Thin Layer Drying and Modelling of Poultry Litter Briquettes

Energy and Environment Research


Drying is an energy consuming process influenced by humidity, air velocity and temperature and is defined as a heat conveyance process wherein the product is heated hence removing moisture. Thin layer drying equations are used to estimate drying times of products and generalizing their drying curves. In this study, mathematical modelling and prediction of drying behavior of poultry litter briquettes (PLB) was investigated through open sun drying (OSD) and solar tunnel drying for moisture content (MC) calculations. A solar tunnel dryer (STD) having a: black painted collector unit, drying unit and black painted vertical bare flat-plate chimney was used. MC results were converted to moisture ratio and fitted into 12 different thin layer drying models, using Microsoft Office Excel, which were compared according to their coefficients of determination to estimate drying curves of PLB. The most accurate model was selected based on three statistical parameters: correlation coefficient (R2),...