Multimodal Transport in Kosovo

SSRN Electronic Journal


Development of the classic branches of transport until after the year 1999 was a characteristic of economic policies in Kosovo, which came as a result of improper functioning of the market economy and non-application of modern technologies. Despite the great importance that the multimodal transport has for Kosovo, till today initial steps have been taken with the approval of the sector strategy for the multimodal transport 2015-2025 by the Kosovo Government, respectively by the Ministry of Infrastructure. The aim of this strategy is to set priorities in terms of infrastructure, as well as in terms of legal regulation. This paper addresses this topic in Kosovo for the first time, among other things notes the newly established circumstances in Kosovo after the war in 1999, which led to the change of policy development in the field of transport in order to adapt to the newly created circumstances and approximate with EU integration processes.

Key takeaways

  • Thus, the creation and development of multimodal transport model is a prerequisite for connecting the transport system that will link the national transport trends with the EU conveyor (transport) system.
  • In theory and practice, the following synonyms are used for combined and multimodal transport Integrated transportation, integral transport, inter-modal transport, direct transportation, combined transport, mixed transport, diverse transport, unimodal transport, multi-modal transport and so forth.
  • Law on International Surface Transportation Efficiency in 1991, 17 which includes and regulates the transport in all of its modes, encourages the multimodal transport.
  • The development of multimodal transport in the South East European countries and in particular the one in Kosovo and Albania is closely linked with the development of the internal transport network of the neighbouring countries, that are candidates for EU integration and for the integration into the internal transportation network in Southeast Europe.
  • Since the earliest times of human society, a special importance has been given to the issue of transport, because people have evaluated the importance of transport of people and goods.