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2016, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
9 pages
1 file
We present the mass formula for heavy-light charm meson at one loop, using heavy quark effective theory. Formulating an effective Lagrangian, the masses of the ground state heavy mesons have been studied in the heavy quark limit, including leading corrections from finite heavy quark masses and nonzero light quark masses, using a constrained fit for the eight equations with 11 parameters including three coupling constants g, h, and g . Masses determined using this approach are fitted to the experimentally known decay widths to estimate the strong coupling constants, showing a better match with available theoretical and experimental data.
Proceedings of XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure — PoS(Hadron2017), 2018
In the last decade, charmed and bottom meson spectroscopy have seen great success in experimental sector. Experiments like LHCb, Babar etc are providing many new states which are being added to their spectroscopy. Newly predicted states like B(5970), D 2 (3000), D * (3000), B(5840) and many more still need to be assigned their proper place in the spectroscopy. So we studied the decay constant and the coupling constants of these states using the heavy quark effective theory as our model. We analyzed the two-body strong decays of the above states to their ground state mesons with light pseudo-scalar mesons (π, η, K). We also obtained the ratios among their strong decays, which can be confronted to the experimental data for the verification of their J P states. In addition to this, we also study the strong decays of their spin and strange partners, which are still experimentally not observed, and may be useful for future experiments in searching for these heavy-light mesons.
The European Physical Journal A, 2021
2 (3000) 0 resonance states are analyzed in the heavy quark mass limit of Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET). The individual decay rates and the branching ratios among the strong decays determine their spin and parity. From such states the Regge trajectories are constructed in (J, M 2) and (nr, M 2) planes and further predict the masses of higher excited states (
Physical Review D, 2015
Inspired by the present experimental status of charmed-strange mesons, we perform a systematic study of the charmed-strange meson family, in which we calculate the mass spectra of the charmed-strange meson family by taking a screening effect into account in the Godfrey-Isgur model and investigate the corresponding strong decays via the quark pair creation model. These phenomenological analyses of charmed-strange mesons not only shed light on the features of the observed charmed-strange states, but also provide important information on future experimental search for the missing higher radial and orbital excitations in the charmed-strange meson family, which will be valuable task in LHCb, forthcoming BelleII and PANDA.
Physical Review D, 1998
Assuming Coulomb-like as well as confining scalar potential, we have solved Shrödinger equation perturbatively in 1/m Q with a heavy quark mass m Q . The lowest order equation is examined carefully. Mass levels are fitted with experimental data for D/B mesons at each level of perturbation. Meson wave functions obtained thereby can be used to calculate ordinary form factors as well as Isgur-Wise functions for semileptonic weak decays and other physical quantities. All the above calculations are expanded in 1/m Q order by order to determine parameters as well as to compare with results of Heavy Quark Effective Theory.
Physical Review Letters, 1994
Nuclear Physics B- …, 1994
We present results for fB and masses of low-lying heavy-light mesons. Calculations were performed in the quenched approximation using multistate smearing functions generated from a spinless relativistic quark model Hamiltonian. Beta values range from 5.7 to 6.3, and light quark masses corresponding to pion masses as low as 300 MeV are computed at each value. We use the 1P{1S charmonium splitting to set the overall scale.
Using the new non-analytic reconstruction method obtained from Mellin-Barnes properties, one can extract the value $m_c(\bar{\text{MS}}) = 1.12 \pm 0.08 \;\; \text{GeV}$ from experimental data of the radiation-corrected measured hadronic cross section to the calculated lowest-order cross section for muon pair production in the heavy-quark approximation.
Physical Review D, 2004
Heavy-hadron chiral perturbation theory (HHχPT) is applied to the decays of the even-parity charmed strange mesons, D s0 (2317) and D s1 (2460). Heavy-quark spin symmetry predicts the branching fractions for the three electromagnetic decays of these states to the ground states D s and D * s in terms of a single parameter. The resulting predictions for two of the branching fractions are significantly higher than current upper limits from the CLEO experiment. Leading corrections to the branching ratios from chiral loop diagrams and spin-symmetry violating operators in the HHχPT Lagrangian can naturally account for this discrepancy. Finally the proposal that the D s0 (2317) (D s1 (2460)) is a hadronic bound state of a D (D *) meson and a kaon is considered. Leading order predictions for electromagnetic branching ratios in this molecular scenario are in very poor agreement with existing data.
Physical Review D, 1994
In view of recent experimental trends we investigate the weak nonleptonic decays of charm baryons within the framework of the constituent quark model. Branching ratios and asymmetry parameters for all 2+~z'++0 charm-changing modes are calculated with appropriate QCD corrections. The effect of Savor dependence on the scale is found to be quite significant.
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Nuclear Physics A, 2010
Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2004
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 2010
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2003
XXII DAE High Energy Physics Symposium, 2018
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The European Physical Journal C