Tese Ilton


This study addresses the issue of crimes involving slaves and freedmen, as victims or defendants, the region's Castro District, with the time frame the space between the years 1853 and 1888. The central issue was articulated around the possible interpretations of everyday life made possible by the analysis of criminal proceedings and ultimately reveal how slaves, slave owners, free and liberated their realities tensed all the time, sometimes getting hits, sometimes failing, but always beat any expression of passivity in the face of law and the authorities. In addition to fragments of everyday life, the documentation reviewed revealed that more than slave worried about crime, the authorities and the parties enrolled in the processes concerned themselves more with the threat to orderly and peaceful society, with disrespect for law and order. The impact of social relations is so present in the judgments made about the legal distinctions and exceptions already in the law. To achieve our goals we will analyze further the Criminal Code of the Empire (1830), the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1st Instance (1832) and the reforms of 1841 and 1871, the reports of the Presidents of the Province of Parana, the minutes of City Council Castro.