Stratum plus N2 2021

2021, Stratum plus


Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology (abridged as Stratum plus) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal covering topical issues of archaeology and cultural anthropology, published by the High Anthropological School University since 1999. The journal comes out in the Russian language. All papers are supplemented by abstracts in English, Russian and Moldovan languages. Subjects are not limited either regionally or chronologically. They include results of analytical research, interpretations or a high-quality publication of new sources. Contributions on history, ethnology, numismatics, epigraphics and other auxilliary historical disciplines are accepted along with papers on archaeology and cultural anthropology. The Journal comes out six times a year in subject-oriented volumes dedicated to a specifi c historical age. The last, the sixth issue includes papers on numismatics and epigraphics of diff erent periods, as well as papers on cultural anthropology, ethnology, history of late Middle Ages and early New Time. Each volume has its own unique title relevant to its content.