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SSRN Electronic Journal
Development of the classic branches of transport until after the year 1999 was a characteristic of economic policies in Kosovo, which came as a result of improper functioning of the market economy and non-application of modern technologies. Despite the great importance that the multimodal transport has for Kosovo, till today initial steps have been taken with the approval of the sector strategy for the multimodal transport 2015-2025 by the Kosovo Government, respectively by the Ministry of Infrastructure. The aim of this strategy is to set priorities in terms of infrastructure, as well as in terms of legal regulation. This paper addresses this topic in Kosovo for the first time, among other things notes the newly established circumstances in Kosovo after the war in 1999, which led to the change of policy development in the field of transport in order to adapt to the newly created circumstances and approximate with EU integration processes.
In this paper we are dealing with scientific management of transport in Kosovo The main aim of this research paper is how management made transport in Kosovo, management of roads, railway management, management of air transport. Kosovo roads categorization: international, regional, as roads are paved and asphalted for the year 2012 2013, international road is a public road that, with international act is classified road network of international, highways public road officially categorized as a Main Road , connecting two or more cities and which can serve as links with the neighboring countries, regional Roads public road officially categorized as a regional road , which connects two or more major cities local roads public road officially categorized as a local road connecting settlements inhabited areas within a municipality, unclassified road means any road that is not a public road , the owner of which is a citizen or group of citizens , and not the Ministry's responsibility ,...
The aim of this article is to present the main problems of public transportation in Kosovo after 2008 when the province's parliament announced the declaration of independence. We focus on the plans and documents that were signed between 2008 and 2010 in an attempt to compare them with the real impact of investments made in the last five years. We show how the conflict between Belgrade and Prishtina has influenced public transportation and examine the prospects for problem-solving in this sector. To do this, we employ a neo-institutional approach to the document analysis as the main research method.
This paper will address the general issues concerning the contract of multimodal transport , such as the notion, meaning, terminology, presentation and development, then the elements of the contract, contract forms, and the manner of concluding the contract. The legal defi nition of multimodal transport contract is given in the United Nations Convention for International Multimodal Transport of Goods, Article 1, and paragraph 3. This convention defi nes the contract for multimodal transport as follows: " The contract for multimodal transport is a contract whereby the multimodal transport operator undertakes , against payment of freight, to perform or to procure the performance of international multimodal transport. For the realization of multimodal transport activity, the participating parties will clearly defi ne their rights and obligations with the contract that they will conclude, for the multimodal transport of goods. The contract for multimodal transport of goods is a special category regulated by the provisions of the above-mentioned Convention , but in certain cases the provisions of national laws, which regulate legal relations between the operator of multimodal transport (MTO) and third parties that he has engaged in the transport process, are applied. Law on Obligational Relationships as lex gene-ralis does not contain special provisions that regulate the multimodal transport contract, but the provisions of this law, regulating the contracts in general and the freight contracts in particular, apply to this contract.
ILIRIA International Review, 2012
In this output are treated issues related to the new legislation in Kosovo in the field of transport. in particular, there is elaborated the law in force, regulations, administrative directions and other sub-legal acts issued by the Ministry of Transport Post and Telecommunication.Special importance was paid on the harmonization respectively on the approximation of the new legislation in Kosovo in the field of transport with acquis communitaire, as well as other aspects of direct implementation of the EU legislation from this field in Kosovo. It also reviewed the application of Law on Obligations provisions as lex generalis in the field of transport and recommendations are given for better and overall regulation of the field of transport, by supplementing and amending laws and by proposing the issuance of other special laws from this the field of transport with international report, such as: European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road...
