Artículo Revista Bitácora Urbano-Territorial


The article analyzes the effects generated by the relationship between corporal practices and public space in the municipality of Villavicencio, Colombia. In view of its qualitative and comprehensive character, it follows theoretical positions on the corporal practices, the body, the public space and the forms of inclusion and exclusion that emerge from these relations. Likewise, it allows to show new scenarios of participation and linkage in analyzing the derivations of social order intersected by concrete forms of bodily manifestation. This is how the use of physical spaces, the activities performed there and the ways in which the subjects interact, produces a display of social subjectivities and effects that, in the end, redefine the meaning and use of public space. The results of this project will allow us to provide indications to the new forms of reconfiguration of the public space in the city of Villavicencio since the participation of young people.