John Breakwell, the restricted problem, and halo orbits

1993, Acta Astronautica

This Note is based on a presentation made at the special session "Tribute to John Breakwelr' of the 42nd IAF Congress (Montreal, 7-11 October 1991) recalling the outstanding achievements of J. V. Breakwell in theoretical Celestial Mechanics. The study of spacecraft oscillating about the Earth-Moon translunar L2 libration point for a communication satellite to service the backside of the moon led to the concept of halo orbits which gained credibility with the launch of ISEE-3 on 12 August 1978 and subsequent insertion of the vehicle into an orbit about the Sun-Earth libration point L t. The investigation was expanded to search for complete families of solutions, in particular also near L 3. The contribution of the authors (R. W. Farquhar and K. C. Howell) is mentioned.