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The chapter discusses the integration of semantic web services and standards, particularly HL7, into electronic health records to enhance interoperability in healthcare systems. It emphasizes the challenges faced by healthcare in achieving accurate and efficient data exchange and presents Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) as a solution to these issues. The importance of standardization and the development of open-source healthcare applications to facilitate better information sharing and integration across various systems are highlighted.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
Information Technology is an important part of the healthcare environment. Accuracy and integrity of the information in any hospital system is necessary. Then, this information has to be up-to-date as well to achieve continuous quality improvement in any organization and particularly in a complex area like healthcare. Therefore, diverse information systems must be integrated across the healthcare enterprise. The main objective of this research is to develop a framework for the exchange of patients records located in different hospitals in Saudi Arabia, adding insurance and prescriptions information along with the patient's record to facilitate the insurance process and to automate the medicine prescription process that is currently manual in most hospitals. The proposed framework aims to improve the regular ways of obtaining patients medical records separated in each hospital. For instance, if a particular patient has different medical records in different hospitals visited by that patient, our architecture focuses on the method by which data should be searched and retrieved efficiently from a database on the cloud from different hospitals by preprocessing the data in current hospital's and saving them in the database that resides on the cloud. Our system design is based on cloud computing service oriented architecture. Some of the information included in these medical records is: medical history, prescribed medications and allergies, immunization status, laboratory and test results, radiology images, personal stats like age and weight, diagnoses, order tests and appointments. All of these records are identified by the national ID of the patient. these systems will be utilized by web services based framework, the doctor will use his/her ID and password to enter the system for security and then enter the patient's ID to send a request for that patient's record that will be sent back to the doctor, the record will be up-to-date since the last visit of the patient to any hospital in Saudi Arabia. The main aim of this study is to provide a data exchange model of patients records, it is used to decrease the time and cost of patients, and help doctors to get up-to-date and accurate information of patients from the records from any hospital in Saudi Arabia. By using e-Patient medical records and Mirth Connect program which use HEALTH LEVEL 7 (HL7) protocol. HL7 protocol is a standard information format of healthcare for data exchange. We provide a single, complete automated patient medical record to give a better Enhanced Hospital Information System by Cloud Computing: SHEFA'A 57 patient care that avoids medical mistakes due to lack of information and unavailability of medical records.
One of the main advantages of using computational systems in the health care activity comes from their ability to provide useful information for decision making to health professionals. Thus, their main purpose is to increment the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery. In order to achieve these purposes, Health Information Systems must fulfill interoperability standards, quality, security, scalability, reliability and timeliness in data storage and processing terms. One of the main existing problems in this area is the fact that informatics applications do not share information, or share it in a very low level. When communication between different Health Information Systems exists, it is mainly achieved through proprietary integration solutions. In this paper is made a survey of the main advantages of Electronic Health Records and presented a proposal of some general guidelines for building them and promote the integration of different information resources.
Digital Ecosystems and …, 2009
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IT Professional, 2019
Electronic health record (EHR) systems are being used in several developed countries to minimize the problems and limitations of the conventional paper-based approach. However, several developing countries like Pakistan have not advanced significantly in adopting the new healthcare standards due to socioeconomic and technological constraints. Although there are some healthcare providers that are using their own EHRs, there is no electronic repository of patients' electronic health data maintained at Government level. In this paper, a cloud-based architecture for the implementation of the EHR system for the hospitals of Pakistan is proposed. Adopting the proposed cloud-based architecture will be helpful in improving patient care, diagnostics, disease presentation, and round the clock availability of electronic health information. Moreover, the EHR system will help in reducing the cost of maintaining paper-based records. The development of such a system will not only enable the doctors and hospitals to exchange patients' information with each other but will also establish electronic health data repository that subsequently can be used for diverse purposes, such as predictive diagnostics and personalized medicine. & TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES HAVE significantly influenced traditional healthcare practices in the developed countries. Consequently, the healthcare sector has advanced from conventional clinical settings with paper-based medical prescriptions to electronic health records (EHRs). The EHRs are the electronic version of patients'
Healthcare in our home country, India is a cause of concern even after 63 years of Independence. There is a need to create world-class medical infrastructure in India and to make it more accessible and affordable to a large cross section of our people. Introduction of information technology in healthcare system may eventually enhance the overall quality of national standards. The success in current healthcare system requires reengineering of healthcare infrastructure for India. For this, there is a high requirement in India to invest in IT infrastructure to provide interoperability in healthcare information system. Also, integration of IT with healthcare system may lead to open connectivity at all levels (i.e. InPatient and OutPatient care), ensuring that patient information is available anytime and right at the point of care, eliminating unnecessary delay in treatment, avoiding replication of test reports, improving more informed decisions and hence leading to improved quality of c...