Civil Engineering and Architecture
Integration of the Kosovo road network in the Pan-European network, means, first of all, to establish a road system and infrastructure that is in accordance with the requirements and standards of Pan-European road networks, and secondly, to use / promote the geographical position of the Kosovo main road network, making it able to meet the requirements of Pan-European road networks. Beside the fulfillment of the constructive/ technical / geometrical requirements towards the road infrastructure, the road transport network needs to guarantee to its users a high, uniform and continuous level of services, as well as road commodity and safety. In this thesis, there is also treated the position of the Kosovo road network, the main road directions of Kosovo and its compatibility with the needs of the Pan-European connection, the roads and corridors of the Balkans in context to the Pan-European corridors. In the continuation of the thesis, through the Software Trans CAD, there is conducted the analysis and the modeling of the Kosovo and Balkan road network, the analysis of the best connection and the shortest roads of Balkan countries. The identification of obstruction and the presentation of possibilities for the orientation of the flux of goods in a shorter road, in the function of reduced transport costs. The comparison of advantages and disadvantages of the existing roads (the eighth Pan-European corridor, the Tenth Pan-European Corridor, Via Egnatia etc), the economical sustainability and competition, the service quality, limitations (both natural, environmental / season or humane), transport capacities
Journal of Maritime & Transportation Science, 2021
The paper emphasises the necessity of developing multimodal transportation solutions in Croatia. Croatian transport infrastructure is not at a satisfactory stage of development, and, due to Croatia’s geographical position, the development of multimodal transportation is a beneficial factor for the development of the country’s economy. European Union recommends multimodal solution as less polluting and more energy efficient. Further, it is shown that the modernisation of transportation system in Croatia, by developing a multimodal transportation system, represents a comparative advantage factor for Croatian economy. The methods used are a comprehensive literature research, methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison method, as well as methods of collecting secondary sources of research. The aim of the paper is to point out the importance of developing multimodal transportation as a significant factor for economy development as well as contribution to raising awareness of this problem.
SSRN Electronic Journal
This paper gives a particular attention to the handling of the multimodal transport operator's liability in view of the new legislation in Kosovo, in terms of comparison with international legislation. From the research carried out in this area of transport, it has been found that, over the last decades, the international transport of goods has become more sophisticated and effective, and has increased rapidly because of the increased use of containers. Containers have advanced the flexibility to focus more on an integrated movement of goods instead of the movement specifically associated with a certain mode of transport. Unfortunately, this technical flexibility has been accompanied by a severe rigidity in the legal field in Kosovo as well. Although the transfer of goods from one type of transport to another type of transport has been greatly facilitated as a result of the container revolution, developments in the area of international and Kosovo legislation in the field of transport have not followed this pace. The recommendations on the necessity of a better regulation of the liability of the multimodal transport operator in the new legislation in Kosovo have been given at the end of this paper.
A B S T R A C T This paper gives a particular attention to the handling of the multimodal transport operator's liability in view of the new legislation in Kosovo, in terms of comparison with international legislation. From the research carried out in this area of transport, it has been found that, over the last decades, the international transport of goods has become more sophisticated and effective, and has increased rapidly because of the increased use of containers. Containers have advanced the flexibility to focus more on an integrated movement of goods instead of the movement specifically associated with a certain mode of transport. Unfortunately, this technical flexibility has been accompanied by a severe rigidity in the legal field in Kosovo as well. Although the transfer of goods from one type of transport to another type of transport has been greatly facilitated as a result of the container revolution, developments in the area of international and Kosovo legislation in the field of transport have not followed this pace. The recommendations on the necessity of a better regulation of the liability of the multimodal transport operator in the new legislation in Kosovo have been given at the end of this paper.
Athens: ATINER'S Conference Paper Series, No: TRA2019-2694., 2019
The creation of a United Europe continues to evolve. For the complete mosaic image called European Union (EU), the part of the Western Balkans still remains to be assembled. Last but not so simple step to attain final stage. This region is characterized as historically vulnerable, sensitive, mixed with many nationalities, similar but still different. Economically underdeveloped and vulnerable, socially unstable and politically aroused, the Western Balkans are still far from a stable European core. Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the Western Balkans, adjusted for purchasing power parity, is half that of eastern European EU countries, one-third that of southern EU members and a mere quarter of the richest EU members in western Europe. The question that imposes itself is: how to overcome those differences among Balkans countries, to complete the historical vision and final mosaic puzzle of European Union? We should look for the solution historically for several decades back when creating the United Europe model. Prosperous and contemporizing Europe began its vision with the creation of a common market. And the market gives its benefits only with its physical ties i.e. transport and communication links. Transport links between the countries of the Western Balkans, with all accompanying economic, political and administrative adjustments, can contribute to realizing the single market as crucial phase of development of a United Europe. Future hopes and views are focused on finalizing Pan-European transport corridors in the Western Balkan countries, through which the trade peaks will be strengthened, overcoming the decades-long problems and conflicts in this part of Europe, and to achieve the long-awaited model for a Common European Union. But we must be realistic enough to see that transport infrastructure is not some miraculous tool with which to solve a society's development problems. It is only one part of the story. Transport must work in union with national development programmes, physical planning, investment, economic and monetary policy, custom and legal regulations. But we must acknowledge that, in many respects, the quality and success of life of Balkan‟s citizens depends on the vitality and responsibility of implementation many structural changes. One of the crucial factors is still transport infrastructure. Keywords: Western Balkan, Regional cooperation, Common market, Transport policy, Transport corridor.
