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Teorema: Teori dan Riset Matematika
8 pages
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Dua kutub persepsi terkait pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme dan pembelajaran berbasis behaviorisme melahirkan variasi pada jenis model pembelajaran dengan argumen kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing yang berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap hasil belajar dan kemampuan berpikir peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir peserta didik berdasarkan klasifikasi dari Hillocks dan Shulman yakni substantive, mechanical-syntactic, formal-rhetorical, dan combine mechanical-formal, metode penelitian melalui studi kualitatif dengan menganalisis jawaban peserta didik yang telah melalui pembelajaran aljabar dasar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran ekspositori. Hasil analisis diperoleh temuan kemampuan berpikir peserta didik yang ditinjau dari jenis kemampuan berpikir, peserta didik menggunakan kemampuan berpikir substantive dan mechanical-syntactic dalam menyelesaikan masalah/soal yang diberikan oleh pendidik, kemudian permasalahan pengetahuan a...
ANARGYA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika
Algebraic ability is an important part in mathematics. Someone with good algebraic ability will have good performancein mathematics. Math performance has related with attitudes toward mathematics. Someone with good math performance will have good math ability too. Algebraic ability can represent the quantitative situation so someone with good algebraic ability can see the relationship between variables clearly. Attitudes toward mathematics is positive or negative feelings toward math. The methods in this study uses a mixed methods with sequential explanatory design where research is conducted in two stages, followed by a quantitative research to know algebraic ability after learning with TAI’s Learning Model and followed with a qualitative research to analyze the algebraic in terms of attitudes toward mathematics. The quantitative research start with choosing sample students in XI IPA 5 of MAN 2 Kudus, when the qualitative research took seven students in that class. After all stud...
Prosiding : Konferensi Nasional Matematika dan IPA Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi, 2019
Miskonsepsi siswa merupakan kejadian dimana siswa salah menafsirkan suatu konsep. Kesalahan yang terjadi disebabkan karna pemahaman siswa itu sendiri. Salah satu miskonsepsi siswa adalah pada materi pecahan aljabar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui :(1) Miskonsepsi siswa dalam pemecahan materi aljabar; (2) Faktor yang mempengaruhi miskonsepsi siswa pada pembelajaran materi aljabar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Calon subjek adalah siswa SMP kelas VIII sebanyak 7 dan terpilih 3 subjek penelitian. Teknik penelitian ini adalah tes tulis dan pedoman wawancara. Tes tulis digunakan untuk memperoleh data tentang kesulitan siswa dalam memecahkan soal. Sedangkan wawancara untuk memperdalam letak miskonsepsi pada siswa. Kemudian analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan indikator yang sudah ditentukan peneliti.kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah ; (1) siswa kurang mahir dalam melakukan perkalian silang dan belum terlalu paham tentang prinsip konsep materi pecahan aljabar (2) siswa tidak menyamakan penyebut, tidak memfaktorkan dan salah dalam menafsirkan prinsip pencoretan (3) siswa kurang teliti dalam melakukan operasi penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, dan pembagian pada materi pecahan aljabar. Direkomendasikan guru sebagai fasilitator dapat memberikan solusi yang tepat dan sesuai dengan kondisi yang dialami siswa dalam mengatasi miskinsepsi. Seperti metode yang digunakan dapat bervariasi. Untuk kesalahan penyampaian materi maka seharusnya guru dapat meluruskan dan memberikan pelajaran secara jelas, benar, dan tepat kepada siswa, khususnya pada materi pecahan aljabar.
Charm Sains, 2024
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan berpikir reflektif fisika pada siswa SMA se-Kota Makassar. Berpikir reflektif merupakan salah satu karakteristik dari berpikir operasional formal. Adapun sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII tiap perwakilan dari masing-masing keempat sekolah, yaitu SMA Negeri 6 Makassar, SMA Negeri 8 Makassar, SMA Negeri 9 Makassar, dan SMA Negeri 18 Makassar yang berjumlah 159 siswa. Data hasil penelitian diperoleh dengan memberikan tes soal essay sebanyak 10 butir. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata yang diperoleh siswa SMA se-Kota Makassar adalah sebesar 9,61 dan berada pada kategori rendah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan wawancara yang telah dilakukan, rendahnya kemampuan berpikir reflektif siswa tidak terlepas dari berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhinya seperti siswa masih menyelesaikan soal secara langsung, siswa menganggap fisika adalah mata pelajaran yang sulit dan banyak menghafal rumus sehingga siswa kurang minat dalam pembelajaran fisika, dan siswa masih keliru dalam menjawab soal ketika sudah diberikan kesempatan unuk memperbaiki jawabannya.