Journal of Computer Science, 2020
A huge challenge in the healthcare domain has remained the spread and proliferation of fragmented information systems and multiplicity of data that accumulate from growing quantities of heterogeneous data of patient. This challenge must be addressed as the whole domain gradually transforms into models of delivery of healthcare that is electronic and patient-centered. The presence of inadequate data integration at various levels incapacitates medical personnel from building a wholesome and total understanding of patient condition. In this paper, an integration platform called Integrated Patient Management System (IPMIS) for managing clinical and historical information for patients is incorporated. Previous systems could not undertake the problems like; delay in treatment of patients in cases of emergencies, wrong prescription of drugs due to wrong diagnosis as a result of unavailability of patients' history, lack of health data interoperability and loss of life. Seeking solution to the above problems led to the development of an Integrated Patient Management Information System (IPMIS) that enables patient clinical data sharing, provides streamlined operations, enhances administration and control, permits superior patient care and continuity of treatment, and improved decision making for healthcare institution. This paper enhances patient's referral, with a messaging system that alerts the hospital which the patient has been referred to and also the patient that is referred. The development of the system helps to collate patient's data that are disparately located to a centralized data base for efficient interoperability of care. It also helps for the interoperability of multiple hospitals for effective patient management. The new system enables and provides timely patient health record information sharing where it is need and when it is needed in cases of emergencies, referrals or continuity of treatment and it is presently being used in a federal teaching hospital in Nigeria.
Cloud Security Alliance, 2022
As healthcare started developing information technology (IT) systems, companies like electronic health record (EHR) and medical device developers created data formats. As information was exchanged between these organizations, it was quickly discovered they could not Communicate with one another. This interoperability problem increased due to the large number of different entities involved with data exchange, all using different and incompatible systems and data structures. Interoperability can be broadly defined as “the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged.”1 In 2015, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) released a roadmap for enabling individuals and organizations to share health information securely with any provider. While there have been considerable advancements in interoperability, standardization between systems still needs to be improved. Currently, there are still significant variations in how data is structured and displayed. Despite all the spending, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the percentage of office-based physicians using a certified EHR system is not even 80 percent.2
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2013
Health information provides the foundation for all decision making in healthcare whether clinical at the bed side, or at a national government level. This information is generally collected as part of systems which support administrative or clinical workflow and practice. This chapter describes the many and varied features of systems such as electronic health records (EHRs), how they fit with health information systems and how they collectively manage information flow. Systems engineering methods and tools are described together with their use to suit the health industry. This focuses on the need for suitable system architectures and semantic interoperability. These concepts and their relevance to the health industry are explained. The relationship and requirements for appropriate data governance in these systems is also considered.
