Journalismus aus erzähltheoretischer Perspektive

Studies in Communication Sciences


The essay demonstrates how the narratological theories developed in the field of literary studies can accomplish a better comprehension of journalistic narratives. As they have to accommodate the principles of journalism, these narratives have to be true, topical and impartial. From this point of view storytelling and the inverted-pyramid principle prove themselves as two complementary approaches of journalistic narration, whose stories are all constructed on the basis of real world occurrences and the ideologies of the diverse societies. Storytelling is enabling the communication of individual experience and the inverted-pyramid principle is supporting the narrative construction of future-open macro stories. Der Aufsatz zeigt am Beispiel der Zeitungsberichterstattung über die Guttenberg-Affäre 2011, wie die literaturwissenschaftliche Erzähltheorie zum besseren Verständnis des journalistischen Erzählens beitragen kann. Da dieses Erzählen den Anforderungen des Journalismus Rechnung t...