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2015, Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
The organizations' demand to integrate several heterogeneous data sources and an ever-increasing volume of data is revealing the presence of quality problems in data. Currently, most of the data cleaning approaches (for detection and correction of data quality problems) are tailored for data sources with the same schema and sharing the same data model (e.g., relational model). On the other hand, these approaches are highly dependent on a domain expert to specify the data cleaning operations. This paper extends a previously proposed data cleaning methodology that reuses cleaning knowledge specified for other data sources. The methodology is further detailed/refined by specifying the requirements that a data cleaning operations vocabulary must satisfy. Ontologies in RDF/OWL are proposed as the data model for an abstract representation of the data schemas, no matter which data model is used (e.g., relational; graph). Existing approaches, methods and techniques that support the implementation of the proposed methodology, in general, and specifically of the data cleaning operations vocabulary are also presented and discussed in this paper.
This paper describes an ontology-based approach to data cleaning. Data cleaning is the process of detecting and correcting errors in databases. An ontology is a formal explicit specification of a shared conceptualization of a domain. Our approach to data cleaning requires a set of ontologies describing the domains represented by the classes and their attributes. Using the ontology-based approach, we are able to clean data of not only syntactic errors but also some classes of semantic errors.
We classify data quality problems that are addressed by data cleaning and provide an overview of the main solution approaches. Data cleaning is especially required when integrating heterogeneous data sources and should be addressed together with schema-related data transformations. In data warehouses, data cleaning is a major part of the so-called ETL process. We also discuss current tool support for data cleaning.
VAWKUM Transactions on Computer Sciences
Data cleaning is an action which includes a process of correcting and identifying the inconsistencies and errors in data warehouse. Different terms are uses in these papers like data cleaning also called data scrubbing. Using data scrubbing to get high quality data and this is one the data ETL (extraction transformation and loading tools). Now a day there is a need of authentic information for better decision-making. So we conduct a review paper in which six papers are reviewed related to data cleaning. Relating papers discussed different algorithms, methods, problems, their solutions and approaches etc. Each paper has their own methods to solve a problem in efficient way, but all the paper have common problem of data cleaning and inconsistencies. In these papers data inconsistencies, identification of the errors, conflicting, duplicates records etc problems are discussed in detail and also provided the solutions. These algorithms increase the quality of data. At ETL process stage, there are almost thirty five different sources and causes of poor quality constraints.
Intelligent Information Management, 2011
In this paper, we propose a rule management system for data cleaning that is based on knowledge. This system combines features of both rule based systems and rule based data cleaning frameworks. The important advantages of our system are threefold. First, it aims at proposing a strong and unified rule form based on first order structure that permits the representation and management of all the types of rules and their quality via some characteristics. Second, it leads to increase the quality of rules which conditions the quality of data cleaning. Third, it uses an appropriate knowledge acquisition process, which is the weakest task in the current rule and knowledge based systems. As several research works have shown that data cleaning is rather driven by domain knowledge than by data, we have identified and analyzed the properties that distinguish knowledge and rules from data for better determining the most components of the proposed system. In order to illustrate our system, we also present a first experiment with a case study at health sector where we demonstrate how the system is useful for the improvement of data quality. The autonomy, extensibility and platform-independency of the proposed rule management system facilitate its incorporation in any system that is interested in data quality management.
In this paper we have discussed the problems of data quality which are addressed during data cleaning phase. Data cleaning is one of the important processes during ETL. Data cleaning is especially required when integrating heterogeneous data sources. This problem should be addresses together with schema related data transformation. At the end we have also discussed the Current tool which supports data cleaning.
Data assessment and data cleaning tasks have traditionally been addressed through procedural solutions. Most of the time, those solutions have been applicable to specific problems and domains. In the last few years we have seen the emergence of more generic solutions; and also of declarative and rule-based specifications of the intended solutions of data cleaning processes. In this chapter we review some of those recent developments.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014
The quality of data can only be improved by cleaning data prior to loading into the data warehouse as correctness of data is essential for well-informed and reliable decision making. Data warehouse is the only viable solution that can bring that dream into a reality. The quality of the data can only be produced by cleaning data prior to loading into data warehouse. Data Cleaning is a very important process of the data warehouse. It is not a very easy process as many different types of unclean data can be present. So correctness of data is essential for well-informed and reliable decision making. Also, whether a data is clean or dirty is highly dependent on the nature and source of the raw data. Many attempts have been made till now to clean the data using different types of algorithms. In this paper an attempt has been made to provide a hybrid approach for cleaning data which combines modified versions of PNRS, Transitive closure algorithms and Semantic Data Matching algorithm can be applied to the data to get better results in data corrections.