Sharing of health data between independent organizations, each using customized Electronic Health Records (EHR) management systems or Healthcare Information System (HIS) encompasses major concerns. It requires an integrated interoperable environment or interface commonly understood by end-users of healthcare domain. The sheer number of systems, standards, procedures and system developers seriously hinders interoperability. Developers need to adhere to the standards while designing such system. Developing standardized interfaces would enable seamless communication and transfer of required EHR between disparate systems. The paper after giving a detailed overview of interoperability identifies the challenges to Health Informatics data-exchange in interoperable environment and recommends some viable solutions in this direction. This paper provides a glance at different approaches of designing interoperable models and illustrates the healthcare models designed on such approaches. The study also includes available set of vocabularies, formats and standards specifically designed for the purpose. Considering the Health environment, protecting the confidentiality and illegal disclosure during transfer of EHR between organizations, is a serious concern. Vendors incorporate customized and vendor-dependent security attributes while designing the application, resulting in major challenge of securely sharing of data. The paper includes available security controls and gaps accruing due to interoperability and recommends the need of robust security control improving accessibility and availability of EHR at the required place by the authorized user.
Progress of health information system (HIS) in recent years has made significant impact on both developed and developing countries. HIS has played a very important role in the hospital. Construction and employment of HIS can improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare work. But the development of HIS has some problems inherent in them such as non-standard hospital management, poor standardization, and lack of interoperable software development. As a result, HIS run is not able to share medical information and therefore, can't meet the needs of reform in healthcare system delivery. In the future, for the sake of medical information sharing, teleconsulation, hospital efficiency enhancement, all the independent systems will realize interoperability. This paper however, seeks to analyze and address factors militating against interoperability in software systems the healthcare domain and recommends the adoption of service oriented architecture (SOA) within the domain.
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, 2012
As India is one of the fastest developing countries in the world, it is important to improve the quality of our health maintenance management and preventive medical care to extend healthy life expectancy. Today's scenario for health care in Indian e governance is in the limit of contacting 75 hospitals of the ISRO Telemedicine network only. Whilst this is currently working best of it, the limitation of this can be retarded by introducing the health care web services to each individual of the country. We believe advanced implementation of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) may improve the medical services and health maintenance management. As medical science is fast developing and information resource is pouring in, there is urgent need for dissemination knowledge by interlinking primary, secondary and tertiary level health centers by ICT applications. This will help health personal to deliver high quality services. Moreover, IT systems have been built to support different work flows in the health sector, but the systems are rarely connected and have become islands of data. From 2006 onwards corporate IT giants are experimenting for ICT application in health sector both in Government and private hospitals. In this paper, we discuss the potentialities and expansibility of the XML Web Services based on the Adaptive Collaboration (AC) which can be aggregated by the Indian e governance system as a health care web services. We would like to present ways of improving health maintenance service and regional medical services. In order to realize better health maintenance and prevention of disease, we would like to prove that incorporating medicine, life, and work through the XML Web Services is highly effective. The developed system is using data agent concept in transferring the format of information from different medical database systems to be an international standard format of metadata known as HL7 v3.0 using XML based cloud services called the Medical Cloud system which can take advantage of the Indian cloud revolution.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
E-health plays a crucial role in E-government by proposing healthcare services based on information technology. However, the way to administer these services by using E-health solutions is one of the challenging issues. One of these significant challenges is how one integrates heterogeneous healthcare information of the different point of care systems. This paper introduces the Iranian integrated care electronic health record using the information gathered from several point-of-care systems in healthcare enterprises in Iran. This service-oriented architecture has a remarkable characteristic – its accessibility to medical knowledge and medical concepts through archetypes and ontology, respectively. The Ministry of Health and Medical Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran has designed and implemented this national architecture.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing, 2015
Integrated care approach and the broader view on a patient's care is something that today's healthcare systems thrive for. Medical information collected from many disparate sources, accessed by authorized users through Electronic healthcare record (EHR) is enabling technology behind. This article gives overview of different interoperability aspects related to data exchange and maps it to usual healthcare business processes. It also comments HL7 CDA being one of today's widely used standards for clinical documents exchange. One concrete approach to Personal Healthcare Record (PHR) to EHR integration using HL7 Continuity of Care Document (CCD) is described.
