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2015, Modern Family: Local and European Perspectives
14 pages
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Since the Velvet Revolution in 1989, in the Czech Republic we are experiencing significant changes, concerning every person and their faith. A recent document of the Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Church in the Czech Republic, The Life and Mission of Christians in the Church and in the World, refers to recent problems concerning the family. The document presents families across social and political- historical contexts, while pointing to the seriousness of the issue, ie the problem of the family in the Czech society in the 21st century. Bravená, Noemi. Today’s Czech Family and Care for Child’s Transcendence In Józef Stala, Elzbieta Osewska. Modern Family: Local and European Perspectives. Krakow: The Pontifical University of John Paul II, 2015. 332 s., s. 319- 332. ISBN 978-83-7438-440-7.
The contemporary family : local and European perspectives, 2015
Today's Czech Family and Care for Child's Transcendence * NOEMI BRAVENÁ lectures at the Hussite and Catholic theological faculties of Charles University in Prague. At present she is writing a Ph.D. thesis for primary pedagogy at the Faculty of Education of the same University. In 2003-2006 she was assistant professor of Biblical Theology and in 2009 she defended a Th.D. thesis about substitution conception in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theology. Since 2006 she is assistant professor of Practical Theology. Her professional focus is pedagogy, religious education, catechetics, hermeneutic of children, pastoral care, New Testament. 1 This part of the monograph was written as part of research projects of the Charles University in Prague: PRVOUK 01 "Theology as a way of interpreting history and culture" and GAUK nr. 330411: "Transcendence and its meaning for the socialization and formation process of child's personality", also supported by the grant of John Huss Foundation in the Czech Republic.
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 40
Artykuł analizuje postawy i wartości rodzinne w społeczeństwie czeskim, wykorzystując interdyscyplinarne podejście obejmujące aspekty socjologiczne, religijne i kulturowe. Autor bada zmiany w postrzeganiu małżeństwa i życia rodzinnego, uwzględniając zarówno kontekst historyczny, jak i współczesny. Identyfikuje główne trendy kształtujące te postawy i wartości, kluczowe dla struktury społecznej. Celem analizy jest lepsze zrozumienie zmian w życiu rodzinnym oraz identyfikacja czynników wpływających na te wartości. Szczegółowa analiza tych trendów pozwoli również zidentyfikować aktualne wyzwania i możliwe perspektywy rozwoju rodzin. Badanie zmian w postawach i wartościach rodziny jest istotne dla zrozumienia dynamiki życia społecznego i dla opracowania skutecznych strategii społeczno-politycznych, wspierających adaptację rodzin do zmieniających się warunków społeczno-kulturowych i ekonomicznych. Analiza wartości rodzinnych jest kluczowa dla zrozumienia tych zmian i opracowania efektywnej polityki prorodzinnej, wspierającej rozwój społeczno-ekonomiczny oraz kształtowanie tożsamości kulturowej i duchowej. Celem artykułu jest poszerzenie wiedzy na temat życia rodzinnego i zachęcenie do dyskusji na temat roli rodziny w społeczeństwie czeskim oraz jej przyszłości.
The contemporary family : local and European perspectives, 2015
Central European Journal of Contemporary Religion, 2018
The study deals with the analysis of the religious situation in Czech society after 1989. The starting point is the analysis of the broader historical and sociopolitical context. The study itself examines an analysis of the key census data from 1991, 2001, and 2011, together with the results of research explicitly focused on the religion and religious behavior of the Czech population. These are mainly international studies , such as the EVS, ISSP or AUFBRUCH, and Czech research in the field of DIN. The study also includes an identification of topics and problems that have not yet been sufficiently explored in the context of studying the relationship between religion and contemporary Czech society.
Journal of Family History, 1994
During the past two decades most of the developed countries of Europe have witnessed changes in such family-related demographic phenomena as nuptiality, divorce, and fertility. For the time being, the Czech and Slovak Republics continue to exhibit patterns established earlier in history. Marriage is universal and is contracted at young ages. Children are born to young parents and at short childbirth intervals. The proportion of childless women is below ten percent, which is comparatively low. The eight percent of children born out of wedlock is comparatively low by European standards. Longitudinal indicators are characterized by great stability. As a result of recent profound political, social, and economic changes, it is reasonable to expect changes in demographic behavior as well. The first of these may be a marked decline in fertility along the lines already experienced by southern European countries.
Czech-Polish historical and pedagogical journal, 2018
Church and religiousness in the Czech Republic are utterly fascinating matters. Czechs' historical experiences make them more distanced from the Churches, especially the Catholic Church, hence working out differential attitudes to those of neighbouring countries. Two doctrines of Protestantism and Catholicism are heavily impacting each other in the Czech Republic. This though affects the attitudes of the Czech Republic citizens. Contemporary Czechs defy the institutional forms of religiousness. They recognize it as private and individual matters and the whole society is highly laicized.
Caritas et Veritas
Czech society is traditionally viewed as strongly anti-Catholic and at the same time highly secularized or even atheistic. However, the two claims, though they are frequently regarded as almost a priory, conceal a number of questions and misunderstandings and reflect a stereotypical understanding of the relationship between religion and modern Czech society. The paper focuses first on a clarification of the fairly complex and multi-layered relations of Czech society to the Catholic Church, especially in the second half of the 20 th century. It points out a fairly fundamental shift occurring in the last twenty years, when a growing number of Czechs and Moravians incline to the opinion that Catholicism (and Christianity as a whole) is rather an expression of cultural identity, not an expression of institutional membership. In the second part the paper focuses on the question what part 'modernization' tendencies associated with Second Vatican Council and the effort of some top representatives of the Catholic Church to 'adapt' the agenda of the Catholic Church to contemporary problems have played in the transformations of the relationship of contemporary Czech society and Catholicism. This part aims to answer the question s of whether and how dialogue between the contemporary Catholic Church and the majority, religiously highly noncommital Czech society is possible.
Relations between the Czech society and the Church have historically manifest themselves in an extraordinarily dramatic fashion. Author explores the various processes which culminated in Roman Catholicism drastically falling in both position and status in the modern Czech culture, society, and state. A powerful state church and respected social institution with extensive symbolic prestige at the beginning of the 19th century, the Czech Catholic Church succumbed to mass secularization throughout the second half of the same century. This historically development was further reinforced by the rise of totalitarian ideologies, thus rendering a privileged and self-confident national church a problematic, humiliated, barely tolerated and, for much of the 20th century, brutally persecuted community.
Czech-polish historical and pedagogical journal, 2017
The article presents the assumptions of the research project, which aims to depict the common life of the multicultural families of Czech and Polish couples. This significant proximity for both nations does not abound in numerous relationships. Therefore, it is crucial to analyse the relationships of the couples/families and the social perception of them in their environments.
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Day Care & Early Education, 2005
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2010
Religion in Communist Lands, 1991
Contemporary Family Lifestyles in Central and Western Europe, 2020
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