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Data Engineering (Cat. No.00CB37073), 2000
Data integration solutions dealing with large amounts of data have been strongly required in the last few years. Besides the traditional data integration problems e.g. schema integration, local to global schema mappings, three additional data problems have t o b e dealt with: 1 the absence of universal keys across di erent databases that is known as the object identity problem, 2 the existence of keyborad errors in the data, and 3 the presence of inconsistencies in data coming from multiple sources. Dealing with these problems is globally called the data cleaning process. In this work, we propose a framework which o ers the fundamental services required by this process: data transformation, duplicate elimination and multi-table matching. These services are implemented using a set of purposely designed macro-operators. Moreover, we propose an SQL extension for specifying each of the macro-operators. One important feature of the framework is the ability o f explicitly including the human interaction in the process. The main novelty of the work is that the framework permits the following performance optimizations which are tailored for data cleaning applications: mixed evaluation, neighborhood hash join, decision push-down and short-circuited computation. We measure the bene ts of each.
In this information era, there is a huge availability of data but the information is not enough to meet the requirements. This creates an urgent need for data cleaning and data cleaning solutions become highly important for data mining users. Normally, data cleaning deals with detecting, eliminating errors and inconsistencies in large data sets. For any real world data set, doing this task manually is very cumbersome as it involves huge amount of human resource and time. This means several organizations spend millions of dollars per year to detect data errors. Due to this wide range of possible data inconsistencies and the sheer data volume, data cleaning is considered one of the biggest problems in data warehousing. Normally the data cleaning is required when multiple data sources need to be integrated. In this research work, an Enhanced Common Data Cleaning (ECDC) framework has been developed and proposed.
ITEGAM- Journal of Engineering and Technology for Industrial Applications (ITEGAM-JETIA), 2020
One of the great challenges to obtaining knowledge from data sources is to ensure consistency and non-duplication of stored information. Many techniques have been proposed to minimize the work cost and to allow data to be analyzed and properly corrected. However, there are still other essential aspects for the success of data cleaning process that involve many technological areas: performance, semantic and autonomy of the process. Against this backdrop, we developed an automated configurable data cleaning environment based on training and physical-semantic data similarity, aiming to provide a more efficient and extensible tool for performing information correction which covers problems not yet explored such as semantic and autonomy of the cleaning implementation process. The developed work has, among its objectives, the reduction of user interaction in the process of analyzing and correcting data inconsistencies and duplications. With a properly calibrated environment, the efficiency is significant, covering approximately 90% of inconsistencies in the database, with a 0% percentage of false-positive cases. Approaches were also demonstrated to show that besides detecting and treating information inconsistencies and duplication of positive cases, they also addressed cases of detected false-positives and the negative impacts they may have on the data cleaning process, whether manual or automated, which is not yet widely discussed in literature. The most significant contribution of this work refers to the developed tool that, without user interaction, is automatically able to analyze and eliminate 90% of the inconsistencies and duplications of information contained in a database, with no occurrence of false-positives. The results of the tests proved the effectiveness of all the developed features, relevant to each module of the proposed architecture. In several scenarios the experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the tool.
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations, 2011
The quality of real world data that is being fed into a data warehouse is a major concern of today. As the data comes from a variety of sources before loading the data in the data warehouse, it must be checked for errors and anomalies. There may be exact duplicate records or approximate duplicate records in the source data. The presence of incorrect or inconsistent data can significantly distort the results of analyses, often negating the potential benefits of information-driven approaches. This paper addresses issues related to detection and correction of such duplicate records. Also, it analyzes data quality and various factors that degrade it. A brief analysis of existing work is discussed, pointing out its major limitations. Thus, a new framework is proposed that is an improvement over the existing technique.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013
Data Cleansing or (data scrubbing) is an activity involving a process of detecting and correcting the errors and inconsistencies in data warehouse. Thus poor quality data i.e.; dirty data present in a data mart can be avoided using various data cleaning strategies, and thus leading to more accurate and hence reliable decision making. The quality data can only be produced by cleaning the data and pre-processing it prior to loading it in the data warehouse.
Ijca Proceedings on National Conference on Role of Engineers in National Building, 2014
Data warehouse contains large volume of data. Data quality is an important issue in data warehousing projects. Many business decision processes are based on the data entered in the data warehouse. Hence for accurate data, improving the data quality is necessary. Data may include text errors, quantitative errors or even duplication of the data. There are several ways to remove such errors and inconsistencies from the data. Data cleaning is a process of detecting and correcting inaccurate data. Different types of algorithms such as Improved PNRS algorithm, Quantitative algorithm and Transitive algorithm are used for the data cleaning process. In this paper an attempt has been made to clean the data in the data warehouse by combining different approaches of data cleaning. Text data will be cleaned by Improved PNRS algorithm, Quantitative data will be cleaned by special rules i.e. Enhanced technique. And lastly duplication of the data will be removed by Transitive closure algorithm. By applying these algorithms one after other on data sets, the accuracy level of the dataset will get increased.