Economia: Seria Management, 2013
The importance of transport is no longer needed to be underlined. Despite all statistical numbers and whichever other analysis, it is obvious that a well developed transport system with certain leads to economic growth. The last decades lead to an unprecedented development of global foreign trade. Benefic from economic point of view, transport development determined a worrisome increase of environmental pollution degree. Minimizing negative effects produced by transport became a global priority. Multimodal transport is a sustainable alternative for transport development. Achieving an upgraded multimodal transport is a priority for all European Union countries, including Romania. In this paper, the authors make an "x-ray" of national multimodal transport, trying, at the same time, to find solutions to develop them.
As the demand for transport is growing, more and more attention is being paid to its quality aspects. These include, among other things, efficiency, safety, and a continuous effort to reduce external costs. That is why the transport policies of the EU countries and individual regions are increasingly addressing the issue of sustainable transport development. Multimodal transport, which is seen as a key element to effectively counterbalance the dominant role of vehicle transport in the economic progress of the European Community, plays an important role in these programmes. For consistency and continuity of freight flows, cooperation between neighbouring countries and regions is essential. The future of multimodal freight transport within the cross-border area of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia is not as evident as the transport policies imply. Therefore, the purpose of the paper is to identify a set of factors determining the development of multimodal transport within the cross-...
Belgrade’s main characteristics are: a) high densities, b) extremely high concentration of jobs in CBD and its central zone, c) very high level of usage of urban public transport and of pedestrian movements. According to the Newman - Kenworthy classification, Belgrade is a typical “public transport city”, while due to its transport strategy Belgrade can be best described as a hybrid of the Thomson’s “low cost strategy” (very high usage of buses) and “strong centre strategy” (high concentration of jobs in it’s CBD). This type of spatial development and urban transport strategy is extremely sensitive to the rise of personal motorization and automobile usage. Since in Belgrade: a) main mode of transport are buses, b) streets are very narrow, c) although public transport oriented, Belgrade doesn’t have rail systems with separated, “exclusive” right of way (metros, and light rail systems - traffic jams at Belgrade’s streets are extremely pronounced – number of vehicles per 1 km of streets is – 277 vehicles/km. Hence, Belgrade has four times more vehicles per 1 km of street network than Australian cities, two times more than metropolises of the USA and Canada, and 25% more than the West European and wealthy Asian cities. In short, Belgrade is (for a very long time) mature for a rail (metro or LRT) system, with completely separated, exclusive right of way, and much more strict private motor vehicles limitation strategy.
Mpra Paper, 2010
One of the key elements in achieving sustainable economic development of the country is transport, including roads and other infrastructure. The strength and role of the services has grown in developed countries, but has brought a new investment cycle in countries of Balkan, including Kosovo. The transport sector is introduced to us as an economic branch, with a capacity to generate new jobs and possibilities for employment. The level of the destruction of environment is in direct link with the transport sector. Changes needed to be done in order that the transport sector would be able to respond on the demand of the domestic economy and society, but also be able to meet the standards that are implemented in Europe. The adjustment will have to be based on the resources country has, and possibilities to find the loans with accepted interest, that will finance the development of the sector. Introduction of the new approach to management will result with identification of all qualitative and quantitative dates' about the actual situation and the objectives for future.
On the need for connectivity and a new strategic approach to building road infrastructure in the Balkans, 2023
The Bulgarian state is characterized by its geostrategic location. However, the country has not taken advantage of its natural localization. The main reasons for this are the lack of strategic thinking and implementation of a targeted and active transport policy within Bulgaria and the Balkans. This policy includes the planning and realization of projects in the field of strategic infrastructure. The policy is adopted in the context of the trans-European transport corridors. This will create conditions for connectivity between Bulgarian regions and conditions for stimulating cross-border cooperation. In this direction, the authors analyze the transport sector and infrastructure in Bulgaria to highlight the important areas where the Bulgarian state needs to take urgent action. In this regard, it is necessary to formulate the major priorities that will take place in a new strategy for the transport sector. The strategy is related to the reconducting of political activities, measures, and acceleration of the investments in Bulgaria's strategic road infrastructure.
