
The capitalist mode of production has collided head-on with the health of the ecological system, through the unbridled exploitation of natural resources and pollution. There are many actors who profit with this scenario, mainly the corporations. In addition to causing irreparable damage to the environment and human life, these entities have guaranteed their own immunity, and the legislation is made to keep your irresponsibility. Studying the misconducts of corporations is one of the objectives of the criminological view, extended to the powerful, with their crime reaching an undetermined number of subjects and ecosystems. This work aims to analyze how the abuse of animals by industry correspond to the category of social harm to constitute itself as an object of critical criminology. Through the dialectical method we start studying the contradictions involved in traditional criminological discourse, to establish the need to replace the concept of crime by social harm. Then it is studied the way the critical criminology, beyond their emancipation from racism and sexism, should also leave anthropocentrism, aiming at a comprehensive understanding of social harm in the capitalist system.