ANARGYA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika
The purpose of this study is to describe the students' algebraic thinking skills and errors in solving algebraic problems on volume of cube material for class VIII of Junior High School. The research design used was in a form of the descriptive qualitative research method. This study captured the students' algebraic thinking skill on two indicators, namely the students' ability to represent problems in the relationship between variables and the students' ability to perform operations on algebraic form. Based on the result of the categorization, three students from the high-level category were chosen as the subjects of this study. In depth interviews were given to the subjects of the study in order to explore the answers that they provide on the mathematic problems given. The findings revealed that the students with high-level of algebraic thinking skills could solve mathematics problem in algebraic form correctly especially in transformational activities. It was indicated by the students' ability to provide a solution for algebraic equation problems. Meanwhile, the students' error in solving the mathematical problems in a form of build-cube space was due to the students' inaccuracy in writing the final results on the answer sheets for the algebraic thinking ability test. Overall, the students encountered several types of errors, those were the error in the procedural and technical/calculated on comparisons, the error in witing mathematical units, and lastly the error in substituting variables.
Integral :Pendidikan Matematika, 2022
The purpose of this study was to describe the algebraic thinking skills of junior high school students who were categorized as high and students' errors in solving algebraic problems on the surface area of a cube. This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were three students from class VIII-3 of SMP Negeri 2 Pancalang who were categorized as high level. The instrument in this study is the researcher himself, using an algebraic thinking ability test to measure algebraic thinking skills and interviews to describe the results of the interview. The results of this study indicate that the algebraic thinking of students with high-level categories in solving mathematical problems with the surface area of a cube consists of generational, transformational, and global meta-levels. Students tend to do better in global and new generational meta-level activities than transformational activities.
Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to find students' ability to understand mathematical concepts of Algebra material at Junior High School. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research subjects are six students of class VII in one of Junior High Schools in Culamega, Tasikmalaya Regency. Data collection includes written test, interview, and documentation. The data are analyzed based on four indicators of mathematical understanding ability, namely 1) mechanical understanding which is characterized by doing memory activities regularly, applying formulas and doing simple calculation; 2) inductive understanding is applying formulas or concepts in simple cases or in similar cases; 3) rational understanding is proving the truth of a formula and theorems; and 4) intuitive understanding which is predicting the truth with certainty (without hesitation) before analyzing it further. The results showed that: 1) Almost all students in the low, medium and high categories were able to remember and apply formulas routinely and doing simple calculation; 2) Students with moderate and high mathematical understanding abilities tend to be able to apply formulas and perform calculations correctly. Meanwhile, students with low mathematical comprehension skills have not been able to apply formulas and perform calculations correctly; 3) Almost all students in the low, medium and high categories have not been able to prove the truth of a formula or theorem; and 4) Almost all students in the low, medium and high categories are able to estimate the truth of the formula (answer) although there are some students who are less able to predict the formula to be used with certainty.
This research objective is to describe students’ thinking barriers and to describe given scaffolding to overcome students’ experienced thinking barriers. This is a descriptive qualitative research. Research subjects is 2 students whose thinking capability is high and low. Documents being studied are students’ test result, unstructured interviews transcripts, ands scaffolding. This research demonstrates that subject 1 (S1) barriers are caused by the lack of analogical thinking capability on understanding problem, the low connecting capability when implementing solving plan, and the lack of existing knowledge and connection capability on re-examine planned procedure on problem solving. Subject 2 (S2) thinking barriers are caused by the low analogical capability in understanding problem, the lack of connecting capability when planning problem solving strategy, the lack of analogical capability in planning problem solving, and the lack of prior knowledge and connection in re-examine cho...
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Matematika, 2021
Vygotsky, 2022
Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan berpikir aljabar berdasarkan AQ yang dimiliki siswa. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 3 siswa yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan tipe maximal variation purosive. Terjadi perbedaan kemampuan berpikir aljabar antara siswa quitter, campers, dan climbers. Indikator5kemampuan berpikir%aljabar yang dapat dipenuhi siswa quitters yaitu menuliskan hal-hal5yang diketahui5dari5soal, menentukan%variabel, serta membuat%model matematikai dari variabel sesuai dengan soal. Siswa campers dapat memenuhi beberapa indikator kemampuan berpikir aljabar, diantaranya mampu menentukan variabel, menyusun model matematika dari variabel, menggunakan%model matematikai untuk%menyelesaikan isoal serta menerapkan%nilai%variabel untuki imenentukan solusi dari permasalahan. Siswa climbers dapat memenuhi semua indikator kemampuan berpikir aljabar.
Jurnal Derivat: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, 2020
This study aims to: 1) describe students' mathematical literacy skills in algebraic material in terms of learning independence. 2) to describe the factors that affect students' mathematical literacy skills in algebraic material in terms of learning independence. This research method is qualitative. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII-A at SMP Negeri 1 Singkawang. The data collection instruments used a learning independence questionnaire, a mathematical literacy test, and an interview sheet. Data analysis techniques used the Miles and Huberman Model, namely, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that 1) The students' mathematical literacy ability in terms of their high learning independence character had an average of 69.44 (high category). Most of the students were unable to do the reasoning and argumentation stages. 2) The students' mathematical literacy skills in terms of their moderate learning independen...
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Lentera Sriwijaya : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, 2021
Jurnal Sains dan Pendidikan Fisika, 2022
JMPM (Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika), 2023
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan, 2016
Jurnal Kependidikan: Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran
Bioilmi: Jurnal Pendidikan
Jurnal Gantang
Radian Journal: Research and Review in Mathematics Education
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2020