Journal of Human, Earth, and Future
The railway network presents a special communication function, which keeps humanity closer. The first developments of the railway network in Kosovo date back to 1874 when the first train entered this area from Thessaloniki through Skopje. This paper aims to provide some data generated during the year 2020 regarding the railway network in Kosovo and its connecting facilities. Construction of railway lines, stations, tunnels, bridges, watersheds, protective walls, canals for surface water drainage has an average lifespan of 92 years. The total length of the railway network is 336.68 km, in which are built 23 tunnels with a total length of 9789.5 m. 26.1% of them are of medium depth, while 73.9% are of shallow depth from the ground surface. 66.07% of the railway lines are active, while 33.42% are non-functional. Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2020-01-03-02 Full Text: PDF
Third International Conference “Transport for Today’s Society “, 2021
- This paper reviews the existing treatment of the Republic of Croatia within the EU transport system. Additionally, a series of activities has been proposed with the aim of providing adequate transport accessibility and thereby also the basics for the dynamical economic development of the whole Republic of Croatia with a particular emphasis on the County of Primorje and Gorski kotar and the port of Rijeka. Keywords: Trans-European Transport Network, Transport Planning, Transport Policy, Port of Rijeka.
Strojnícky časopis, 2021
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the railway transport of passengers in Kosovo, to determine its intensity and structure, to analyse which factors have the greatest impact on the demand for regular rail transport. Furthermore, the paper will examine which trend, which model fits best in moving this mode of transport based on data from 2011 to 2019, and then predict future trends in transport demand. The existence and strength of the dependence among the selected factors, which are assumed to have an impact on passenger rail transport will be examined by the mathematical method of regression analysis.
This paper gives a particular attention to the handling of the multimodal transport operator's liability in view of the new legislation in Kosovo, in terms of comparison with international legislation. From the research carried out in this area of transport, it has been found that, over the last decades, the international transport of goods has become more sophisticated and effective, and has increased rapidly because of the increased use of containers. Containers have advanced the flexibility to focus more on an integrated movement of goods instead of the movement specifically associated with a certain mode of transport. Unfortunately, this technical flexibility has been accompanied by a severe rigidity in the legal field in Kosovo as well. Although the transfer of goods from one type of transport to another type of transport has been greatly facilitated as a result of the container revolution, developments in the area of international and Kosovo legislation in the field of transport have not followed this pace. The recommendations on the necessity of a better regulation of the liability of the multimodal transport operator in the new legislation in Kosovo have been given at the end of this paper.
This article deals with conditions for intermodal transport in Slovakia. The first part of the article describes definition “combined transport” and “intermodal transport”. Maximum allowed lengths, axle loads and masses of vehicles and vehicle combinations effective in Slovakia are given in summary figures. In the second part of the paper is described abnormal transport up to 60 tonnes in relation to a combined transport.
Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2024
Demographic expansion, urbanization, industrial development, occupation of fertile lands, uncontrolled construction, air, water, soil pollution, health problems, narrowing of areas, recreation, sports, etc. affect the quality of life. Based on these indicators, research was conducted on the analysis of railway infrastructure as a component that will affect the minimization of some problems related to the quality of life in our country in the 2021-2022 period. Based on data, authentic information, and achievable results with this paper, we aim to provide knowledge about the railway infrastructure, its condition, potential and the benefits it would have if it were transformed, operated, developed, and managed based on the concept of integrated and sustainable management of the traffic sector. As a result, based on the practices of developed countries, the statistics referred to in the official reports, the factors that have de-functionalized the property located within the urban areas as a result of the urban transformation and the possibilities of urban-suburban transport development prove that: with the regeneration of the railway on two lines examined in our study, properties will be integrated into the urban development. On the one hand, alternative financial resources are provided to the railway company, by operating the facilities for various services, paid parking spaces, commercial advertising, and recreational spaces. On the other hand, alternative transport is provided according to the conditions; transport can be developed with special bus lanes, with Metrobus (Bus Rapid Transit) and along the line within the urban area with bicycle paths.
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