Strange and non-strange sea quark–gluon effects in nucleons

2014, Nuclear Physics A


Probabilities of various Fock states with strange and nonstrange quark-gluon sea contents are calculated to probe the hadronic structure. Particularly for nucleon, we find various contributions to the low energy properties from scalar, vector and tensor sea in addition to three valence quarks. We focus on the importance of individual sea contributions to the low energy parameters of nucleon by taking the strange and non strange quark-gluon content to the hadron sea. We confirm that the extended Fock space wavefunction is capable of explaining the experimental results where vector sea plays a crucial role in studying hadronic structure while scalar and tensor sea appears to be less dominating due to quark-spin flip process but cannot be neglected. Some of the properties like spin distribution and g A /g V ratio seem to be the most affected by the change in the statistically determined coefficients. Detailed analysis includes different approximations within the statistical approach to test the validity of the model chosen. Phenomenological implication of such sea affecting these properties is also discussed and the results are compared with the experiments.