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2015, New Media Studies II. National Congress Book

Thanks to the new media, creating content is now possible for anyone with moderate computer knowledge. In fact, the content produced by social media users in recent years has filled even traditional media content. Another important feature of social media is that it grows its own celebrities over time. Some names that stand out with the messages they wrote on many topics on social media increased the number of their followers like a snowball. Increasingly, they are becoming the ‘authors’ of social media. Within the scope of this study, we will analyze the messages written by famous writers on Twitter between August 1, 2014 and August 20, 2014, and analyze how they evaluated before and after the 10 August Presidential Elections. Each of the determined names represents a different audience and their writings make a sound. The scope of the article is limited to the tweets of accounts such as @esatreis, @Ladyimam, @socialwindow, whose number of followers vary between 77 thousand and 509 thousand, within the mentioned date range. While determining the sample, not the authors who are already known in the traditional media and have an account in the social media, they were chosen from the phenomena that were born in the social media. In this context, content analysis will be carried out in order to reveal how the tweets presented the agenda and the language used.