The problem of data cleaning, which consists of removing inconsistencies and errors from original data sets, is well known in the area of decision support systems and data warehouses. However, for some applications, existing ETL (Extraction Transformation Loading) and data cleaning tools for writing data cleaning programs are insufficient. One important challenge with them is the design of a data flow graph that effectively generates clean data. A generalized difficulty is the lack of explanation of cleaning results and user interaction facilities to tune a data cleaning program. This paper presents a solution to handle this problem by enabling users to express user interactions declaratively and tune data cleaning programs.
Data Cleansing is an activity involving a process of detecting and correcting the errors and inconsistencies in data warehouse. It deals with identification of corrupt and duplicate data inherent in the data sets of a data warehouse to enhance the quality of data. The study looked into investigating some research works conducted in the area of data cleansing. A thorough review into these existing works was studied to determine the achievable goals and the limitations that arose based on the approaches conducted by the researchers. They identification of errors by most of these researchers has led into the development of several frameworks and systems to be implemented in the area of data warehousing. Generally, these findings will contribute to the emerging empirical evidence of the strategic role data cleansing play in the growth of organizations, institutions and other government agencies in terms of data quality and reporting purposes and also to gain competitive advantage since they will overcome the mere existence of dirty data.
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2014
Data cleaning techniques usually rely on some quality rules to identify violating tuples, and then fix these violations using some repair algorithms. Oftentimes, the rules, which are related to the business logic, can only be defined on some target report generated by transformations over multiple data sources. This creates a situation where the violations detected in the report are decoupled in space and time from the actual source of errors. In addition, applying the repair on the report would need to be repeated whenever the data sources change. Finally, even if repairing the report is possible and affordable, this would be of little help towards identifying and analyzing the actual sources of errors for future prevention of violations at the target. In this paper, we propose a system to address this decoupling. The system takes quality rules defined over the output of a transformation and computes explanations of the errors seen on the output. This is performed both at the target level to describe these errors and at the source level to prescribe actions to solve them. We present scalable techniques to detect, propagate, and explain errors. We also study the effectiveness and efficiency of our techniques using the TPC-H Benchmark for different scenarios and classes of quality rules. * Work partially done while at QCRI.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
Data cleaning and ETL processes are usually modeled as graphs of data transformations. The involvement of the users responsible for executing these graphs over real data is important to tune data transformations and to manually correct data items that cannot be treated automatically. In this paper, in order to better support the user involvement in data cleaning processes, we equip a data cleaning graph with data quality constraints to help users identifying the points of the graph and the records that need their attention and manual data repairs for representing the way users can provide the feedback required to manually clean some data items. We provide preliminary experimental results that show the significant gains obtained with the use of data cleaning graphs.
The data cleaning is the process of identifying and removing the errors in the data warehouse. Data cleaning is very important in data mining process. Most of the organizations are in the need of quality data. The quality of the data needs to be improved in the data warehouse before the mining process. The framework available for data cleaning offers the fundamental services for data cleaning such as attribute selection, formation of tokens, selection of clustering algorithm, selection of similarity function, selection of elimination function and merge function. This research paper deals about the new framework for data cleaning. It also presents a solution to handle data cleaning process by using a new framework design in a sequential order.
Data quality assessment and data cleaning tasks have traditionally been addressed through procedural solutions. Most of the time, those solutions have been applicable to specific problems and domains. In the last few years we have seen the emergence of more generic solutions; and also of declarative and rule-based specifications of the intended solutions of data cleaning processes. In this chapter we review some of those historical and recent developments.
Semantic Web
Maintenance of assets is a multi-million dollar cost each year for asset intensive organisations in the defence, manufacturing, resource and infrastructure sectors. These costs are tracked though maintenance work order (MWO) records. MWO records contain structured data for dates, costs, and asset identification and unstructured text describing the work required, for example ‘replace leaking pump’. Our focus in this paper is on data quality for maintenance activity terms in MWO records (e.g. replace, repair, adjust and inspect). We present two contributions in this paper. First, we propose a reference ontology for maintenance activity terms. We use natural language processing to identify seven core maintenance activity terms and their synonyms from 800,000 MWOs. We provide elucidations for these seven terms. Second, we demonstrate use of the reference ontology in an application-level ontology using an industrial use case. The end-to-end NLP-ontology pipeline identifies data quality i...
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