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2012, New Journal of Physics
22 pages
1 file
We investigate the notion of "macroscopicity" in the case of quantum spin systems and provide two main results. First, we motivate the quantum Fisher information as a measure for the macroscopicity of quantum states. Second, we compare the existing literature of this topic. We report on a hierarchy among the measures and we conclude that one should carefully distinguish between "macroscopic quantum states" and "macroscopic superpositions", which is a strict subclass of the former.
proposed to use Helstrom's quantum information number to define, meaningfully, a metric on the set of all possible states of a given quantum system. They showed that the quantum information is nothing else than the maximal Fisher information in a measurement of the quantum system, maximized over all possible measurements. Combining this fact with classical statistical results, they argued that the quantum information determines the asymptotically optimal rate at which neighbouring states on some smooth curve can be distinguished, based on arbitrary measurements on n identical copies of the given quantum system.
Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 2011
The subject of this paper is a mathematical transition from the Fisher information of classical statistics to the matrix formalism of quantum theory. If the monotonicity is the main requirement, then there are several quantum versions parametrized by a function. In physical applications the minimal is the most popular. There is a one-to-one correspondence between Fisher informations (called also monotone metrics) and abstract covariances. The skew information and the χ 2-divergence are treated here as particular cases.
Physics Letters A, 2010
The tomographic picture of quantum mechanics has brought the description of quantum states closer to that of classical probability and statistics. On the other hand, the geometrical formulation of quantum mechanics introduces a metric tensor and a symplectic tensor (Hermitian tensor) on the space of pure states. By putting these two aspects together, we show that the Fisher information metric, both classical and quantum, can be described by means of the Hermitian tensor on the manifold of pure states.
European Journal of Physics, 2017
It is shown that calculation of the momentum Fisher information of the quasione-dimensional hydrogen atom recently presented by Saha et al (2017 Eur. J. Phys. 38 025103) is wrong. A correct derivation is provided and its didactical advantages and scientific significances are highlighted.
Entropy, 2017
Collective organization in matter plays a significant role in its expressed physical properties. Typically, it is detected via an order parameter, appropriately defined for each given system’s observed emergent patterns. Recent developments in information theory, however, suggest quantifying collective organization in a system- and phenomenon-agnostic way: decomposing the system’s thermodynamic entropy density into a localized entropy, that is solely contained in the dynamics at a single location, and a bound entropy, that is stored in space as domains, clusters, excitations, or other emergent structures. As a concrete demonstration, we compute this decomposition and related quantities explicitly for the nearest-neighbor Ising model on the 1D chain, on the Bethe lattice with coordination number k = 3 , and on the 2D square lattice, illustrating its generality and the functional insights it gives near and away from phase transitions. In particular, we consider the roles that differen...
Physica Scripta, 2021
Quantum Fisher information (QFI) and skew information (SI) plays a key role in the quantum resource theory. Understanding these measures in the physical system has practical significance in the state parameter estimation and quantum metrology. In this article, we consider a pair of spin-1/2 particles coupled with dipolar and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interactions, serving as the physical carrier of quantum information. We examine the bipartite nonlocal correlations of pair of spin-1/2 particle system for the thermal equilibrium states, characterized by local quantum uncertainty (LQU) and local quantum Fisher information (lQFI). The effects of dipolar coupling constants on quantum correlation quantifiers are studied. The DM interaction greatly enhances the quantum correlation in the system whereas the temperature tends to annihilate the amount of quantum correlations.
Arxiv preprint cond-mat/0408072, 2004
We study here the difference between quantum statistical treatments and semi-classical ones, using as the main research tool a semi-classical, shift-invariant Fisher information measure built up with Husimi distributions. Its semi-classical character notwithstanding, this measure also contains information of a purely quantal nature. Such a tool allows us to refine the celebrated Lieb bound for Wehrl entropies and to discover thermodynamic-like relations that involve the degree of delocalization. Fisher-related thermal uncertainty relations are developed and the degree of purity of canonical distributions, regarded as mixed states, is connected to this Fisher measure as well.
Physical Review Letters
Physics Letters A, 2019
Recently, it has been shown that the quantum Fisher information via local observables and via local measurements (i.e., local quantum Fisher information (LQFI)) is a central concept in quantum estimation and quantum metrology and captures the quantumness of correlations in multi-component quantum system [S. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. A. 97, 032326 (2018)]. This new discord-like measure is very similar to the quantum correlations measure called local quantum uncertainty (LQU). In the present study, we have revealed that LQU is bounded by LQFI in the phase estimation protocol. Also, a comparative study between these two quantum correlations quantifiers is addressed for the quantum Heisenberg XY model. Two distinct situations are considered. The first one concerns the anisotropic XY model and the second situation concerns isotropic XY model submitted to an external magnetic field. Our results confirm that LQFI reveals more quantum correlations than LQU.
Entanglement has been studied extensively for unveiling the mysteries of non-classical correlations between quantum systems. In the bipartite case, there are well known measures for quantifying entanglement such as concurrence, relative entropy of entanglement (REE) and negativity, which cannot be increased via local operations. It was found that for sets of non-maximally entangled states of two qubits, comparing these entanglement measures may lead to different entanglement orderings of the states. On the other hand, although it is not an entanglement measure and not monotonic under local operations, due to its ability of detecting multipartite entanglement, quantum Fisher information (QFI) has recently received an intense attraction generally with entanglement in the focus. In this work, we revisit the state ordering problem of general two qubit states. Generating a thousand random quantum states and performing an optimization based on local general rotations of each qubit, we calculate the maximal QFI for each state. We analyze the maximized QFI in comparison with concurrence, REE and negativity and obtain new state orderings. We show that there are pairs of states having equal maximized QFI but different values for concurrence, REE and negativity and vice versa.
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Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 2006
arXiv: Quantum Physics, 2021
Physical Review Research, 2022
Foundations of Physics, 2009
Physical Review A, 2007
Physical Review A, 2017
Physical Review A, 2016
Physical review letters, 2016