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Open charm hadrons with strange quark have been discovered in recent years but non-strange part have been somewhat ignored. We aim to calculate ground and excited low lying states charm meson masses using mass formulae developed in heavy hadron chiral perturbation theory. Also various parameters in one loop mass formulae are analyzed graphically within their respective ranges. We here provide the more constrained fits for different parameters. Spin and mass splittings are also calculated
Physical Review Letters, 1994
Physical Review D, 2015
We use overlap fermions as valence quarks to calculate meson masses in a wide quark mass range on the 2 + 1-flavor domain-wall fermion gauge configurations generated by the RBC and UKQCD Collaborations. The well-defined quark masses in the overlap fermion formalism and the clear valence quark mass dependence of meson masses observed from the calculation facilitate a direct derivation of physical current quark masses through a global fit to the lattice data, which incorporates O(a 2) correction, chiral extrapolation, and quark mass interpolation. Using the physical masses of Ds, D * s and J/ψ as inputs, Sommer's scale parameter r0 and the masses of charm quark and strange quark in the MS scheme are determined to be r0 = 0.458(11)(8) fm, m MS c (2 GeV) = 1.111(12)(22) GeV (or m MS c (mc) = 1.291(10)(18) GeV), and m MS s (2 GeV) = 0.103(6)(8) GeV, respectively. Furthermore, we observe that the mass difference of the vector meson and the pseudoscalar meson with the same valence quark contents is proportional to the reciprocal of the square root of the valence quark masses. The hyperfine splitting of charmonium, M J/ψ − Mη c , is determined to be 112(5)(3) MeV, which is in good agreement with the experimental value. We also predict the decay constant of Ds to be fD s = 256(5)(2) MeV. The masses of charmonium P-wave states χc0, χc1 and hc are also in good agreement with experiments.
Physical Review D, 2015
Inspired by the present experimental status of charmed-strange mesons, we perform a systematic study of the charmed-strange meson family, in which we calculate the mass spectra of the charmed-strange meson family by taking a screening effect into account in the Godfrey-Isgur model and investigate the corresponding strong decays via the quark pair creation model. These phenomenological analyses of charmed-strange mesons not only shed light on the features of the observed charmed-strange states, but also provide important information on future experimental search for the missing higher radial and orbital excitations in the charmed-strange meson family, which will be valuable task in LHCb, forthcoming BelleII and PANDA.
Physical Review D, 2006
Using a new result for the first moment of the hadronic production cross section at order O(α 3 s), and new data on the J/ψ and ψ ′ resonances for the charm quark, we determine the MS masses of the charm and bottom quarks to be mc(mc) = 1.295 ± 0.015 GeV and m b (m b) = 4.205 ± 0.058 GeV. We assume that the continuum contribution to the sum rules is adequately described by pQCD. While we observe a large reduction of the perturbative error, the shifts induced by the theoretical input are very small. The main change in the central value of mc is related to the experimental data. On the other hand, the value of m b is not changed by our calculation to the assumed precision.
Physical Review D, 2004
Heavy-hadron chiral perturbation theory (HHχPT) is applied to the decays of the even-parity charmed strange mesons, D s0 (2317) and D s1 (2460). Heavy-quark spin symmetry predicts the branching fractions for the three electromagnetic decays of these states to the ground states D s and D * s in terms of a single parameter. The resulting predictions for two of the branching fractions are significantly higher than current upper limits from the CLEO experiment. Leading corrections to the branching ratios from chiral loop diagrams and spin-symmetry violating operators in the HHχPT Lagrangian can naturally account for this discrepancy. Finally the proposal that the D s0 (2317) (D s1 (2460)) is a hadronic bound state of a D (D *) meson and a kaon is considered. Leading order predictions for electromagnetic branching ratios in this molecular scenario are in very poor agreement with existing data.
Physics Letters B, 2004
Using data from the FOCUS experiment we analyze the D + π − and D 0 π + invariant mass distributions. We measure the D * 0 2 mass M D * 0 2 = (2464.5 ± 1.1 ± 1.9) MeV/c 2 and width Γ D * 0 2
The orbitally excited charmed meson states, collectively referred to as D, are P-wave excitations of the quarkantiquark system involving one charm and one light quark. If we write the total angular momentum as~ J~ jq sQ;~ jq sq~ L, where~ L is the orbital angular momentum and Q q denotes the charm (light) quark, then in the heavy-quark limit mQ QCD the spin of the charm quark sQ decouples from the other degrees of freedom.
Using the new non-analytic reconstruction method obtained from Mellin-Barnes properties, one can extract the value $m_c(\bar{\text{MS}}) = 1.12 \pm 0.08 \;\; \text{GeV}$ from experimental data of the radiation-corrected measured hadronic cross section to the calculated lowest-order cross section for muon pair production in the heavy-quark approximation.
Pramana, 1981
Employing non-relativistic quasinuclear coloured quark model, which provides a unified description of mesons and baryons, masses of charmed and b-quark hadrons are studied. Various mass splittings are estimated, and mass relations among them are obtained.
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 2007
Newly observed charmed and bottomed meson spectra are explained in our semirelativistic quark potential model with 1/m Q expansion. We discuss mass spectra of D, D s , B and B s mesons including their radial excitation. * )
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The European Physical Journal C, 2009
The European Physical Journal A, 2015
Nuclear physics, 2001
Proceedings of XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure — PoS(Hadron2017), 2018
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1996
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2016
Physical Review D, 2012
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2009
Proceedings of The XXVIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(Lattice 2010), 2011
Proceedings of XXIX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(Lattice 2011)