and more critical now. Considering all above issues, we have proposed an idea which can make solid waste up to some good extent. The proposed system ensures to make the waste management channels free of hassle by providing the solution of real-time path monitoring of garbage vans. Also, the monitoring of garbage bins overflow is necessary for hygiene control. After the bin is full the specific vehicle is reached to that exact. This system overcomes social problems for the garbage assortment and the overflow of litter bins. The techniques which we are used for the decentreal-world acquaintance of Smart garbage collection.
In today’s era it is very important to manage and handle the waste. The waste bins kept in the public places overflows before the garbage cleaners arrive to collect the waste. As a result, the bins are not cleared off on timely basis and foul smell, maintaining of hygiene, spread of disease are the biggest problems in the public area. Smart Dustbin is the need of the hour for the urban areas. The paper aims at the development of a smart garbage bin alert system. The complete IoT based dustbin is designed and developed to automate the process and monitor it efficiently. The system measures the level of waste inside the bin and auto locks the garbage bin and informs municipal authorities about the same stating the location of the bin so that corrective measure can be taken for timely collection of garbage and avoidance of the filthiness in the area. The system will also adapt with network environment to manage all information from waste management.
Waste segregation and recycling are simple yet effective ways of reducing the amount of waste dumped into our landfills. But there are people who are unaware or even choose to ignore the fact that waste segregation and recycling are environment friendly solutions to the problem of wastes management and disposal. In the Philippines, there are recycling centers but the process is tedious and done manually. There are guidelines implemented by the government with regards to recycling but these effort s have yet to touch the mindset of the people. Escalating amounts of recyclables that are not maximized and indifference in proper waste segregation has led to the group in developing a solution to this. The Automated Waste Sorter (AWS) and Mobile Robot Waste Deliver System (MRWDS) are intended to automate the sorting process of steel cans, aluminum cans, glass bottles and plastic bottles. Along with the integration of the Mobile Robot Delivery System the process of collecting the waste that is to be sorted by the AWS human interference is minimized. This paper describes the approach to implementing a sensor array, for each corresponding material to be sorted, along with a conveyor belt as the Automated Waste Sorter. The Mobile Robot Delivery System is composed of a line following robot that is able to mechanically pick up an appointed trash bin and collect the waste in the said bin and through the designed line path proceed to the receiving end of the AWS and dump the collected waste. Through the use of the implemented systems the group was successful in collecting and delivering the waste and sorting to an accuracy of above 80%.
In this project the proposal concept is to replace the manual work in drainage cleaning by automated system in Automobile service stations. We know that water has a great importance in human being life, the water flow in drain full of wastes like polythene, bottles, chemicals etc. The drains get blocked due to these wastes in water. Drainage are using for the disposal and unfortunately sometimes there may be loss of human life while cleaning the blockage in the drainages. To overcome this problem and to save the human life we implement design “Trash Removal System”. We designed our project to use this in efficient way to control the disposal of wastages and with regular filtration of wastages like chemicals, grease etc. This machine also uses battery for power supply and is locomotive system.
As the name suggests we are developing an Automatic garbage collection and information gathering system which is based on Image processing as well as on GSM module. The main concept is that a Camera will be placed at every garbage collection point along with load cell sensor at bottom of the garbage can. The camera will take continuous snapshots of the garbage can. A threshold level is set which compares the output of camera and load sensor .The comparison is done with help of microcontroller. After analysing the image we get an idea about level of garbage in the can and from the load cell sensor we get to know weight of garbage. Accordingly information is processed that is controller checks if the threshold level is exceeded or not. The controller sends a message with the help of GSM module to Garbage collection local central office to notify that garbage can is exceeded its capacity and disposal of waste is required. Accordingly the authority sends the garbage can collecting vehicle to collect the garbage, which is done with the help of robot mechanism.
IRJET, 2021
One of the crucial issue of this modern age is poor waste management. This project is a path to achieve this good cause. In this project, smart bin is built on a microcontroller-based platform Arduino UNO board, which is interfaced with servomotor and Ultrasonic sensors. Ultrasonic sensor is situated at the top on inner side of the dustbin, which will measure the stature of the dustbin. The threshold stature is set at certain limit. When garbage reaches that threshold limit, ultrasonic sensor will trigger rack and pinion mechanism to compress the garbage. This process will be repeated 3 times after that the lid of the dustbin will be locked until, the dustbin is squashed. When these smart bins are setup on a large scale, by replacing our old bins present today, waste can be managed efficiently as it avoids unnecessary flooding of waste on roadside, foul smell from this waste that remain untreated for a long time, due to negligence of authorities and carelessness of public may lead to long term problems.
