Sri Aurobindo's Vision of India's Rebirth

2020, The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: Indian Philosophy and Yoga in the Contemporary World


Sri Aurobindo’s faith in a resurgent India was sown during his student days in England and grew in width and depth with his revolutionary action in Bengal. Till his passing it never wavered, even as he remained conscious of the stumbling blocks and pitfalls on the long road to rebirth. In countless speeches, articles, talks and writings, Sri Aurobindo laid out a clear vision for India to “rejuvenate the mighty outworn body of the ancient Mother.” This involved profound changes in India’s physical, vital and intellectual life and in her central will. It also meant a frank dealing with issues of polity, education, communal and international relations, and the very nature of the Indian nation. Sri Aurobindo’s vision is fundamentally spiritual, yet practical and realistic, taking into account as it does the country’s actual conditions. In his view, India’s resurgence is not only an absolute necessity for her very survival, but also a requirement for the world’s evolution.