The Fallacy of Misplaced Vagueness -


The philosopher Alfred North Whitehead spotlighted a previously unrecognized mistake in reasoning: "the fallacy of misplaced concreteness." It happens when we confuse an abstract concept for something concrete. Medieval knights set out in quest of the holy grail. It was a concrete thing, the silver cup from which Jesus drank at his last supper. If you followed Whitehead, you might say that they were really looking for holiness, which is not a particular cup but a way of conducting oneself over time. I doubt that the knights would've been happy to learn that they were committing the fallacy of misplaced concreteness, but you see what I mean. Anyway this kind of fallacy, if that's what it was, seems to have cropped up repeatedly in recent centuries. Thus Einstein looked for the laws of nature, which he sometimes referred