The Proposed System is to collect the garbage and also monitor the garbage level as well as the moisture content present in the bin .The line follower is an autonomous robot that detects and follows a line. The path may be visible like a black line on a white surface or vice versa. The proposed system uses different sensors in order to acquire the data. The project uses an Arduino UNO board as the central control unit .Here we use an ultrasonic sensor for monitoring the garbage level in the dustbin and the moisture content of the waste is provided with the use of moisture sensor. At the same time the buzzer starts making sound indicating the bin is full. The system has a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which provides an information about the amount of garbage present in the bin. We also used ESP8266 wi-fi module so that we can access our web page where the data is recorded and stored with the help of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and here the data gives the information about the percentage...
In many countries maintaining the cities neat and clean has become a great challenge with the growing population. This issue is further leading to diseases. The foul smell that comes from any garbage bin system or from any waste is very dangerous and may lead to dreadful diseases. By announcing that a city is turning to be smart means that the city is maintained neat and clean along with some advanced technology being implemented. Here the concept tells about on the solution being addressed towards the wastage maintenance especially the Garbage Bin system. Internet of Things is emerging with smart applications being proposed for addressing many problems in a smart way. Smart Garbage Bin System is implemented by using the Internet of Things technology.
The present day waste management techniques, from collection to dumping and disruption has become a challenging and arduous chore for municipal corporations, all around the globe. To make this monotonous job effortless, a new concept of Smart Garbage Collection System has been taken into consideration for Smart buildings, hospitals, schools and railway stations. The Smart garbage collector idea is an advancement of conventional garbage collector by upgrading it to become smart by instilling sensors and forms of logic. This smart garbage collector is a pioneering idea of application of line following garbage car and pole fixed garbage part on premeditated locomotive path. The fixed bin makes use of ultrasonic sensors for garbage level indication and updates the volume level of the bin to the garbage car, using RF Module. Hence, this device is fully automated system, making compact contribution towards the concern of Clean India Green India.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2020
In recent decades, Urbanization has increased tremendously, and at the same time there is an increase in Waste Production. It makes unhygienic conditions for individuals such as grotesqueness to that place leaving a terrible stench. To dodge every single such circumstance we are going to execute a venture called IoT Based Smart Garbage and Waste Collection Bins. As the populace is expanding step by step, the earth ought to be spotless and sterile. In a large portion of the urban areas, the flooded garbage bins are making an unhygienic situation. This will additionally prompt the emerging of various kinds of maladies. This will corrupt the way of life. To beat these circumstances a productive savvy squanders collection framework must be created. As the extent of IoT is creating step by step successful techniques can be discovered effectively. Different plans were proposed and have points of interest just as drawbacks. This paper is a review dependent on Smart Waste Collection System dependent on IoT.
A clean environment and human health are very important. Waste management is the major issue happened all over the world. The uncollected dust in the trash pail makes more cause. This problem could be overcome by using some new technology like Sensor, Motor, Arduino, keypad. The ultrasonic sensor is used to find the distance of the trash container and check whether the garbage container gets filled or not, if the garbage can gets filled this sensor will detect and the garbage container door will close automatically. The closed-door will open only by the municipal person using keypad system. The gas sensor(MQ7) is used to detect the unwanted smell and we can able to take an analyze who much methane and toxic gas are secreted from the garbage container. To protect the trash container from the natural calamities the rain sensor is used, when rain comes this sensor will detect and close the trash pail door automatically. This system will be used to control the environmental issue that comes from the garbage can.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science Engineerin and Technology, 2022
Solid waste includes empty bottles, polythene bags, papers etc. Garbage waste can cause damage of the drainage system due to avoid such problems related to drainage system it is necessary to remove such garbage waste on timely basis in order to keep our environment safe. The garbage produced through various processes should be cleaned by using some kind of machine which can be driven through some kind of chain or belt mechanism using electric drive system. The mechanism should be provided with a collector tank in order to collect the garbage. In this project our aim is to design & fabricate an efficient, low cost, compact garbage handling system which can be used for domestic as well as industrial garbage handling purpose. This project will collect the garbage from various locations using conveyor which is driven by chain sprocket mechanism. This machine will collect the garbage in the form of solid waste and then it will be transferred into the collector tank. This machine will ensure that the drainage system will not get blocked due to garbage. This machine results into saving in labour cost and also reduces harmful effects on human beings.
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