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2012
The main objective of this research study is the development of conceptual framework for the exchanging of patient records located in different hospitals all over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The proposed framework is aimed to improve the way of retrieving the patient medical records from different health information system. The proposed architecture, designed to highlight the method by which data should be searched and retrieved efficiently from the different health information systems. Our system design is based on Cloud Computing Service Oriented Architecture. These medical systems storing the medical information records including: demographics medical history, medication and allergies, immunization status, laboratory test results, radiology images, vital signs, personal stats like age and weight. All of these medical records are identified by National ID number. These systems will be utilized by the web services XML based approach. The patients will use their ID number to send request for their medical informatics and the web service will analyze the patient records and send the result back to the patient. The main contribution of this study is to provide a data exchange model of patient records, this model used to decrease the cost and time of patients, and help patients to get its medical records information from any location by using the Web.
We have Aadhar card, Pan card, driving license like identity proofs for our day-today transactions, but we have a major missing feature that is our health card, which manages our day-today health history like disease, allergy etc. And the same card is used everywhere in private and public hospitals and clinics, medical stores, laboratories to track your health-related data, which the concerned entity will enter the system. We aim to gather only health related data, so we are not aiming to involve any economical transaction into the system. We are proposing an Environment where all the Medical Reports will be managed by our system and provided to the user through our portal. Managing all Reports, Prescription, Medical History arranged in Time Frame format so it can be accessed easily whenever needed. Only doctors and authorized hospital staff can insert the health reports in the system. Patients can only access the reports in read only mode. This will give Real time information to health authorities so that action can be taken at the right time and thus it can save many people from becoming victims of some viral disease. We aim to gather only health related data, so we are not aiming to involve any economical transaction into the system. The health card will store all the scans, x-rays, prescriptions and other health related documents of a patient. It will also include details of patients' long-term conditions, allergies, etc. The health records can only be edited by authorized staff of a hospital and care system involved in the patient's direct care. This health card will make it easier for doctors to operate under emergency conditions.
New technologies have improved the ability of electronically storing, transferring and sharing medical data; they also create serious questions about who has access to this cross-media content and how it is protected and distributed. Our aim is to support healthcare professionals in this changing environment, by providing a set of software tools that help reducing the time and associated costs to collect the information and knowledge required, and in making the best use of it for a more informed decision making (diagnoses, therapies, protocols). An appropriate and consistent level of information security consists of protecting information both in written, spoken, electronically recorded, or printed form from accidental or malicious modification, destruction, or disclosure by applying the strictest requirements for data security and privacy and complying with ethical standards. By Doc@Hand project we experiment the distribution of computer-based patient record, natural language queries and the contained knowledge in a secured way.
Healthcare data interchange standards are important aspect for achieving interoperability for health information exchanges. However, there is a big void in literature that could clearly differentiate among available healthcare standards with a motive of necessity of upgrading to new standards resulting in cost effective and efficient standard to support interoperability for a National Healthcare Information System (NHIS). These standards act as key to achieve semantic interoperability in health sector to ensure patient information availability anytime and right at the point of care. In this paper we present a study and a comparative review of healthcare interoperability standards as a means of meeting the desired semantic interoperability and integration of stovepipe applications of varied Electronic Medical Records in a heterogeneous environment and achieving efficient Electronic Health Record. This study gives a flash tour on healthcare standards in terms of their scope, advantages, level of interoperability support and challenges. The paper also shows how the standards can be upgraded to next level by a possible inclusion of web services concept.
AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Symposium. AMIA Symposium, 2005
Information exchange, enabled by computable interoperability, is the key to many of the initiatives underway including the development of Regional Health Information Exchanges, Regional Health Information Organizations, and the National Health Information Network. These initiatives must include public health as a full partner in the emerging transformation of our nation's healthcare system through the adoption and use of information technology. An electronic health record - public health (EHR-PH)system prototype was developed to demonstrate the feasibility of electronic data transfer from a health care provider, i.e. hospital or ambulatory care settings, to multiple customized public health systems which include a Newborn Metabolic Screening Registry, a Newborn Hearing Screening Registry, an Immunization Registry and a Communicable Disease Registry, using HL7 messaging standards. Our EHR-PH system prototype can be considered a distributed EHR-based RHIE/RHIO model - a principal ...
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