Performance Analysis of Heap Sort and Insertion Sort Algorithm

2021, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research (IJETER)


In the era of new technology, we have huge amount of data to deal with arranging the huge amount of data has remained a big challenge. This research paper includes two types of sorting algorithm, Heap Sort and Insertion Sort and also their performance analysis on thebasis of running time along with their complexity. This paper includes the algorithms and theirimplementation in Java programming language. For theresults of this research study,the comparison ofthese two sorting algorithms with different type of the data at running time such as Large, Average, and Small. In Large,data pass100 integers in the array. For Average data pass 50integers in the array and for Small data pass10 integers in the array. It checks that,which sorting technique is efficient according to the input data. Then identifiesthe efficiency of these algorithms according to this data three cases used that is Best, Average and Worst Case. The result of this analysis is showing with the help of graphs to show that how much time both algorithms take while given the desired outpu