Deep-Burn Molten-Salt Reactors


is a senior staff member of ORNL. His research areas are advanced reactors and fuel Cycles. His doctorate thesis was on uranium enrichment technologies, and he has done subsequent research on reprocessing, fuel fabrication, and other fuel-cycle technologies. He has been the program manager for several programs, including the developmental LWR program, which examined inherently and passively safe LWRs. He holds eight patents in the areas of passive safety systems for power reactors, reprocessing, and waste treatment. At ORNL, he is a member of the DOE 233 U multi-site team addressing 233 U safety and storage issues. He directed the technical studies on disposition options for excess 233 U. He participated in the DOE TOPS workshops to examine how to improve proliferation resistance in the nuclear fuel, is the U.S. molten-salt reactor contact for the DOE/Russian Proliferation-Resistant Nuclear Technology (PRNT) program, and is a member of the Non-classical reactor team for the Generation IV road map activity. Dr. Forsberg led the team that developed the technical basis for defining weapons-usable 233 U (>12 wt % 233 U in 238 U), which is based on isotopic composition. He also developed the