Skripsi Hilda Anugrah Putri UNS

2021, Peran Toko Tani Indonesia (TTI) terhadap Rantai Pasok (Supply Chain) dan Pembentukan Harga Beras di Kabupaten Sragen


Abstract This research aims to find out the role of Toko Tani Indonesia (TTI) or Toko Tani Indonesia in the supply chain and the establishment of rice price in Sragen District. The basic methods used in this research are descriptive and analytical. The results show that rice supply chain in Sragen is drastically shortened from 6-7 stages to only 3. Calculation of supply chain performance for marketing efficiency obtained from marketing margin in the first part, namely partner farmers and LUPM of Rp 1,600 and the second part plus TTI of Rp 300 shows a small and rational value, then the value of farmer's share of 51.13%. This study explains that the calculation of asset management efficiency in the form of inventory turnover measurement as much as 12 times, then the value of inventory days of supply in LUPM of 30 days, and cash to cash cycle time for 37 days. Value-added analysis value of each member of the supply chain revealed that farmers contributed 72 percent out of the total value with amount of IDR 376,216,168; LUPM contribution was 26 percent (IDR 136,678,955), and TTI 2 percent (IDR 8,090,000). TTI has helped farmers to guarantee grain production and to buy the grain at the appropriate price. They also play vital role for the community, that is to assure the availability of rice and to maintain the price stability. Keywords: LUPM, Price, Rice, Supply Chain, TTI